History. Learn how your comment data is processed. The widespread obliviousness to race, or even preference for non-whites (including but not limited to blacks), now observable everywhere, has been culturally-inculcated into the minds (and resultant sexual behavior) of a greatly diminished youth population. I recall a theory that the parting of the sea and plagues of fro…, Why are comments like this allowed in the first place? The aging and death of baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964, currently in progress, will in short order eradicate a numerically large proportion of the remaining white populace. However, as a practical matter this does not happen very often. An avian or human population has two kinds of input -- … It is a vicious, ever-accelerating cycle that becomes harder and harder to break the more time that passes. environment. This analysis is still preliminary and will be extended so as to unveil the determinants of population dynamics on a longer time period. We will pay for White Americans to have White American babies. Let's say that you're the mayor of a small town called Radonville, with a population of 1,000. And each population has the same two outputs -- death (mortality) and emigration. Despite the decline in birth rate among White Americans: We should stop financing Israel and start financing population growth. Every week in my clinic I see women who say ‘if only I had known this, I could have planned for this. population is important to know because it gives us estimates on how many and how much of things we need. If such figures were available, they might jeopardize indefensible policies. If the rights of women and girls are realized – population dynamics will change, and we’ll improve the health and prosperity of individuals, families, and the Earth. Virus–virus interactions impact the population dynamics of influenza and the common cold Sema Nickbakhsha, Colette Maira,b, Louise Matthewsc,1, Richard Reevec, Paul C. D. Johnsonc, Fiona Thorburnd, Beatrix von Wissmanne, Arlene Reynolds f, James McMenamin , Rory N. Gunsong, and Pablo R. Murciaa,1 aMRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, Institute of Infection, Immunity … Population education is important in countries that are in danger of overpopulation because it informs students on population trends and aims to promote having smaller families. To add to the confusion, large proportions of America’s massive Mestizo population are evidently also classified as “white.” According to the Population Reference Bureau in Washington, D.C., “Since Hispanics or Latinos are considered an ethnic and not a racial group, they are asked on census questionnaires to select a racial category. Differences in female quality were important to λ. A populations is 2 or more of the same species within an environment, animal and plant populations depend on many things for survival. Keep in mind that the US Census Bureau employs overly-broad definitions of “white,” including in this and related categories Jews, Middle Easterners, North Africans, Lebanese, Arabs, Moroccans, etc. News Items • Anti-Vaxx Movement Funded by Jews. We begin by describing theoretical and empirical approaches to establishing links between mortality (or events that cause mortality) and fertility. It is not as clear-cut as “I can have children until I reach menopause.”. population is important to know because it gives us estimates on how many and how much of things we need. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of, Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman, FBI Says That Citizens Should Have No Secrets That the Government Can’t Access: The Orwellian Cyber Police State Has Arrived, The History of American National Socialism — Part IV: 1942-1945 (The War Years), The Jewishness of “White Apology Prayer” Candidate Marianne Williamson, Michele Bachmann Exemplifies Insanity of Conservative Christians, Anarcho-Tyranny in Action: Law Enforcement as Corrupt and Hostile Occupation Force, Jews Use State Department to “Define Anti-Semitism” for EU. Also it is not only Our TFR declining. The development of metapopulation theory, in conjunction with the development of source–sink dynamics, emphasised the importance of connectivity between seemingly isolated populations. Thi…, But the English never fought to be free of the Jewish yoke so now are under it a…, I wouldn’t worry too much, come to think of it, these invaders will only t…, I wonder if the people in Portugal will be paid reparations for the murdering of…, Copyright ©1970-2020 nationalvanguard.org, All Rights Reserved. The idea that plant populations too have dynamics is fairly recent and has received impetus from the researches of J.L. Typically there are more women than men in older age categories due to females’ longer life spans. Therefore, most men by their 50s can probably be considered reproductively irrelevant. Human races can expand and contract quickly, both in absolute terms and relative to other races. The classic pyramid: A young, rapidly growing population with a high birth rate. When this happens, the population number climbs steadily until Pregnancy beyond 47 is extremely rare, although it has been medically documented as late as 61. The shape of the population pyramid for Angola (an African country) may be taken as representative of nonwhite birthrates, inside and outside the “West,” be they Mestizo, Muslim, or anything else. In 2000 it was 94% “white,” the rest black, Mestizo, Amerindian, Asian, Pacific Islander, hybrids, and “other.” However, the community has two synagogues, one Chabad, the other Reconstructionist, and nearby are 10 more, so some unknown part of the 94% is Jewish. Despite the lack of precise data, we nevertheless know the overall trends, so revolutionary and sweeping are the top-down social changes that have been imposed. Following are a few illustrative examples of unusual local population pyramids. Fra Filippo Lippi, “Madonna,” detail, 15th century. In Canada, fertility specialists generally will not accept women past their mid-40s. http://www.cfr.org/peace-conflict-and-human-rights/child-marriage/p32096?cid=otr_marketing_use-child_marriage_Infoguide#!/ Population dynamics do not only pose challenges, they also provide important opportunities for more sustainable development. Another important application of population dynamics is on the harvesting of populations and their sustainability. Natural Selection decides who stays and who goes. Barring extraordinary mortality increases in out-groups, overcoming the cultural and demographic violence against our modest population doesn’t bear reflection. The 2010 population was 1,900. However, many simple models are not always realistic when observing natural populations. 2018 May 29;11(1):316. doi: 10.1186/s13071-018-2864-y. I prefer this rationalization as the previous is too insidious for comfort. In population dynamics we study short term and long term changes in the size and age composition of the popu- lation and the biological and environmental processes influencing those changes. “Differential fecundity,” Ukrainian-American geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky observed, “is, in principle, as powerful a selective agent as differential survival or mortality” (Genetics of the Evolutionary Process, 1970, p. 97). Population viability analyses (PVA) are extremely useful tools for the management of endangered species at the landscape scale. White liberals bemoan the loss of species diversity upon an extinction in the animal kingdom, but I suppose we’ll wait in vain for any Government assistance (or even cessation of hostilities) to the most valuable species that ever lived and created, the White Race. Abstract. This is characteristic of the white race. Diminished numbers, lack of political influence, and the rapid growth of totalitarian-racist institutions have occurred hand in hand. A population is a group of individuals (all members of a single species) who live together in the same habitat and are likely to interbreed. In Canada, fertility specialists generally will not accept women past their mid-40s. 2011) and, therefore, to design and implement monitoring programs. Predator Prey Relationship and Population Dynamics. Which is exactly why no one need care much about what they ‘want.’ Anyone who can;t behave in a proper fashion does not deserve acknowledgement of his or her ‘wants.’ If you want ‘wants,’ you can earn them by not doing things detrimental to your in-group. Population Dynamics. Population Dynamics What is a population? (A Concise History of World Population, 4th ed., Blackwell Publishing, 2007, p. 20). Italian demographer Massimo Livi-Bacci summed up the dynamics of the present crisis: We are able to recognize the exceptional nature of the current situation if we keep in mind that a population growing at an annual rate of 4 percent will double in about 18 years, while another declining by 1 percent per year will halve in 70. Punta Gorda, a retirement community of 17,000 on Florida’s Gulf coast. As noted, government officials and demographers do not conduct reliable racial head counts. food supply) and those that are independent of population density (e.g. importance of these two effects in population dynamics following disaster. If you don't see your comment, please be patient. The hybrid offspring of such unions should not be counted as white, and must be rigorously excluded from both the social circle and the gene pool. The first principle of population dynamics is widely regarded as the exponential law of Malthus, as modelled by the Malthusian growth model.The early period was dominated by demographic studies such as the work of Benjamin Gompertz and Pierre François Verhulst in the early 19th century, who refined and adjusted the Malthusian demographic model. According to the 2000 census, 82% of county residents were Amerindian, 16% “white,” and 3% other, mostly hybrids and Mestizos. Women get their information from the rather dubious magazines that tend to lurk around the checkout counters of grocery stores.”. It is smaller than census figures indicate. it is also important because we need to know how fast the world is growing. We show that the dynamics of the human population in Europe from 30,000 to 13,000 y ago can be simulated using ethnographic and paleoclimate data within the climate envelope modeling approach. 4. Reformulate the statement: “A long-term goal is the peaceful, nonviolent disappearance of the Jews.”. The box: A stable, replacement-level population characterized by low infant mortality, little or no demographic growth, and long life expectancy. This trend is consistent across Latino subgroups. You have been tasked with determining whether or not you need to build a new city hall. By developing a stable middle class in these countries it will also be far easier to repatriate the outsiders among us when the time comes. Nevertheless, population pyramids could be constructed from racial data rather than heterogeneous geographical or political units. The widespread obliviousness to race, or even preference for non-whites (including but not limited to blacks), now observable everywhere, has been culturally-inculcated into the minds (and resultant sexual behavior) of a greatly diminished youth population. In trying to conceptualize what a current, or indeed ongoing, global head count of whites would look like (no such reliable enumeration exists), it is imperative to keep in mind the age structure and reproductive profile of whatever population exists, as well as the dynamics of rapid change along key vectors. Older cohorts constituting the largest chunk of an upside-down pyramid, though still alive, do not directly contribute children to future generations because they are beyond the close of their reproductive period. While mixing, particularly with blacks, is disgusting and provocative, the Pareto Principle definitely applies here. ), Widespread Ignorance About the Biological Clock. 82, 1981; reprinted in Kevin Alfred Strom, ed., The Best of Attack! To build a new city hall, you need to get a good idea, or a good estimate, of how your population is changing with time. In former times, when the white population was large and growing, more introgression of non-white genes could be tolerated (though not on a widespread scale) than is the case when the population is swiftly collapsing. To better understand the crisis, it is helpful to employ a demographic tool known as the population pyramid. I wouldn’t have postponed my plans for pregnancy’.” The college fears too many women still do not understand that their fertility declines after 35. Dung like him are the greatest threat to life on earth, worse than polluting industries, greedy bankers, religious fanatics and you know who, because their evil is motiveless. The importance of population census as a specific type of accurate statistics of the population characteristics and social trends is the basis for the successful development of the country. Hispanic and African-American women reach menopause a little earlier, and Chinese and Japanese women a little later, than the average Caucasian woman, who reaches menopause at about age 51.5.’ Those are averages; every woman is different.” (Source. Menopause, which occurs in the late 40s or early 50s in most women, marks the end of the natural ability to bear children. IN TRYING to conceptualize what a current, or indeed ongoing, global head count of whites would look like ( no such reliable enumeration exists ), it is imperative to keep in mind the age structure and reproductive profile of whatever … In this research paper, author is concerned about human population dynamics in India. These policies have met with increased birth rates among University-educated Whites in France and Scandinavia. William Pierce, a physicist steeped in mathematical knowledge, noted that “wherever two racial groups occupying the same territory have different growth rates, the faster-growing group will always overwhelm the slower-growing group numerically, given sufficient time, no matter how much larger the latter may be in the beginning.” (“World’s Deadliest Threat: The Race Bomb,” National Vanguard newspaper, Issue No. Population Dynamics. The odds are much better in your late 30s or younger.”. A Mayo Clinic guide states that female fertility rates “remain relatively stable until the early 30s, and then they decrease to very low levels by the early 40s.” Broken down further by the same source (Robert V. Johnson, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy & Baby’s First Year, New York: William Morrow, 1994, p. 5): “Ultimately, age is still the most important factor when it comes to fertility prediction,” Dr. Mark Perloe, an Atlanta fertility specialist says. Taking a human-rights based approach – seeing the individual, their needs and potential – beyond the mere numbers of population trends is a fundamental part of this process. According to my research US census data, the drop in births per woman was more damaging to White population growth between 2000-2010 than race-mixing by a factor of 10. The aging and death of baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964, currently in progress, will in short order eradicate a numerically large proportion of the remaining white populace. Diminished numbers, lack of political influence, and the rapid growth of totalitarian-racist institutions have occurred hand in hand. A few significant natural disasters can topple governments and religion inside a week. Buffalo County, South Dakota, home of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe (Crow Creek Indian Reservation). The term "population dynamics" refers to how the number of individuals in a population changes over time. between population dynamics and the enironment is complex andv not well understood. It helps to utilize the nation’s human and natural resources to increase the standard of living which is not possible without meaningful planning based on the accurate population census data. Two populations of equal size [emphasis added] experiencing these different growth rates will find themselves after 28 years (barely a generation) in a numerical ratio of four-to-one! After documenting aggregate trends in mortality and fertility before and after the 2004 tsunami Population dynamics have not been integrated systematically into climate change science. Understanding population dynamics is essential as societies around the world strive to achieve the ambitious and holistic Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). When population is increasing rapidly, the society is faced with innumerable problems. He seems to believe that Whites built western civilization for the benefit of the uncivilized and now they can be “peacefully disappeared”. Authors J M Ireland 1 , R A Norman, J V Greenman. Males are conventionally shown on the left and females on the right, measured either by raw numbers or as a percentage of the total population. But among humans a woman loses her capacity to reproduce while still in vigorous middle age. Population education is important in countries that are in danger of overpopulation because it informs students on population trends and aims to promote having smaller families. The contribution of population growth, migration, urbanization, ageing and household composition to mitigation and adaptation programmes needs urgent investigation. This trend is consistent across Latino subgroups. As a woman approaches 30 her hormone levels start to decline and her fertility also begins to slowly decline. Such information suggests roughly where you should draw an imaginary line through the upside-down pyramid to indicate the age level below which, as a practical matter, the population remains potentially reproductive. Some men are biologically capable of having children well into old age. “‘Certain ethnic groups may have menopause at slightly different ages. and National Vanguard Tabloid, 1970–1982 [1984], p. 207). The bulge caused by students attending the University of Michigan is easily identifiable. In exaggerated form its shape is illustrative of the age structure of the white race as a whole worldwide. Female fertility peaks between ages 18 and the mid-20s. The inverted, or upside-down, pyramid: Low birth rate, collapsing population, long life expectancy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. According to the United Nation (UN) World Population Prospects 2008 Revision, 1 the world population has … The process is taking place with lightning speed. In former times, when the white population was large and growing, more introgression of non-white genes could be tolerated (though not on a widespread scale) than is the case when the population is swiftly collapsing. 2010 ). Pyramid graphs consist of two back-to-back bar graphs, with population plotted on the X-axis and age on the Y-axis, one showing the number of males and the other females in five-year age cohorts. Interbreeding and long-term survival often depend on connectedness between populations, closed populations being more isolated and having less contact with one another than more open populations. Given replacement migration, exceptionally high non-white birth rates, sub-replacement fertility among whites, and widespread culturally-encouraged hybridization with non-whites in all formerly white homelands around the world, the opposite ends of the national age spectrum everywhere now feature a predominantly white elderly population and an increasingly non-white youth population. organizations that could be replicated but with a “Sons of Europe” twist as the overarching organization. After age 35 the decline accelerates. In population dynamics we study short term and long term changes in the size and age composition of the population and the biological and environmental processes influencing those changes. Lesson Plan. See this map of data from 2010: http://www.targetmap.com/viewer.aspx?reportId=7704 There is a quickly growing dis-ease and anger, but also a growth in Stockholm Syndrome like behavior like the as in the Ginger bashing phenomena or the “Sabine Women” type situation in Europe where the White girls want to be with the immigrant victors. Even the 2010 census could identify only a 70% “white” population in the small Midwestern city. Note the UN and CFR the recent focus on ending child marriage. However, as the preceding discussion demonstrates, it is necessary to differentiate between fertility and menopause. It is the only major variable not regularly measured or recorded by demographers. Curiously, in other primate species females continue to reproduce until decrepitude or death overtake them. A University of Calgary professor added: “Women have been given the impression that biology doesn’t matter and they can do whatever they like.”. According to Dr. Roger Pierson, a Canadian fertility specialist, “Everybody in the reproductive world is shocked at how much ignorance there is. The "dynamics" of bird populations, the ways in which their numbers grow and shrink as time goes by, are controlled by the same general factors that control the size of human populations.An avian or human population has two kinds of input -- birth (natality) and immigration. Clearly, the size of the official “white” population is artificially inflated. The reality is that we never pull out of our nose dive until we reestablish real communities that are explicitly and unabashedly prowhite, but not in the scuzzy, pot-bellied, tattooed way, (you know the type, “neo-nazis” that wouldn’t have gotten a job to clean the latrines of real nazis)but in a confident, educated, and proud way that have something for all age levels of the pyramid. Author information: (1)Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke, 2500 boulevard de l'Université, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J1K 2R1 jacinthe.gosselin2@usherbrooke.ca. Two populations of equal size [emphasis added] experiencing these different growth rates will find themselves after 28 years (barely a generation) in a numerical ratio of four-to-one! Pregnancy beyond 47 is extremely rare, although it has been medically documented as late as 61. It is not as clear-cut as “I can have children until I reach menopause.”. A race such as this has built-in momentum for future growth because so many young people will reproduce at high rates in the future even if total fertility gradually falls. To add to the confusion, large proportions of America’s massive Mestizo population are evidently also classified as “white.” According to the Population Reference Bureau in Washington, D.C., “Since Hispanics or Latinos are considered an ethnic and not a racial group, they are asked on census questionnaires to select a racial category. The hybrid offspring of such unions should not be counted as white, and must be rigorously excluded from both the social circle and the gene pool. In some predator prey relationship examples, the predator really only has one prey item. Male fertility (as distinct from related problems, including erectile dysfunction) likewise declines with age, though far less radically. Whether it actually reproduces white (non-hybrid) children within stable, nurturing family structures is another matter entirely. Males are conventionally shown on the left and females on the right, measured either by raw numbers or as a percentage of the total population. ), Widespread Ignorance About the Biological Clock. Natural Selection exist in accordance with the laws of nature which no art can overturn. Habitual patterns of thought quickly become outmoded without anyone being aware of it. Life cycle changes that allow populations of the toxic dinoflagellate Gonyaulax tamarensis Lebour to inhabit the benthos and the plankton alternately are important factors regulationg the initiation and decline of blooms in restricted embavments. But meaningful data on ethnicity do not exist. For example, the percentage of Latinos selecting the white racial category increased from 48 percent in the 2000 Census to 63 percent in the 2009 ACS [American Community Survey]. 1. They also affect demand for other kinds of natural resources because, for any given combination of technology, energy use patterns, and social organization, population can have important multiplying effects in relation to global change. Highly selective fishing has the potential to permanently change the characteristics within a population and could drive the decline of genetic diversity. Every week in my clinic I see women who say ‘if only I had known this, I could have planned for this. In this study, we analyze the impact of climate factors on the long-term dynamics of an isolated and unhunted population of the Tatra chamois Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica. The results confirm previous empirical observations on solitarious population dynamics. Population dynamics is a dominant branch of mathematical biology, which has its history of more than 200 years, while more recently the scope of mathematical biology has greatly expanded. In racial terms, selection occurs whenever one ethnic group successfully propagates its genes relative to other groups. In 2000, it was 58 percent “Caucasian,” the rest non-white. The shape of the population pyramid for Angola (an African country) may be taken as representative of nonwhite birthrates, inside and outside the “West,” be they Mestizo, Muslim, or anything else. Population dynamics and the Sustainable Development Goals: the importance of monitoring progress in the UNECE region Understanding population dynamics is essential as societies around the world strive to achieve the ambitious and holistic Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2000 it was 94% “white,” the rest black, Mestizo, Amerindian, Asian, Pacific Islander, hybrids, and “other.” However, the community has two synagogues, one Chabad, the other Reconstructionist, and nearby are 10 more, so some unknown part of the 94% is Jewish. Right now, well, let's just say that it's starting to get a little small. Four vital rates showed the greatest importance to λ. Analytic elasticities were greatest for breeding season and nonbreeding season survival of females that nested successfully, followed by nest success and female recruitment to the breeding population. But can this Yid…, i have to agree, i hope every race wake up and try to find their truth and prese…, By allowing Jewish banking families control over the issuance of currency and cr…, Greetings Geli. ): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa Parasit Vectors. It is important to note that simplified population models such as the Ricker model are extremely valuable for understanding and learning ecological processes involved in population dynamics. SoE/Poland. “If you’re in your early 40s, the odds are against getting pregnant without help, no matter what the tests say. Although population pyramids by race cannot be constructed due to lack of relevant statistics, the device is nevertheless useful to illustrate general trends that everyone knows are occurring. Population dynamics and the importance of habitat management for conservation of the butterfly Lopinga achine KARL-OLOF BERGMAN Department of Biology–IFM, Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden Summary 1. And each population has the same two outputs -- death (mortality) and emigration. The Importance of Population Structure & Dynamics. But meaningful data on ethnicity do not exist. But among humans a woman loses her capacity to reproduce while still in vigorous middle age. This report draws from demographic and eni-v ronmental literature to examine what is known about the association between population dynamics and the natural environment. In 2000, it was 58 percent “Caucasian,” the rest non-white. In contrast, the percentage of Latinos preferring the “Other” racial category dropped from 43 percent to 29 percent. Unpredictable population dynamics makes it difficult to know when and where populations will irrupt (Letnic et al. Each population has a unique physical distribution in time and space. Taking a human-rights based approach – seeing the individual, their needs and potential – beyond the mere numbers of population trends is a fundamental part of this process. 7 October, 2015. Unemployment is 57%; many homes lack kitchens and/or indoor plumbing. Section 3 is dedicated to the long term association between population and economic growth. If such figures were available, they might jeopardize indefensible policies. Broadly speaking, rapidly expanding nonwhite races both outside and inside the First World are characterized by age structures indicative of growing populations: a “population explosion” with many young and few old, many births and few deaths. 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From many locations in western Europe due to habitat loss between ages and. Biology volume 53, pages 253 – 279 ( 1991 ) Cite this.. A retirement community of 17,000 on Florida ’ s Labor and population program as part the. And plant populations too have dynamics is essential as societies around the checkout counters of stores.. Sioux Tribe ( Crow Creek Sioux Tribe ( Crow Creek Indian Reservation ) mitigation adaptation. Expensive and subject to age cut-offs white ” population is artificially inflated matter this does not happen very.... And males significantly outnumber females considered reproductively irrelevant age pyramid, indicative of a youthful if numerically small.... Particularly with blacks, is that our selection conditions are not natural in these scenarios, it almost. I had known this, I could have planned for this 231 ( 2 ) doi... 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2020 importance of population dynamics