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Please help support our crowdfunding campaign. Affiliated Monasteries - St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery Think of it this way: Suppose you know nothing (or very little) about the Orthodox faith, and then you find out about this place where people go and live very strict lives with lots of rules and they're not supposed to leave without permission from their elders. Paisios, the Former Metropolitan of Tyana, Speaks about Vikentios, the Also, by handpicking worthy successors (abbots and abbesses), Geronda Ephraim has ensured the continuity of his apostolic work in serving the Church and her needs.Until 1989, there was only one monastery in the North American Greek Orthodox Archdioceses. The Monastery was founded in 1989, by the Holy Elder Ephraim, former Abbot of Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos, with the blessing of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. . Anthony of Westgate on Twitter: "There are many stories throughout the Elder Paisius died on July 12, 1994, in the Monastery of St John the Apostle in the village of Souroti, near Thessaloniki. March is once again the heart of the Lenten season. I had a close relationship with Elder Ephraim and knew Scott Nevins personally. Father Paisios did say that to me, and you can ask both of them if you like. Please help support our crowdfunding campaign. Press J to jump to the feed. ELDER EPHRAIM of Arizona Appeared and CALLS US TO REPENTANCE. An inheritor and conveyer of the ascetic ethos and dogmatic consciousness of the Holy Apostles and Holy Fathers, he lived the monastic life in obscurity . On his return to Mount Athos in 1964, Elder Paisios took up residence at the Skete of Iviron before moving to Katounakia at the southernmost tip of Mount Athos for a short stay in the desert there. , . The highest rank of monk in the Orthodox Church. To honour his memory, St George Church in Thebarton, SA has . , . But you got,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, About that Horrible Train Wreck in Greece, Archbishop Elpidophoros and the New Charter. I'm reading the Life of Elder Paisios of Mount Athos by Heiromonk Issak (Editor's note - now Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. I hear it is a very popular monastery I first saw it in this documentary and being originally from Arizona it'd be nice to visit, but also hear criticisms and accusations of cultish behavior surrounding the abbot, a certain Elder Ephraim. Elder Ephraim, . , . May God have mercy on your poor, lost soul. I realise this event will make things difficult for the monastery and that saddens me because they are simple men pursuing a simple life and this unforeseen event will shake there foundation of peace. This group is for people who visit . Geronda Ephraim, the former abbot of Philotheou Monastery and the founder of Saint Anthonys Monastery, who lived the ascetical life and fell asleep in the Lord in Arizona, appeared to a woman in Northern Greece who at the time was together with her daughter-in-law. Metropolitan Amfilohije, then hieromonk at Athos, tells a story of his encounter with Elder Paisios and Bayum: 1. We pray that through Gerondas intercessions, we will all understand the significance of his powerful message and strive to implement it in our lives. , , ! n aceast vedenie, ea l-a vzu pe printele Efrem cum era foarte trist, i cum l ruga pe Hristos s schimbe cursul evenimentelor n desfurare - care corespund ntru totul cu cele spuse de Sfinia sa de pe cnd era nvia. Saint Paisios the Athonite Resource Page | ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY THEN Elder Ephraim of Arizona | . By the appeal of the Orthodox faithful and with the blessing of the bishops of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Geronda Ephraim began the work of establishing monastic communities in North America, which he continued to do after his final move to Arizona in 1995. Elder Archimandrite Ephraim (Ioannis Moraitis - June 24, 1927) was an archimandrite and former abbot of Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos, spiritual guide of four monasteries on Mount Athos and of eight women's convents in Greece, as well as the founder of 19 monasteries in the United States and Canada. A brief life of Saint Paisios - Orthodox Christian Network Elder Paisios the New - Alexander 40 years since Saint Paisios 'touched' Australia - Neos Kosmos Even though he lived the monastic life in obscurity on the Holy Mountain of Athos in northern Greece, he became a shining light for thousands of faithful who flocked to see him. The vision concerns the general state of the world, and how prayer and tears of repentance are so necessary today and yet lacking everywhere. After discussing the matter with a mutual friend, I learned that when John decided to leave the monastery, he was not in a healthy frame of mind. Unfortunately, the deceptions were force-fed on a constant basis makes it hard to verify things. Is Saint Paisios Prophecy Of World War III Coming True? - Greek City Times The Antiochian Archdiocese of North America became self-ruled by a decision of the Holy Synod of the Church of Antioch, Every canonical jurisdiction in the U.S. has a Mother Church, except the OCA, which is autocephalous. Non-Canonical Ukrainian Church Ready To Enter Mosc U.S. Atheists Using Hair Dryers to 'De-Baptize', Only Dead Souls Do Not Believe In Miracles, St. Macrina: An Icon of Female Modesty and Humility, A Handwritten Letter of St. Seraphim of Sarov, Chinese Turn To Religion To Fill A Spiritual Vacuum, The Soul Needs Repetition For Proper Cultivation, Abba Pambo on Monastic Solitude vs. Public Works, Bukovina: Romania's Centre of Spirituality, Grand Duchess Elizabeth in the 'New York Times', Christ Is Everything For The Christian Soul, Saint Marina: The Protectress of Nephrology, Saint Nikolai Velimirovich and Mahatma Gandhi, Elder Epiphanios Theodoropoulos on Nikos Kazantzakis. Repentance! A Monk's Adventure St. Symeon the Barefooted (Paperback) - by Vassillios Bakoyiannis $32.00 . When I heard of his death and where it took place my heart sunk. The fact is, there is nothing strange or wrong at St. Anthony's. This holy and spiritual message that is presented here in several languages for the benefit of the Church. Yes, Elder Ephraim is an evil man. . The site has now moved to . The messages are now gone because youtube got rid of messaging. , , , - , , [] , . the St. Anthony's Monastery is a beautiful . He told me that they bury monks alive to make them appear incorrupt, that they worship Ephraim, other very weird things. Many say St. Paisios clarified the older prophecies. He says that having visited there and the Holy Mountain were very similar experiences. The people attending vespers all seemed miserable and angry. Vin necazuri mari, nu v putei imagina ct de cumplite! St. Paisios of Mt. Athos: 'Don't sit at the crossroads. Choose a cross "Dear elder! . Ask him about your prayer life, because he's probably got lots of experience and wisdom to offer. , , , , , , . The OCA was given, All the talk about Ukraine joining NATO is just defiant pouting. Ioannis (ee-oh-Ah-nees) is the Greek form of John. Nothing should be regarded as authoritative without verification by an offline Orthodox resource. They even made a documentary about the monastery and the suicide. The biography of St. Anthony's life by St. Athanasius of Alexandria helped to spread the concept of monasticism, particularly in Western Europe through Latin translations. feel pain. Is there a particular reason you can hear some people compare its quality to an Athonite community and yet others discussing accusations of cult behavior? . I visited St. Anthonys about three years ago and I didnt care for it. Just a note, though: If you're married, you might not want to go asking a young virgin priestmonk about your sex life. Content should not be treated as a substitute for offline interaction. His family felt the monastery brainwashed their "boy", and they had him go in some intense therapy. Roscoe, NY 12776 USA website, Abbess Paraskevi 6855 Little York Lane Washington, TX 77880 USA website. The Elder is a charlatan; he's lying about everything.