After all, Aquarius rules electricity, technology, and the Internet. They are the type of people who will pass up a vacation to stay home and work on theories that they hope will change the world. Mercury in Aquarius likes to talk about ideals and impersonal subjects, and they enjoy airing their views. Your thoughts might be so far from the status quo right now that the people you try to communicate with just dont understand you. By Holiday Mathis. MERCURY. Various Types of Astrology Depicted Over-ages, Top Benefits of Getting an Astrology reading, The basic idea of astrology linked with black magic. But this is more about control than a lack of sentiment. Its the perfect time to let our curiosity loose and explore new ways of thinking. They are versatile, intelligent, quick-witted and highly original. POLL: WHAT IS YOUR MYERS BRIGGS + ZODIAC SIGN COMBO? Mars entered Gemini in August 2022 and this is where Mars turned retrograde in the last two months of 2022 and the first half of January 2023. These folks like to consider themselves enlightened and above the common masses. > Their sense of humor and enjoyment of life is contagious to those around them, but there is also the streak of individuality and rebelliousness that makes some find it difficult to get along with these people. This can be a time of deep inner work, retreat or solitude. These individuals are often self-sufficient and intellectually curious. And because Aquarius is very forward-looking, we may also spend time thinking about how to make our futures bright. They are abstract and rely on their intellect more than on their emotions and intuition. Mercury in Aquarius in the Natal Chart Mercury in Aquarius in your natal chart will contribute to an intellectual and highly intelligent way of communicating. People with an Aquarius Mercury in the natal chart are sensitive to social injustice. Females with this Mercury position are inclined to harbor special interest in understanding technology and how it works. It also represents ideas coordination & our thoughts. Aquarius rules the head, making their great thinkers and scientists. And because youre a fountain of knowledge, you can usually hold your own in the verbal ring. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and relations between Uranus and Mercury is something highly energetic and electrical. WebMercury Combust In Aquarius On 28 February 2023 Effects And Remedies On 12 Zodiac Read More. Find out with a FREE Essential Birth Report samplepersonalized birth report now. 1 min read. Of all the airy Mercury placements, Aquarius may be the least other-oriented. Theyre interested in understanding and participating in the zeitgeist that is responsible for fomenting the next momentous change in society. They often have the potential to rise to great power but actually prefer a position of high influence over one that is more glamorous. Well, for the most part. & similarly, mercury occupies the Aquarius sign. Pisces is where the ego dissolves and you encounter the vast universe, the one-ness of life. Opinionated and off-the-wall, these folks will not be silenced, regardless of how their thoughts are perceived. They have a disinterested kind of impetuousness that helps them live each day to the fullest. When Mercury moves through Aquarius, you might feel like you are having philosophical and spiritual revelations. WebBrowse the best December 2022 deals on Mercury vehicles for sale in Provo, UT. On a bad note, it makes individuals nervous, indecisive & emotionless. Highlights of Mercury in Aquarius Woman 1. The sciences are the frequent stomping grounds of these individuals, as they appeal to the characteristic Aquarian detachedness and objectivity. Love partners will have a good relationship. Reasoning and statistical abilities is bestowed by Mercury. This combination results in a man that is intelligent yet tactless, extremely outspoken and straightforward, and outgoing and lively in personality. Two names with one soul The relationship of Chinese and western zodiac, April Monthly Zodiacs Horoscope for Pisces, Venus in 8th House Impact and Characteristics Vedic Astrology. She is a strong believer in herself and confidence exudes her. Lucky Jupiter is pulled into the Aries picture as it teams up with the planet of love and money Venus on the 2nd and talk planet Mercury on the 28th. Jetta's background in creative writing has helped develop a unique and insightful perspective on the zodiac, which he shares with readers of this blog. In the meantime, Saturn is at the very edge of Aquarius. They genuinely enjoy learning, they might be bookworms from an early age. To avoid making a purchase that leads to regret, hold off on buying any new electronics until after Mercury goes direct. Like, yikes!!!! Find the impact of this on all zodiac signs. This is the planet of deep psychological transformation, so engage with personal growth or other activities that transform who you are. What Each Sign Discovered about Themselves in Their Last Relationship? Mercury and Aquarius are both intellectual, curious, playful, objective. In many ways, this zodiac sign is different from others. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. Instead of the scientist whose inventions make life easier for society, you might become the weirdo who tries to invent the perpetuum mobile. This transit can give us the answers to questions we didnt even know we were asking. Aries Zodiac Sign: 25 Things To Know About The Ram, Taurus Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign, INTJ Relationships (With Each Myers Briggs Type), INFJ Relationships With Each Myers Briggs Type, 12 Shades of INFJ | Zodiac Signs and the MBTI, 12 Variations of INFP: Zodiac and the MBTI, Taurus Gemini Cusp | The Cusp of Energy (May 17 23 Birthdays), 6 Reasons Why Taurus and Capricorn Fall In Love, 56 Funny Quotes From People of Each Zodiac Sign, Are Scorpio and Pisces Soulmates? Beware of nightmares and maybe a bit of paranoia invading your thoughts at this time. and is considered a fixed sign, meaning they are persistent and resistant to change. If you didnt integrate your natal Aquarius Mercury properly, you might end up lost in abstract theories that clash with reality. If Mercury receives hard aspects, you might be unpredictable in your speech and gesticulation. March 3, 2023 4 min read. If you want to read about the meaning of Mercury through the houses, find your placement here. People with several planets in their chart are in interested in many topics, they usually like science and have a talent for it, and in some way, they are unusual. Mercury has left Capricorn for Aquarius. To imagine a better future as they do requires a vast imagination. It also reflects your default approach to communications. Youll find her at parties talking to a group of friends instead of dancing, taking an art history class instead of playing on the volleyball team, or spending the night in with her favorite book and a glass of wine. He will only believe in facts as well as realities. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, beware of becoming too rational at this time. Your tactfulness stems from a distaste for disharmony and conflict. Soon after the Sun moves into Aries, the Moon joins in, so on March 21st, 2023, we have a New Moon at 0 Aries. Alternatively, if youre the one whos struggling, ask for help. Jetta Moon is an artist, writer and astrology blogger with a passion for creativity and psychology. It is very important for them to feel a sense of independence and sovereignty even when they are participating in a group or joint arrangement. Their sense of humor is might be too much for some people, but they see things from a unique perspective, what allows them to have witty, surprising remarks that are appreciated in a social setting. Mercury also governs youth, siblings, the media, the internet, trade, transportation and travel (short trips in particular, the ones you do almost on a daily basis). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. First Mercury Retrograde (January 30 to February 20 Aquarius) Aquarius offers progress that will aid the future, and tends to bring on new discoveries and sudden realizations. Be in flow with the universe so you feel confident, reassured & can plan your week ahead:Weekly Horoscopes. Pisces is a compassionate, kind and caring influence. What Is an Ideal Dream Date for Your Zodiac Sign? These people have a very active mind. Youre more interested in facts than feelings, which can cause you to come across as aloof or unemotional at times. EXPLORE TAROT.COM They are willing to entertain any ideas, but bottom line, they have an internal set of rules and standards that they always abide by. Mercury is the closest planet to Sun and thats why it seems to be planet related to deity connection & devotion. You might be too eccentric, what makes it hard to fit in. Astrology Podcast It is the last fixed sign of the Zodiac, and it is an air sign by element. Their personal perspectives however can often be quirky and unusual. Women born under Mercury in Aquarius are rarely your typical feminine woman and are more concerned about making something of their lives and leaving an impact on the world. Generally speaking, Mercury in Aquarius prefers being in groups to intimate one-on-one interactions. Mercury can apply all its craftiness to accomplish goals of the mind, often at the benefit of people around them. March is a positive time to use your connections, teach others and pass on what you know. Soon after the Sun moves into Aries, the Moon joins in, so on March 21st, 2023, we have a New Moon at 0 Aries. Sometimes, youre learning about life the hard way. Sign up for the weekly horoscopes & astrology newsletter today. Technology is extremely attractive to people with this placement. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, you will feel attracted to intense individuals, such as Mercury in Aries or Sagittarius, and compatible with innately intelligent people, such as Mercury in Gemini and Virgo. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. These individuals are interested in understanding what makes people tick for the purpose of appealing to their interests and motivations. As Saturn is the planet of authority, commitment and discipline, notice where youve stepped up your game or become more serious about your personal goals and aims over the last couple of years. And for This is because the sign of Aries is prominent throughout the month. People most influenced by this transit are known for their unique expressiveness and individuality. Some dreams are big as continents. Mercury will move through the middle portion of the sign of Aquarius this year starting January 29, around 10 p.m. through February 4 around 2 p.m. Mercury in Aquarius men have very fixed opinions and will be unwilling to compromise their beliefs no matter what. In astrology, Mercury signs offer insight into how a persons mind operates. In childhood, Mercury in Aquarius people might be shy and anxious. They are enthusiastic and intelligent. WebMercury in Aquarius can be the most flexible and the most rigid thinker at the same time. These natives are true innovators for whom the You are good at detaching from your emotions when you make decisions, and this also extends to the way you communicate. When Mercury retrogrades through Aquarius, your fantasy life can become richer and more real, manifesting in dreams and daydreams that feel incredibly real. PLANETS What does it mean to have your natal Mercury in Aquarius? If you have an Aquarius Mercury, your water-bearer energy comes through most in how you communicate and share information. If you know anything about astrology, you may already know that March heralds two big astrological events: Saturn entering Pisces on the 7th and Pluto entering Aquarius on the 23rd. You will be financially strong. Intellectually, they embrace freedom of expression and the empowerment of individuals to be different and unique. Mercury, the planet of communication and voice can make things easier as well worst, depending upon the sign it's entering, it's the ruling planet and all. You are not always direct and honest as a result of this desire to please, appease, and keep the peace. Mercury in Aquarius people need intellectual freedom. Save $4,334 right now on a Mercury on CarGurus. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. You are drawn to inspiring people. She will speak her mind and she may have a tendency to want to shock others with what she has to say or by how she says it. In addition to being a brainy transit, Mercury in Aquarius is also a bit offbeat. Beautiful voice and singing ability. As Plutos a generational planet, the themes may not resonate with you immediately. Mercury in Aquarius indicates that you are detached from your own emotions too. Take some rest from work if possible. They are willing to entertain any ideas, but bottom line, they have an internal set of rules and standards that they always abide by. Mercury is one of the most important planets in astrology. Probably one of their best abilities is to adapt to circumstances and new situations. Americans are always waiting for their tax documents this time of year, or slogging As the Earths movement makes it appear to us that Mercury is transiting through Aquarius, you will feel more progressive and creative in your ideas. He is an individualist, a liberty lover who likes to be on his own and doing his own thing. When Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius, not only will communication and travel get chaotic, but we can also expect an added dose of mayhem when it comes to our technology. Mercury rules our communication and the three elements or tridoshas of our body. Aquarius cares about the rights of others, free-speech, and fairness. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. This month, Saturn moves into Pisces, the last star sign and an emotional water sign, which is unknown territory for the planet representing boundaries. Mercury can make Aquarius an individual fall in love with panoramic activities, theories, and astrology also, which is quite different from Aquarius personality trait. They prefer to differentiate themselves rather than fall in line with the conventional and typical cliches typically often adopted by those around them. He enjoys fighting and being challenged, and this helps him release his emotions which he otherwise has a tendency to suppress. If Mercury was transiting this sign at the moment of your birth, this need is characteristic of your intellect. Search for: MOST READ. This is not necessarily to be argumentative, it is just your nature to challenge the status quo. Depending on the rest of the chart, this placement indicates an original personality with a unique sense of humor. Were wrapping up a three-year chapter. Web4.7 3 Reviews. Mercury is tidally locked with the Sun, so one side is perpetually hot and the other half is perpetually cold. In the field of ideas they bring original thinking, humanitarianism, and freedom to communicate their message. Mercury can be in Aquarius if the Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces. Pluto is the planet of power & transformation, loss & endings. When it comes to communication, these individuals may have a propensity for being very unique and even iconic. Debate isn't a pastime for them but a necessity. It is accidental dignity (what means it becomes stronger) when placed in the natural houses of these two signs, in the third house and in the sixth house. Whether it is art, music, writing, restoring old furniture, you like to be able to bring things into the world and change what you find. In the birth chart, Mercury speaks about how you communicate. Celebrities that were born with Mercury in Aquarius include Bob Marley, Martin Luther King Jr., Mozart, Jules Verne, and Thomas Edison, among many more. Saturn moves into Pisces and your personal money sector. Please leave a comment below and let me know. Intellectually, they are more driven by the desire to be a catalyst for the type of change they think would benefit society as a whole. Since you can be a little analytical and emotionally detached, you can feel compelled when you are confronted by someone who communicates strong emotions, such as Mercury in Aries and Sagittarius. Saturn rules with a firm hand during this period. Mercury in Aquarius is the idealistic philosopher, highly intellectual and visionary. He is straightforward and doesnt believe in theories. Mercury signs describes how you solve problems, what your thoughts tend to revolve around, how you come to conclusions, but also how you communicate with others. These cookies do not store any personal information. They simply must prove their points.Overall, those with this placement aspire to profundity, not agreeability, though they often achieve the latter in spite of themselves. Just because makes an Aquarius Mercury freak out and rebel. The Mercury in Aquarius woman is best suited for a career in Information Technology since she is very smart and intelligent. 2022, part of the Hopnetic network. In the sign of Aquarius, Mercury can stimulate an inclination towards subversive and groundbreaking ideologies that can potentially upend the status quo and cultural norms. What does planet Mercury brings in the life of different signs they retrograde in or are present in a particular sign. In the birth chart, this placement suggests that your mind is oriented on improving existing structures, optimizing things, adding a touch of new and revolutionary to how things are done. Mercury also makes Aquarius to think about how to change the world around them, how to make it better with their kindness, love, warmth, and humanity. Gemini rules children, romance and fun. However, their fixed nature and high intelligence can blind them to the flaws in their "truth." In astrology, Mercury has a variety of meanings. So when Mercury does his trek through this sign, well have the opportunity to view the things were emotionally invested in through a more rational lens. We earn from qualifying purchases. In the communal spirit of Aquarius and the 11th house, you like to opinion-poll your crew for feedback before making any big decisions. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. A few keywords that describe them include being creative, intellectual, innovative, eccentric, and individualistic. Our thoughts and ideas become more progressive when Mercury sets up camp in Aquarius. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. You are good at separating your emotions from your thoughts and the way you speak, which can make you seem distant. He is fond of new experiences and ideas. But the same Aquarius brings inconsistency, impatience and dogmatic attitude in an Aquarius individual. Furthermore, they may be inclined to embrace contrarian ideas sometimes for the sake of embracing contrarian ideas. You prefer to do things your own way. Mercury Combust in Aquarius 2023: The planet Mercury occupies a special place among all the planets as its effects are extremely beneficial for the The rest of the horoscope can overshadow in a thousand ways your Mercury sign. Libra, Gemini or Aquarius or Fire signs i.e. The truth is important. The ultimate purpose of Mercury in Aquarius is to enrich society with fresh ideas. Learn More. This can make them very amusing but also informative at times. Its a time when our most innovative ideas will go through an overhaul. This, coupled with your intelligence, can make you seem aloof. Pluto's transits are generational, so Plutos move into Aquarius is a big one. He is usually a good judge of You can always tell when a Mercury in Aquarius woman is making her presence known, because she looks like shes having so much fun that everyone else wants to get in on it. He always stands out because he is never doing what everyone else is. In Then, on the 25th, Mars moves on and enters water sign Cancer. When Mercury is in Aquarius, you have a strong and progressive imagination that fuels creative and philosophical pursuits. And they also can complete any task easily by doing so. The mind of a Mercury in Aquarius dwells in some indistinct era in the next millennium. At the same time, they are rather fixed in their thinking. Search for: MOST READ. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the Planet of Technology, Innovation, and Rebellion. For you, this can be therapeutic and relaxing. However, some individuals who carry this placement can also be radicalized and promote ideals and ideologies that may not be entirely altruistic. Whatever they are convinced of, it is not something they can be easily dissuaded from believing. Mercury in Aquarius Personality Having mercury in Aquarius signifies a mental orientation that emphasizes individuality of thinking with humanitarian February 12, 2023 Elsa. This post may contain affiliate links. You are also a natural rebel and have an innate idea to challenge all the ideas that you encounter. If you were born with Mercury in Aquarius, you are a deep thinker, which feeds philosophical and creative thought processes. They are the ultimate visionaries! Those with their Mercury in Aquarius incarnate mad scientist energy. Psychology and sociology are interesting to them. Luckily, they dont really care about what others think. You might find yourself grating under the emotional communications of others and responding in ways that can be hurtful. The Mercury in Aquarius man, like all of the Zodiac signs, is a unique blend of personality traits and qualities. Were ready for change and this transit can bring some very exciting opportunities. Mercury is interacting with all of the heavy-hitters, giving voice to how some of these energies will manifest this year. January 11 - Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. This is just a reflection of your frustration as you have to slow down your thought processes to accommodate others. The Mercury in Aquarius man is definitely quite different from other men in almost everything related to his personality traits and attitudes towards life. The planet of relating Venus is here until the 16th, a good time to look out for contacts who can help you. Having mercury in Aquarius signifies a mental orientation that emphasizes individuality of thinking with humanitarian sensibilities. They gravitate towards outlandish ideas. They are inventive, always thinking up something new and different. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. WebMercury In Aquarius Aquarius is a sign thats defined by the unconventional. This apparent intellectual superiority complex can intimidate others at times. These are people who like to dress in unusual clothes, and normally change their hairstyles and hair colors often. If youre a typical Sun Aquarius, you often want to play your part within society, politics or your community. March 21st, 2023 New Moon In Aries. Of all the airy Mercury placements, Aquarius may be the least other-oriented. Never one to shy away from a debate, you have strong -- and sometimes unconventional -- opinions on a variety of topics. Theyre willing to stand out and for their individuality and sense of authenticity. You may have been on something of a roller-coaster ride in one of these key areas since the middle of last year. During the time of mercury transit in Aquarius foretells that the people connected with business will get success. They may also project a sense of confidence more so than the rest and if you look at it closely, this is simply due to their belief in their ability to do things right. The ultimate Aquarius value is freedom. Aquarius is the Sign of friendship, of social connection, and of progressive thinking. Mercury in Aquarius cares little about breaking the rules. She is willful, independent and very well grounded. How the Signs Behave Whenever They Have a *crush* on Someone? Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of individuality and revolution. You really do march to the beat of your own drum! These people will have conversations about topics that span the universe. Mercury in Libra Meaning: Personality Traits & Significance, Mercury in Capricorn Meaning: Personality Traits & Significance. Mercury stations retrograde on January 14, 2022, at 1020 Aquarius, and stations direct on February 3, 2022, at 2423 Capricorn. January 12 - Mercury square Uranus in Taurus. Furthermore, these individuals may harbor a rather non-exclusive perspective when it comes to relationships. Intuitive communication. In your horoscope, Aries rules communication and education. 2023 Horoscopes Ive addressed what both these events mean for you in separate sections at the bottom of this months horoscope. Reading people is easy for them. But she has a penchant for not finishing what she starts. This is an excellent placement. Saturn is your traditional ruling planet and is leaving Aquarius, your star sign. If any new opportunities come into your inbox on or around these dates, theyre worth following up. Its ruling planet is the first transcendental planet, Uranus (in modern astrology, it is ruled by Saturn in traditional astrology). Below is a table showing the dates on which Mercury occupies the sign of Aquarius from 1970 to 2032. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You think things through carefully and have a well developed view of the bigger picture. The cerebral nature of Mercury in Aquarius can overpower emotions and rationalize them away, making it difficult to feel. Though they live in pursuit of some idealized version of existence where humanity is better, these folks aren't exactly into actually engaging with the rest of the world. The Mercury in Aquarius man is tolerant, eccentric, unconventional kind of guy. It deals with an individuals communication, voice, expression, fun humor & the way they react to things. Science fiction is a common interest for some You may be investing in property or family, especially on around the Full Moon. Get your complete birth chart to see how all the planets influence you personally.Start report , Uncover the complex and deeper issues around any romance with the insight and advice of this 10-card love Tarot reading.Start reading , Take action on any decision with clear-cut advice from this 8-card Tarot reading by Mary K. Greer.Start reading . WebMercury in Aquarius Personality. If Mercury is the planet of voice and communication as well as choice, then weve come to a decision point, especially regarding what weve learned since 2020. 28th February 2023 By Sally Kirkman Leave a Comment. They are often hipster-ish in their thinking and sensibilities. According to your zodiac, Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eighth house, therefore you will increase your knowledge form this mercury transit, due to which your value and respect may also increase. Copyright All right reserved, Mercury in Aquarius: Personality Characteristics, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), The Fixed, Cardinal, and Mutable Modalities in Astrology, Mercury in Pisces: Personality Characteristics, Jeffrey Dahmer Astrology Chart Dark Astrology, The Secret Life of INFJ: 23 Things INFJs Wish People Understood About Them, Buy Your Personalized Numerology Report for $37. While their offbeat nature can be engaging, they have also been known to step on toes and hurt feelings with their devotion to logic. WebMercury in Aquarius natives can see the big picture and will depict facts as required. He is a very independent loner and gets annoyed when others interfere or distract his movement. Mercury is a dual nature planet & rules two signs Gemini & Virgo. Mercury is the Planet associated with your relationships with others and an appreciation for language. > Many people with Mercury in Aquarius are straightforward and trustworthy. With regards to relationships and partnerships, the Mercury in Aquarius person may have an aversion to relationships at the expense to their own personal freedom.