After we last talked, I took some time to really think about how my actions have affected you guys. Well, there's always one person holding up the line, it used to be the person having way too much trouble picking up their one suitcase. Thats Pegasus. Clothes, swimsuits and souvenirs dotted the windows, drawing people in through the doors. Keefe gulped, Okay. He looked as nervous as she felt. "It's twins!" Just then, a doctor came out and took off his surgical mask. You alright there?, Ummm Not really. She admitted with a sigh. Ummm a. car accident. We dont know how everybodys going to react, and I wouldnt want to ruin anyones vacation. Sophie answered, wishing the thought of telling everybody would stop sending shivers down her spine. Having a photographic memory really comes in handy sometimes. Something just felt off, and I finally figured out what it was, she explained, Wheres Keefe?. The wheels touched the ground softly, as the plane screamed to a slower pace with an ear-shattering rumble. Fitz and Biana sat across the aisle, next to a pretty human girl absorbed in her book. As Sophie ran to greet them, she noticed the sparkly teal suitcases, there had to be at least ten. Do you think Sophie will like you more with those kinds of jokes? I just dont know how I can stay friends with you if you keep bringing this up, he added coldly, and Sophie finally snapped. Ive put you in more dangerous situations than I can count. It was perfect. Did you miss me? he asked with an exaggerated wink. Where have you been? Ive been coming here every year since I was a kid, and it never gets old, Cora remarked, settling down next to her newfound friends. You can have some of mine if you want.. I was the maid of honor at Marlowe's wedding, so I know exactly what's going to happen," she snapped back. But everything with Fitz had ended so abruptly, and she just couldnt guess how he would take to the news. I forbid it. Rated M because of stuff in the beginning. Wanna come with us while we explore the town? Sokeefe Stories - Wattpad If we teleported, we would basically give elves away to everyone around us by falling out of the sky.. Yeah, this is for us. It was the dress she had bought during Bianas shopping spree several days ago. I was a total nervous wreck. Biana asked. And you already know Fitz and Biana of course. Sophie pointed to each person in turn. I don't want to have this conversation again Keefe, but I think we have to, she answered finally. Sophie sighed. Even in the hot midday sun, she still managed to look effortlessly perfect. Hey you cant take all the glory. They stayed like that for a long time, sitting quietly in the calm before Sophie felt her snuggle-induced drowsiness overtake her and could feel her eyelids drooping by the second. Wow. Just friends, nothing more. I feel kinda bad about not letting him know what was going on, but it was worth it. What do we want to tell people about us? he asked, sounding serious for once, After all, theyre not as oblivious as you, so theyre bound to know somethings up.. Elwin reluctantly let Sophie stay with Keefe. He been staring at you a lot, and you guys seemed pretty close on the airplane. So, how did your talk with Biana go? Sophie asked, trying not to think about Fitz anymore. Benji asked. We were so surprised, we didnt think to take out our cameras until it was too late. They walked past the overly expensive but totally worth it gazebos, and up past waterfalls, fountains, and pools to the main hotel. I got crepes, she reminded him, though she was beginning to regret her decision not to get waffles. Subtle gold embroidery climbed the neckline and hem. Good night, Fitz echoed, seeming exhausted from all the talking, Thanks for hearing me out. He left, and then the two of them were alone in the hall once more. A glimmer of disappointment shined through his eyes. #wattys2019. There was a slight pause in the conversation as they ate the pasta. Whatever you want Foster. She handed Keefe his snacks as she opened the bag of potato chips. Tam brushed his bangs over his face as the rest of the group smiled, causing even more people to gawk at them. I want to make sure youve truly thought through what that means. Yeah, Im fine. Im sure that Biana will be totally cool with it, but you should talk to her at some point. Keefe nodded sleepily, snuggling closer into her warm touch against the cool of the night air. They turned back toward the hotel and started back. (yes, i know bri just posted a wedding oneshot, but this isn't like the one she posted, this is completly different. You were so helpful when I tried to find my biological parents. Just then, Sophie notice a lone figure walking down the beach, looking around. Were not exactly going to blend in with the humans, and we have to take an airplane. It seemed even more magical now, in the warm light of the room, than it had before. Edaline sighed and walked towards Sophie. Im sorry, he mouthed. Sophie retaliated by lightly shoving him off the path, forcing him to grab her shoulder for balance. We were We saw a sea turtle! Keefe blurted out, and Sophie resisted the urge to facepalm at his bad acting. Yes!! But how she felt with Keefe? She never had to think about what to say with Keefe. After that, it only took a couple more minutes to get everyone into the hotel to get checked in. And that ones Amaranthis, isnt it? Keefe pointed to another star, and Sophie saw that he was indeed correct. I actually prefer the waffles, so we could switch if you wanted to.. She scooted closer to Biana, making room on the towels they had haphazardly thrown on the ground. Well, hope you enjoy this random KotLC stuff! Keefe didn't return for over an hour after she had asked Dex where he was. I hope you arent mad at me, Sophie finished, looking sheepishly up at Biana. I can blame myself for what my mom does. Now was the perfect time. Luckily, Elwin came in and told everyone that Keefe needed to rest. And I never will. Keefe finished, letting go of Sophies hand. I don't know, Sophie replied, The last time one of his daughters had aseriousrelationship it ended in her murder. She winced at both the harshness of the words and the reality. Pairings: Sophie and Keefe, Tam and Biana, Dex and Marella, Wylie and Linh, and Fitz and Stina. They all walked over, and Sophie quickly explained the story of why the island was overrun by chickens. Its a human style thing, I don't know I haven't been here in Hawaii like 10 years, Sophie stuttered Thanks for the jacket shirt thing though, she said softly. Ok, just get something you like, Ill probably like it too. He said, not looking up from the iPod. After a few more minutes of quiet, Keefe stopped walking, and squeezed his eyes tightly closed, taking a few deep breaths. He started, turning around, then grimaced when he saw it was Sophie. A few weeks later, Sophie realized something that turns her world upside down. Cuddling for Comfort By: EverlastingEvanescence. It's not you, its me, she continued, cringing at the clich line, You are an amazing person and I could spend a lot of time listing the reasons why, but I'm sorry. More episodes to come! Im not mad I'm just really confused, Sophie told him. Yep! Sophie replied, standing up, Lets go.. Besides, who knows what well end up doing on this trip? He never minded when Sophie touched him. Just be happy Sophie decided to even let you be her friend. 8 letters Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic | FanFiction She pulled her friend aside during a trip to the beach, asking if they could talk. Everyone else- sure! This moment couldn't last forever, but Sophie was determined to make it last as long as possible. I hope we can be friends again later, but right now we both just need to give each other space.. Oh no. Im just looking out for you guys. It's a pretty big surprise, kind of a memento for everyone of this trip. With that, Sophie walked away, ignoring the strange looks from everyone else in the restaurant. Is this all for us? Sophie was still in shock at the sight of the spread. Ok, Sophie said with a large sigh, not looking forward to this conversation. People around turned their heads as she whispered, Sorry. Keefe cracked up as she turned back to keep watching the movie. As Sophie reclined her seat on the airplane, she reached into her suitcase and pulled out the airplane pillow shed bought at the airport gift shop. Biana seems happy for us and over her crush on you, but I still think we should talk to her along with Fitz just in case she isn't fine.. As a friend though, and I wouldnt want anything to change that. Keefe smiled at her, the kind of grin that lit up his entire face and made her smile with him. He had done the same thing on the airplane, but that was just a coincidence, since he didnt know much about human food. Dex was tinkering, Linh was watching a movie about mermaids, and Tam was asleep, a few girls openly staring at him as he snored. Okay. Sophie said uncertainly and opened the door to Keefes room. The bright one, above that cluster? What do you want with me now? he said sarcastically, I though youd be spending all youre time with your new boyfriend. A Sokeefe Story Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic | FanFiction My Boyfriend?! Im sorry. I hate to admit it, but I do have a lot more work to do, and I get if you dont want to be friends again right away. Cora walked up to the ordering window, and quickly stated her order. He was in his bathing suit dancing, obviously not seeing her. Thats so sweet. Sophies heart melted, and she couldnt even muster the strength to be mad at him. When Sophie turned seventeen, Edaline and Grady made the surprise they were going to have another kid. thank you and enjoy!!). Soooo.. Keefe said after a nervous and awkward silence. Im sure we could use the help getting Sophie to buy something, not to mention controlling the guys, Biana said with a dramatic eye-roll. Sophie Foster has been at war with herself and her guilt for too long. Never forget that. Keefe snorted in background as Sophie flushed and awkwardly looked away. Unsurprisingly, she had already changed into a cute pink bikini she had bought online with the help of Dex. He had gotten a stack of waffles, piled high with fruit and whipped cream. Hope you enjoy!!! What did you buy at the boutique Keefe?. #bored The words Keefe were about to say disappeared, pulled into the void along with all of her concerns. Actually, he did ask that I made sure you didnt try and follow him, so. She was too excited he was actually ALIVE, to feel anything but relief and joy. Biana scowled, elbowing Fitz and knocking him back a step and into the suitcases. All I cared about was that you felt okay. Sophie and Keefes mood on their walk back to their friends felt completely different now than when they had first left to talk. Hey there Foster! Keefe called with a smirk, looking doubtfully at the mountain of clothes. It does sounds kinda bad when you put it that way. She replied, but went on when she saw the dejected look on Keefes face. Im starting to get worried.. After taking the elevator up to their floor, Sophie and Keefe split up to their respective rooms to get their sweaters. What were going to tell everyone, mostly.. It was small, with a very classy logo indicating something fancy and expensive. I- I um Keefe stuttered, I like you Sophie.. Oh no! She could see the confusion playing across his face as she took a deep breath for what felt like the 100th time during their conversation. You keep saying youre happy for us, but then you go and act like you hate Keefe and I. Were supposed to be Cognates, but I cant remember the last time I felt like I could confide in you without worrying about how you were going to react. Atop it sat a basket full to the brim with all the food Sophie could imagine. No, she said, stopping him from leaving, It was fair of you to bring that up after I brought up Dex.. Aurnia said, snapping Sophie back to reality. Several hours passed, and when Sophie opened her eyes again, Keefe was nowhere in sight. I wanted to set up something like in that movie we watched, but its not working at all, he explained, poking the spaghetti with a fork as if he hoped it would magically fix itself. Is there anything we could do to make it better? she tried one last time to be friendly, but Fitz just wasnt having it. I dont want any of your pity. Really? Sophie blushed as she asked, What? Keefe smiled. The gold accents twinkled, and sh just knew she had made the right decision in buying it. You look beautiful.. Something big. "I'm so excited. Seems pretty suspicious to me.. She was about to translate the last phrase onto the paper when two warm hands suddenly covered her eyes. But Sophie is struggling to keep up. I believe in you, and so does everyone else. Keefe replied, sounding serious for once. It seemed like a burgundy color. CONTAINS SPOILERS The title basically tells you everything you need to know, but here are some short and sweet, semi-related SoKeefe stories! Bianas approval made her heart feel even lighter, the recognition meaning more to her than she wouldve ever guessed. Keefe swiftly nodded as people looked away again. Were going to go to a couple of different stores to shop, and then well get a late lunch at my favorite place, and itll all be great. She frowned and put her own arms around his torso holding him against her. Grady isn't exactly my biggest fan., Sophies stomach felt like she had eaten rocks for dinner. At least Keefe was stuck . It had been next to impossible to convince the council to let them go, and even harder to convince Grady. SoKeefe One-Shots by Smiles1001 142K 1.7K 34 He turned towards her side of the bed, snaked his arms around her waist, and slide his leg between hers, kissing the back of her neck lightly until she started to wake. The stack could've outweighed half the store. Why do I have to room with Bangs Boy? Keefe whined. Well, there arent a whole lot of brown gemstones, at least not at this store, so I got you something else. He explained, but it didnt quite feel like the truth, at least not the whole truth. I dont know exactly where he is, he didnt tell anyone where he was going, just said he had to go get some stuff from in town, he admitted. Keefe laughed, but there was no humor behind it. It doesn't have anything to do with him, but he seems to think its his choice. Sophie jumped, not having noticed him creep up on her. This is just a random collection of short stories and theories for Keeper of the Lost Cities. Regrouping with Keefe, she felt freer than she had in years. It was too late to fold the pile of clothes swiftly building up in her suitcase. Sophie Foster is confused. In the middle of it all was a single candle glowing with a pulsing light. Three Two One! As he counted down, everyone prepared to open their gifts, and when he hit one, they all looked inside the black boxes. The only way out now was to tell the truth. The gentle shade of a palm tree loomed over Sophie and Biana, who were sitting on the beach near their hotel. Sophie didnt reply immediately, wanting to work through her feelings first. Just as they were about to leave, the door to the boys room opened, and a familiar voice called out. And third, she doesn't know HOW she feels about Keefe, or Fitz. She drew her gaze back to the movie, seeing Keefe looking at her.