Welcome, we help you get quality wood for your building, decking or roofing. — Ghana's 2012 Forest Policy statement As in many forest-rich countries in West and Central Africa, Ghana has adopted the mber royales mechanism as one way to achieve this. vehicle bodies, It is used in the manufacture of furniture, joinery, veneers, luxury flooring, and boat building. Soon after tree felling a Tree Information Form (TIF) should be completed by the field staff ensuring that species, tree reference number, tree length and the four diameter measurement are entered. plywood, food containers, The waybill will be prepared by the selling party, and needs to include i.a. garden furniture, flooring, joinery - interior, decking, handles, Keywords: bamboo, strength, mechanical, data preservation, construction, trusses. trim, toys, plywood, mouldings, furniture - utility, cabinet work, The uses of timber in construction are not new. Forest Service Division (FSD), Forestry Commission. This has created a huge economic market for the sale of lumber in Ghana and need urgent attention. The TVD of the Forestry Commission of Ghana is responsible for verifying the legal origins of timber products harvested in Ghana for export to the European Union and other consumer markets. As a major component of the LAS, the Wood Tracking System incorporates a traceability control system which monitors timber, starting in the forest and continuing through the entire production chain. plywood, boat components, mouldings, trim - interior, the LMCC. Volumes - Medium, Terminalia superba = Afara, Afraa, Akom, Faraen, Frake, Limba, General purpose light coloured interior and veneer species, Strength - Low/Medium All rights reserved. shoe heels, boat construction, A registered property mark shall expire after a period of six months commencing from 1st January and is renewable after every six months. joinery - high quality, The LAS applies to all sources of commercial timber and products produced, processed and/or acquired in Ghana including those for non-EU markets, as well as all timber sold on the domestic market. veneer, WEIGHT : Heavy 750kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. The management responsibilities of the Forestry Commission in relation to off-reserve forest resources are more limited as in relation to on-reserve areas. Log measurement and conveyance certificate (LMCC). Compensations must be negotiated, agreed and paid by the bidder. Hardwood, on the other hand, is taken from Deciduous (or Broadleaf) trees like Teak and Shisham. structural work - light, joinery. plywood, Natural Durability - Low furniture, flooring, Uses: It is one of the famous wood types used for lining drawers, chests, and boxes. Some lesser-used species have therefore been promoted to replace those species that are being over-exploited. The purpose of this study is to contribute to improving the use of forest royalties for the development of Ghana. Lumber, also known as timber, is a type of wood that has been processed into beams and planks, a stage in the process of wood production.Lumber is mainly used for structural purposes but has many other uses as well. Timber production in this sector is associated with increasing environmental burdens in terms of use of materials and energy, production of emissions and waste, and land use changes. A pre-felling inspection by the District Forest Officer should ensure that all trees are inspected and due payments have been paid, after which a felling permit can be issued. carvings, ; B. brevicuspe; B. buonopozense, B. brevicuspe: Alone, Bouma, Kondroti, Onyaakoben, Onyinakoben, B. buonopnzense: Akata, Akonkode, Kapokier, Doum, Enia, Fromager, Fuma, Onyaa, Onyina, Ekouk, Emien, Nyamedua, Onyame-Dua, Sindru, Sinuro. ABSTRACT. Hard wearing. joinery - high quality. Light-Medium 400kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. Natural Durability - Moderate Currently, over 90% of wood transport depends on roads and contribute significantly to the distribution of wood to both local and external markets. veneer - rotary, Forest Availability - Abundant plywood, Medium-Heavy 640kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. veneer - rotary, For the development of the export industry the country aims to make more efficient use of the wood and to produce more high-end products such as shaped and machined mouldings, flooring, furniture components, dowels and similar added value items. Movement in Service - Small Movement in Service - Medium From the outdoor-friendly Afrormosia, to the vibrant Zebrawood, African hardwoods display diversity in color, figure, as well as uses.Woodworkers will appreciate our extensive list of available woods below. A LMCC is issued for conveyance of logs from the log yard (in the forest) to its final destination on a vehicle basis. A Timber Utilization Contract (TUC), which is a written contract signed by the Minister and ratified by the Parliament granting a timber harvesting right, except in the case of land with private forest plantations or lands with timber grown or owned by an individual or group. handles, Most of the primary timber species in Ghana are dwindling in numbers and facing possible extinction from the Ghanaian forests due to over-exploitation. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FOR/G), Kumasi, Ghana. Nesogogordonia papaverifera = Cistanthera papaverifera = Aborbora, Apru, Ekumadua, Epro, Kondofindo, Kotibe, Ovoe. boat construction, cabinet work, The below listed key documents are based on the applicable legislation and are considered to play a key role in demonstrating legal origin. turnery, Medium-Heavy 650kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. Ground rent fees: annual rent, meaning the fee levied or paid per hectare per annum to the owner or landlord for the exercise of timber rights on his piece of land as specified in the contract. bench tops, Shrinkage - Medium Medium heavy attractive redwood. flooring, A holder of a valid felling permit without a valid property mark (Form C) cannot harvest and convey logs. A country's score indicates the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). toys, The property mark is used on e.g. Movement in Service - Small vehicle bodies, Every logging company should apply for a property mark, which can be obtained from the Forest Services Division of the Forestry Commission. Stock Survey (on reserve) fees: paid to the Forest Services Division in respect of its services provided to loggers to carry out stock surveys. Mild easily worked timber providing good attractive finishes. An inventory report is compiled and recommendations made for the grant of timber rights in the area. plywood, The FSD prepares a  harvesting schedule for areas to be logged and conducts pre-felling inspections and stock surveys resulting in availability of stocking data, including stock maps, yield list and yield maps. ; B. brevicuspe; B. buonopozense = B. brevicuspe: Alone, Bouma, Kondroti, Onyaakoben, Onyinakoben, B. buonopnzense: Akata, Akonkode, Kapokier, Ceiba pentandra = Doum, Enia, Fromager, Fuma, Onyaa, Onyina, Very light and soft species for interior use, Antiaris toxicaria = Akede, Ako, Andoum, Bonkonko, Chenchen, �Light coloured veneer and interior utility species, Pycnanthus angolensis = Akomu, Eteng, Etsi, Ilomba, Walele, Alstonia boonei = Ekouk, Emien, Nyamedua, Onyame-Dua, Sindru, Sinuro, �Lower strength utility species for interior use, Light coloured versatile interior species, widely used. Operational plans for the Timber Utilisation Contract (TUC) areas are prepared by the contracting companies which outlines timber harvesting standards and specifications for operations such as road and bridge construction, felling, skidding and log markings and approved by the Forest Service Division. Light-Medium 425kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. (FSC, august 2018). furniture, Simple cases and storage closets are also constructed from this wood. Widely used highly durable exterior quality timber, Well known high grade commercial species of good strength and durability, Light, soft non-durable species for interior use. doors, Current export ban has been partially lifted for a few exporting companies (Forest Trends, 2014). Communities are encouraged to report such actions through the complaints mechanism of the FC or seek redress through the courts. blockboard. furniture, WEIGHT : Medium 520kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. Heavy 750kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. In off-reserve areas the Forestry commission is responsible for regulating, as opposed to managing, the utilization of forest and timber resources (ClientEarth, 2013a). Stumpage fees,  the amount of tax imposed on the value the standing tree, Export levies (on specified timber species). fittings, decking, Historical Prod. Bubinga is a 130-15- ft tree which primarily grows in Equatorial Africa. Medium and heavy-duty articulated and rigid trucks are generally used for transporting timber and wood products in Ghana. Medium-Heavy 600kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. mouldings, flooring, According to the FAO (2015) Ghana has around 9.3 million hectares of forested land, which constitutes to 41.0% of the total land area. frames, carpentry, In case of forest plantations the TIF and LIF are replaced by the Plantation Production Certificate (PPC). veneer - rotary, flooring, furniture, The Timber Trade Portal is made possible with financial support from: The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC), French Fund for the World Environment (FFEM), and the European Union (EU). veneer, Strength - Medium vehicle bodies, It ensures that the TUC holder respects the rights, social and cultural values of landowning communities during its operations. Two companies have a valid FSC-certificate, covering 12,147 hectares of forest plantations. Timber Industry Development Division (TIDD). joinery - light, The TIDD is the designated licensing authority under the VPA. The ownership of the Ghanaian forest area can be divided among public land, stool land, family land and private land. Bubinga. Almost a quarter (23 %) of the EU-27’s roundwood production in 2018 was used as fuelwood, while the remainder was industrial roundwood used for sawnwood and veneers, or for pulp and paper production. furniture, veneer for plywood. frames, The LAS applies to all sources of commercial timber and products produced, processed and/or acquired in Ghana including those for non-EU markets, as well as all timber sold on the domestic market. plywood, Timber is also used in light construction works like doors, windows, flooring, roofing and fencing poles, electric poles and gates. Failure of the logger to comply with the SRA amounts to an infraction and should result in the nullification of the grant of timber rights (TUC). flooring, veneer - rotary, plywood, Contact companies in the wood industry from Ghana. matches, The waybill will be prepared by the selling party, and needs to include i.a. veneer, Volumes - Very High, Triplochiton scleroxylon = Abache, Ayous, Obeche, Samba, Khaya ivorensis; K., anthotheca, (Dry Zone Mahogany K., grandifoliola regarded as separate commercial species) = K. Ivorensis: Acajou D'Afrique, Caoba Del Galon, Dubene, Dubini, Ngollon, Kumankra K. Anthotheca: Ahafo, Akwantannuro, Krala, Krumben, Mangona, �Attractive versatile redwood of world wide reputation, Lovoa klaineana = L. trichilioides = Alona, Bibolo, Dibetou, Dubenebiri, Dubinibiri, Embero, Eyan, Timabiri, High quality, decorative mild working wood of distinctive colour, Strength - Medium veneer - rotary, With the National Working Group Ghana’s completion of the national forest certification system in late 2017 and the submission of the national system to PEFC International in May 2018 for assessment, Ghana’s national certification system is expected to have international recognition through PEFC in early 2019. A field inspection team is constituted by the FC in consultation with the DCE of the area. Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT). boxes, When it comes to timber export, the country depends mostly on the forests located in the southwest region. boat construction. 1.2.5 Production, Export & Consumption of Sawn timber chemical vats, A wood of great versatility. joinery - exterior, The certificate is valid for one calendar year and it is renewable upon re-application. However, the management of all forest resources including timber harvesting rights are administered by the Forestry Commission for benefit of the land owners. The Registrar of Companies in Ghana at the Registrar General’s Department can be contacted for verification of the legitimacy of a company in Ghana. There are two main types of lumber. Identification of TUC Area: This is done by the FC in consultation with the District Chief Executive (DCE) of the district(s) concerned. veneer - rotary, The timber sector, i.e., forestry and timber industry, plays an important role in the socioeconomic development of Ghana through timber products export. This certificate is the proof of payment of all taxes and fees. TUC holder operates in a socially responsible manner; TUC holder respect existing rights of the communities for access to certain forest products; TUC holder respect the social and cultural values of the communities in which they operate; Communities benefit from timber exploitation; Communities are consulted in the management and exploitation of timber resources; Communities specify the conditions under which the TUC holder operates; Communities benefit directly from the exploitation of timber resources from their land for community development initiatives and programmes. Forest Availability - Plentiful Ghana has approximately 2.6 million hectares of forest reserve land, of which 1.6 million hectares falls within the so-called High Forest Zone. STEGMA. The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resource (MLNR) has over-all responsibility for sector planning and policy direction for monitoring and evaluation of development policies and programs. Natural Durability - High Today, we will talk about the 7 major types of timber wood found in our forests and supplies by CameroomTimberExport, along with their qualities (specifications) and uses. timber, wood, logges, lumber. Welcome to The Only Way Is Ghana web-series: Sorry guys, I just realised that this video should have come before the last one I uploaded. furniture and cabinet work - high quality, Wood Chips From Used Wood (2) Wood Briquets (2) Wood Pellets (2) Firewood/Woodlogs ... Country: Ghana Activity: Hardwood sawmills Clear all. Forest Availability - Average turnery, All logs with the exception of teak are not permitted for export (VPA, 2009). frames, doors, 1649. furniture and cabinet work - high quality, To be considered legal, the permit needs to be covered by the application and an inspection report from Forest Service Division. The applicant shall support with his application evidence of valid income tax, VAT and social security clearance certificates together with social responsibility agreement executed with the inhabitants of the permit area and a non-refundable registration fee of Hundred Ghana Cedis (GH¢2,000). veneer - rotary. turnery, TIMBER WOOD,PAPAO WOOD,ROSE WOOD. joinery - high quality interior, veneer - sliced, CITES regulations are integrated in the forest management framework in Ghana. trim, The Customs Division of the GRA i.a. the company’s property mark when directly sourced from the forest, the origin and destination of the load, and the details of the product. Set a name for this search: Save « 1 » Featured. The exports of primary timber products accounted for a total export value of 230.2 million US dollars in 2015. Thousands of exporters from Ghana, buyers and importers of wood products to be contacted on Fordaq.com Republic of Ghana. Oduom Kumasi, Ghana Resa Limited is based in Ghana, West-Africa. Timber Utilisation Permit (TUP), which is a small scale permit to harvest a defined number of trees for social or community purposes signed by the Forestry Commission. frames, As can be observed from the graph below the exports of primary and secondary products account for 97% to the export of wood products, while more high-end (tertiary) products account only for 3,5% of these exports. veneer - rotary, interior and exterior applications, decking, All prospective buyers of timber and wood products are required to officially register with TIDD for processing and issuance of Buyers Registration Certificate. carving, blockboard, SRA Fulfilment: Communities are required to demand the fulfilment of the SRA as agreed and signed. Written Consent: If no issues come up within the 21days or issues that come up within the 21 days are resolved, a written consent is obtained from the land owners, individuals or groups whose lands are affected. tool handles, Attached example is the format for off-reserve harvesting. boat construction, Nw Timbers. Medium-Heavy 625kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. � Copyright 2011 Ghana Forestry Commission. These ports have good connections to the hinterland by road. the company’s property mark, the origin and destination of the load, and the details of the product. Rosewood harvesting in Ghana and way forward, Forestry Commission May 4, 2017, Timber Resources Management and Legality Licensing Regulation of 2017, LI 2254. Medium-Heavy 675kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content. trim, It encompasses (a) the identification of land suitable for the grant of timber rights, (b) the terms and conditions for small and large scale timber rights, (c) other sources of timber, and (d) the legality licensing scheme. carvings, plywood, Results of studies on the properties of the selected species as well as field trials indicate that most of them are suitable … boat construction, joinery - interior, Salvage Permit (SP), which is an administrative permit signed by the Forestry Commission to salvage trees from an area undergoing development. Strong. we do have wood such as wawa board, wawa 2x4,cyber board, cyber 2x4,Essa 2x6,2x2,2×3.2×4. doors, boat construction. joinery - exterior, boxes, carving, Permitted for export and also from logging residues these depend on financial capacity of individuals, in... In Service - Medium Natural Durability - high quality foreign exchange by exporting timber, and. 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2020 uses of timber in ghana