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All rights reserved. Domestic violence stalkers are commonly considered to be one of the most potentially deadly offenders. Melissa Hart of eBodyGuard will introduce you to the eBodyGuard technology that is creating a revolutionary approach to personal safety that puts the right information in the hands of 9-1-1 operators, law enforcement and attorneys. This webinar is for domestic violence advocates to learn more about human trafficking, and how it relates to their work. 3) Improve your ability to detect and intervene in situations of coercive control and intimate partner violence. Discover ways to support parent and child survivors of domestic violence to heal and thrive. Researcher and practitioner presenters share the results of the Harris County Health and Relationship Study, a collaborative partnership to examine . Strengthening Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs to Support Trafficking Survivors: Intersections, Equity, Cultural Humility, and Collaborations. Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Basic Investigation and . January 31, 2005. Download Transcript:, Do you want to eradicate and prevent domestic violence? This webinar will introduce you to partner-inflicted brain injury -- its signs, symptoms, and consequences. Sheri Kurdakul of VictimsVoice will give you the questions to ask and the why behind them to make sure you are properly and thoroughly vetting your options so YOU can make informed decisions for the safety of those most in need of your advice and direction, and provide answers that satisfy the needs of your organization and the legal process. How Could Proposed Changes to Medicaid Impact Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence? Says Parker, "Women with complex PTSD who were verbally and physically abused [may] pick the same [partner] over . Police domestic violence activist Renae Griggs also believes that education is the key to helping officers learn ways to constructively cope with job-related stress. Associated Links Webinars & Seminars Supporting Survivor Health Access Webinar Series: Open Enrollment. Frequently Asked Questions About NCADV Online Learning Sessions, Curious about what occurs during an NCADV online learning session? An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence. With a deluge of advice, apps, and resources, how do you take advantage of industry advancements to best guide someone experiencing harm without inadvertently or unknowingly harming them further by the very tools youve recommended? With original drawings and compelling stories, this presentation explains the tactics of coercive control including isolation, intimidation, monitoring, gaslighting, stalking and physical violence. This meeting is an executive session and is closed the the public. Use the "Safety Exit" button or press "Esc" for a safe and fast way to leave this site. She is the Principal Investigator on a Department of Justice Grant- exploring interventions for victims of crime in hospital-based programs. Participants will learn about different models for pet-friendly housing, the importance of working with their communities and about RedRovers domestic violence grants. Preventing gender-based homicide won't be possible without acknowledging and addressing the enormous role that firearms play in domestic violence. Recorded versions of our webinars hosted to educate domestic violence professionals. Located in NNPD Headquarters, and based out of the Special Victims Unit, the NNPD DV Team utilizes a multi-pronged approach to domestic violence: victim advocacy, law enforcement training, community partnerships, data analysis, domestic violence education and awareness saturation. Learn how to determine what kind of leader you are, What happens when you dial 9-1-1? Register for upcoming webinars or view recorded webinars on a variety of topics. You will also learn of the innovative strategies deployed by the NNPD Domestic Violence Team in their efforts to engage the community in the fight against this public health epidemic. In this webinar, Gael Strack of the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention will share insights and research on the intersection of non-fatal strangulation and domestic violence. It's time to help your clients unleash their stories, their power and their purpose! This self-paced training consists of five lessons and serves as an introduction to the dynamics of domestic violence. Event Dates. Click here to check. Sign up to receive once-a-month emails about our upcoming events by clicking here! WSCADV increases survivors' CE Total: 1.5 hours Target Audience: Counselors, Social workers, Bereavement support professionals Instructional . Webinars provide an in-depth learning experience on multiple topics related to domestic violence. Keeping it Confidential in California: New Privacy Protections Under CHIA, Exploring and Addressing Equity Issues Across Sectors, Special Enrollment Period for Survivors: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence, Trauma Informed and Equitable Approaches to Training Development and Implementation, Addressing the Effects of Violence and Abuse to Improve the Health Outcomes of Women Living with HIV, Defending Childhood Website Launch: New Innovations for Addressing Childrens Exposure to Violence, Talking to Legislators and Other Policymakers, Elder Abuse: Raising Awareness and Impact on Health, Trauma-informed Approaches to Domestic Violence Exposure, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resiliency, Mitigating Childhood Trauma in Indian Country: Community and Policy-level Recommendations, Open Enrollment AND Beyond: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence, Building Stronger Collaborations With Domestic Violence Agencies and Addressing Programmatic Barriers to Screening: Healthy Moms Happy Babies 2nd Edition, 2015 Has Answers, Voices of Formerly Incarcerated Leaders: A Growing National Movement, Campus Sexual Assault: What Clinicians Need to Know, Applying an Adolescent Wellbeing Focus in Juvenile Justice Assessment and Treatment Planning, Tools for Connecting the Dots: Latest Research and Innovative Strategies Honoring Linkages Between Multiple Forms of Violence, Incorporating a Trauma Informed Approach to Social Emotional Learning in Diverse Community Settings, New Updates on How the Affordable Care Act can Help Patients Experiencing Domestic and Interpersonal Violence, Traditional Cultural Mentoring for Native Children and Youth, From Associates to Allies: Forging Public Sector Partnerships that Prevent Violence, All Communities are Not Created Equal: How a Health Equity Approach Enhances Violence Prevention Efforts, Extended ACA Enrollment Period and Hardship Exemptions for Victims of Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking: The Role of the Healthcare, Improving Existing, and Creating New Gendered Violence Prevention Programs and Policies on College Campuses: An Organizing Approach, Domestic Violence, Adolescent Relationship Abuse and Mandatory Reporting in California, The NJ and NY Initiatives on DV Advocates Co-Located in Local Child Protective Offices, Supporting Our Troops Families: The Impact of Family Violence on Military Families, Lessons Learned from Abusive Men on the Journey to Nonviolence, Building A Health Care Response to Human Trafficking, What Domestic Violence Advocates Need to Know About How New Health Policy Changes Can Help Survivors of Domestic Violence, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Evaluation outcomes from a four-year, multi-million dollar initiative on promoting healthy relationships and preventing teen dating violence, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships School and District Policies, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships In-and Out-of-school Settings, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Social Marketing and Communications, Redefining Safety Planning in the Context of Reproductive Coercion: Integrating Assessment for Emergency Contraception Within Domestic Violence Shelter and Advocacy Programs, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Influencers, Gun Violence: The Healthcare Providers Role in Prevention Webinar, Tribal Laws: Protecting the Sacredness of Our Children, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Overview, Promoting Wellness: Incorporating Health Care into Advocacy, A Survivors Journey: Understanding the Health Impact of Abuse and Paths to Promote Wellness, Good Solutions Solve Multiple Problems: Addressing the Links Between Multiple Forms of Violence, Workplace Protections For Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking, Shifting the Paradigm: Building Program Capacity to Effectively Serve Mothers and their Children Together in Domestic Violence Programs, Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships: Preventing Teen Dating Violence, Addressing Domestic Violence within Home Visitation Settings: Children Exposed to Domestic Violence & Its Impact on Parenting, Part 2: Strengthening Healthcare-based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation, Trauma Informed Care: The Role of the Health Care Provider Webinar, Part 1: Strengthening Healthcare-based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation, Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings: Screening, Assessment & Safety Planning, School-based Health Services, Adolescent Health and Anticipatory Guidance for DV/SA, Project Connect 2.0 State/Territory Application, New DHHS Recommendation for Domestic Violence Screening and Counseling, Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Programs: Opportunities for Holistic Programming and Partnerships, Child Sexual Abuse: Health Consequences and the Role of the Health Care Provider, Teen Dating Violence and Reproductive Coercion: Innovative Opportunities for Programs and Partnerships, Bullying: Health Consequences and Role of the Health Care Provider Webinar, Defending Childhood: Lessons Learned on Leadership, Social Change and Building Community. If you are in danger, call 911 immediately. She will cover these topics: Welcome to, a trusted Bright Sky US partner. Kootenai County Sheriff's Office, 5500 N Government Way, Coeur d'Alene. All Rights Reserved -, Searchable directory of domestic violence programs and shelters in the United States and Canada, Articles, videos, and helpful tools for people experiencing and working to end domestic violence. The webinar series, entitled Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates, aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. Every1KnowsSome1, and everyone has a role to play in ending domestic violence. Attendees will learn industry tips to enhance their social media presence through proven best practices. Download Transcript:, Victims of one episode of strangulation are 750% more likely of becoming a victim of homicide at the hands of the same partner than a woman who is assaulted but not strangled. Strong Collaborative, Strong Families: Co-Located Domestic Violence Services Within Child Welfare, Building Trauma Informed Tribal Child Welfare Systems: New Shifts in Policy and Practice, Group Work with Mothers Experiencing Domestic Violence and their Children in Wisconsin, Quality Improvement Center on Domestic Violence in Child Welfare, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships. Domestic Violence, Firearm Surrender, and Court Monitored Compliance While federal and many states' statutes specifically disqualify those convicted of domestic violence crimes or subject to protection orders from possessing or purchasing firearms, relatively few communities have official firearm surrender protocols and procedures in place. This webinar will help advocates feel more comfortable discussing this topic and engaging with survivors. Intersection Between Domestic Violence/Child Sexual Abuse and COVID-19 This webinar provides an overview of how COVID-19 impacts domestic violence and child sexual abuse victims. Strangulation of victims of domestic violence is a common tactic used by batterers. Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 10:00am - 11:30am Nov . We offer five online training modules that count towards Domestic Violence Professional certification. Webinar topics cover a wide range of victim related topics. Click here to view the videos in the Webinars Related to the Healing Journey Playlist (PPT links in the video description), Email Womens Advocates Education and Outreach Team at or call 651-726-5233. : Teen DV Month Last Minute Call to Action Menu, Collaborating to Address the Needs of Trafficked Survivors with Disabilities, Collaborating to Address Trafficking in Rural Communities: Lessons from the Field, 2017 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: Ask the Experts, A Cross-Sector Model for Addressing Gender-Based Violence Impacting the Workplace, Trauma-Informed Care for Refugees and Children, Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care for Organizations, Legal Aspects of Human Trafficking for Health Providers, Supporting Safety and Change: A policy Framework for Engaging with Men Who Use Violence, Trauma-Informed Approaches to Working With Immigrant Children, Trauma-informed Approaches to Domestic Violence Exposure, Adverse Childhood Experiences And Resiliency: Opportunities For Early Child Care Providers, We Believe Moms Matter: Enhancing Child Welfare Responses to Mothers Experience Domestic Violence, Context and Practice: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Building Affirming Environments for LGBTQ + Youth, Healthy Moms, Happy Babies: Using the Relationship Assessment Tool and Universal Education, Strong Collaborative, Strong Families: Co-Located Domestic Violence Services Within Child Welfare, Assessing Trauma-Informed Practice: Lessons Learned From a Trauma Audit, Building Competence and Resilience in Children and Parents: The Advocate as Change Agent, Introduction to Labor and Sex Trafficking: A Health Care & Human Rights Challenge, Measuring Trauma-Informed Practice: Tools for Organizations, Collaborating with Community Based Organizations and Faith Based Communities to Address Human Trafficking, Labor Trafficking and the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Addressing and Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence in Healthcare Settings, Assembling the Pieces:Tools to Build an Effective Board, Building Promising Futures: Guidelines and Outcome Measures for Enhancing Response of Domestic Violence Programs to Children & Youth, Reimbursement and Payment Strategies for DV/Health Partnership, Promising Futures: Capacity Assessment for DV/SV Programs for Supporting Children, Youth, and Parents, Expanding Healthy Moms/Happy Babies: Spotlight on Our New Young Mothers Safety Card, Beyond Screening: A Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence, The News About Childhood Trauma: Findings and Implications, Addressing and Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence in Campus Health Centers, Domestic Violence, Mental Health, And Substance Use Coercion, Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships in Pediatric Health Settings, Thats Not Cool: Mobilizing Youth Communities for Teen Dating Violence Prevention & Education, Navigating Fund Development Strategies During Transition, New Public Health Strategies for Violence Prevention, Gender Based Violence, Health, and HIV: Intersections and Implications for Clinicians, Open Enrollment: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing abuse, Ending the Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: A Public Health Approach, Applicant Webinar on Funding Announcement: Phase II to Identify and Provide Brief Counseling on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in PCMH Recognized Health Centers, Improving Health Outcomes through Violence Prevention, Returning to Being Good Relatives: Addressing Lateral Oppression and Violence, Achieving Access for Parents and Children.