If you have a university extension in your area, they usually have someone on staff that can help identify trees and plants. To most people, 'conifer' and 'pine tree' are synonymous. The cones hang downward and vary in size. Spruce trees (Picea spp.) A lattice braced spruce top will sound quite different from a fan braced spruce top, and both of these will sound distinctly different from a double-top cedar guitar. Make sure that any evergreen conifer tree that you are foraging for edible or medicinal uses is NOT in the Yew family! Learned SO much from this! 2.Cedar wood is decay and rot resistant while spruce wood does not have this property. is not a true fir tree. Thorough, understandable, and with pictures. join the American Conifer Society to learn more about conifers and to connect to a nationwide group of plant lovers! The needles are spirally arranged and have pale green or white bands on the underside. Some common species of fir trees in the United States and Canada include: Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga spp.) The Pinaceae family is very large and contains some of the most commonly foraged conifers, such as pine, fir, Douglas-fir, spruce, hemlock, and true cedars. It seemed to help, but I’ve moved since then, so I don’t know how the tree is doing now. I really appreciate you putting everything together in an easy to understand way. 1″, with recurved scales, appearing similar to ranunculus blooms. Redwoods and sequoias were traditionally used medicinally by indigenous people. Easy to grasp. If you want to learn more about the edible and medicinal weeds that surround us and how to use them, check out my eBook: Wildcrafting Weeds: 20 Easy to Forage Edible and Medicinal Plants (that might be growing in your backyard)! Otherwise a tree nursery might help you. Although cedar wood is popular in North America, pine, spruce and hemlock are also used, and they often cost less than cedar. These buds are one good way to identify Douglas-fir. I will talk about this more in the next two sections on juniper and aborvitae. The test measures the force required to push a steel ball with a diameter of 11.28 millimeters (0.444 inches) into the wood to a depth of half the ball’s diameter (the diameter was chosen to produce a circle with an area of 100 square millimeters). I’m excited to figure out what they are and how I can use them, and this post will help me get started. It has very soft, short (1″) needles in clumps of 10+ at roughly 1/4″ intervals all along soft branches. I’m going to go over the most commonly found conifer families and species that are used for edible and medicinal purposes, and how to identify them. Doug Fir not a real Fir? Enjoy access to exclusive content, Conifer Database, garden visits, Conifer Q&A Forums, nursery tours with member discounts on unusual cultivars, scholarships for hort students and more. We have recently taken in a couple of Turner Acoustic Guitars – a Parlour with a Spruce top and a Jumbo with a Cedar top – and the difference in sound is quite marked between the two. The Taxaceae, or Yew family of conifers are highly toxic and should be avoided. The Picea orientalis 'Early Gold' pictured above, for example, is about 6 feet (2 m) tall after 10 years, has orderly, delicate needles and attractive, slightly weeping branches. Due to the hanging branches, it is also known as… Aborvitae have a lot of medicinal benefits, being antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal. Incense cedars not real cedars? Required fields are marked *. True cedars are members of the genus Cedrus and include species such as the Lebanon cedar, Atlas cedar, and Cyprus cedar.They are found in the Himalayas and the Mediterranean region and are often grown in parks and gardens. I occasionally like to use this tree together with Norway Spruce. Best of wishes to you and your trees. If I remember correctly, I sprayed it every week? Picea orientalis 'Skylands' is another oriental spruce tree; its distinctive feature is its lovely golden foliage. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Aborvitae are not recommended for internal use, unless under close supervision by a health professional. Such a great post. True Cedars vs. False Cedars . You should have a picture showing the different needles you are talking about not just a description. Your email address will not be published. However, there are many, many dwarf varieties and their color is stunning in the landscape. Friendly fir, spikey spruce. Cedar vs Spruce Tops. Spruce is light blonde in color, almost sometimes with a honey/amber tint, while cedar is darker and appears in various shades of brown. The following characteristics should be noted: a) are the needles attached to the branches singularly or in groups, b) if singularly, is each needle attached directly to the branch or is each needle connected to the branch via a short "wooden peg", and c) are the needles flat (basically two-sided) or angled (three- or four-sided)? 'Lucretia' grows just a few inches a year, and can be easily pruned into interesting shrub shapes. Thank you I’m interested in the spruce tree that has medicinal properties? Unfortunately, too many developers and landscapers unwittingly planted small, young specimens right in front of houses. The woody peg remains when the needle is removed. He was on the search for a tree to plant in the front yard, and after a bit of hunting he found the one he wanted. The Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens) is probably responsible for more conifer distaste (if not downright hatred) than any other conifer. 9. Douglas-fir trees are popular as Christmas trees, and are also a popular tree for foraging. Fir trees (Abies spp.) Zones: 2-7. Fir trees are popular as Christmas trees. 3.Cedar wood is suitable for indoor and outdoor use while spruce is only suitable for indoor use. thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment. The ACS Conifer Database has the full story. Spruce cones hang downwards, and have thin scales and a smooth, somewhat flexible shape. Albert gets to be about 10 to 15 feet (3 to 5m) tall after 10 years in the landscape, and true to its name, is wide at the base. Join the ACS to support our scholarships, grants, conservation efforts, and hang out with the Coneheads. Kenneth Overdorf, 1.Cedar is a tree which is native to the Himalayas and the Mediterranean while spruce is a tree which is native to temperate and taiga regions. Brian. Spruce trees are coniferous evergreens. Can I send photos to ID them and advice on how to save them ? To distinguish pine, spruce, and fir from one another, start by looking at their needles. As you're probably well aware, the ACS is a 100% non-profit, run-by-volunteers organization. I like (Birds too) my trees and can't afford to replace them. They have a distinctive aromatic “gin-like” scent and produce blue seed cones known as juniper berries. They have many benefits, and all parts of the tree have edible and medicinal uses, including the needles, bark, and resin. Their new growth is as showy as any of the spring flowers! 'Skylands' should be protected from hot afternoon sun on summer's longest days or it will burn. One distinguishing feature of fir trees is that the cones do not hang downward, but stand up straight like candlesticks. naturally occur in northern California and Oregon, with another species that grows in China. 2 weeks? Hi Lydia, We grew up in a very rural part of Pennsylvania, so when I say that my dad and I drove his pickup truck into the woods, I literally mean we drove his pickup truck into the woods.. The needles are softer than in most other spruce trees. Unlike spruce and similar whitewoods, cedar exhibits natural resistance to both rot and pests. The Blue Spruce is a very pretty blue-green color. Thanks again! Picea orientalis 'Skylands' is another oriental spruce tree; its distinctive feature is its lovely golden foliage. I had no further information, and now this. Fir needles tend to point upwards, but this is not always the case. In spruces (Picea species) mature seed cones hang from the branches and will fall intact from tree while in firs (Abies species), mature cones are held upright on the branches and will disintegrate rather than falling intact. Conifers are evergreen trees with needles or scales as their leaves. I love cedar for its warmth and attenuated highs. Yew trees are common and grow nearly worldwide. Pine cones are woody and brown with spirally arranged scales, hanging downward. So add color, year-round interest, texture and structure to your garden by planting some dwarf conifers! Photo by Matt Suwak. How are they different from pines and other conifers? A measure of the hardness of wood, produced by a variation on the Brinell hardness test. The trees shown here are Norway Spruce and were used for privacy, to block noise from the road, and also as something pretty to look at from the house. The foliage is not aromatic, and does not have a lot of resin. The needles are soft and flattened, and usually have two white lines on the underside. Some of my favorite ways to use them include adding needles to shortbread cookies, making pine needle syrup, infusing them in alcohol, and making beard balm. Dwarf Evergreen Trees For Landscaping. They are native to North America and Asia. Giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum) grow natively in groves in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. for pricing and availability. You need to put better pictures on here. Spruce also tends to project sound in a way that is more linear, as opposed to cedar which has a tendency to “radiate” sound. Pros of Cedar Cedar is a softwood, but that doesn't mean it isn't durable. They are also common in yards and parks as an ornamental landscaping plant in North America and other regions. There are plenty of types of dwarf evergreen trees to … And that’s just the beginning! You'll get discounts at nurseries, access to rare and unusual plants, and have a ton of fun! Model #NURSERY. You can unsubscribe at any time. Wow. Cedars are highly aromatic and are often used for their scent in aromatherapy and to repel bugs and moths. Look at how Picea pungens 'Lucretia', pictured above, contrasts with the purple leaves of the smoke bush (Cotinus) in the background. The easiest ways to distinguish spruces from firs is the way mature seed cones are held in the tree. Buy It: Norway Spruce, $24.50, The Tree Center Both trees are evergreen conifers, which means that they will have needles all year long. Like true fir trees, true cedar cones grow upwards. Those with sharp eyesight will also notice that spruce needles are attached to a branch by a tiny peg (pulvinus), while fir needles are attached directly to the stem with what appears to be some sort of suction cup. Last updated on November 30, 2020. I already lost one conifer; I believe to be a Serbian Spruce. And 'Pendula' produces some pretty special seed cones, rivaling those Picea orientalis 'Early Gold': There are also Colorado spruces that have golden or creamy new needles, like Picea pungens 'Gebelle's Golden Spring'. Copyright © 2020 Grow Forage Cook Ferment & Cocos Creations LLC. Mature cones can be brown, blue, purple, or black in color, depending on the species. The seeds are small and winged. The other characters of the tree are its large branches, thick bark and green leaves that resemble Ferns. Most species of spruce trees have stiff and pointy needles that are sharp to the touch. Principal photography was generously donated by Janice LeCocq Photgraphy, Additions to the International Conifer Register, 10 Types of Spruce Trees Everyone Should Know. The effect is both beautiful and distinctive. There are also a few species in Asia. The bark of most pine trees is thick and scaly, but in some species it is thin and flaky. I want to inspire you to live seasonally, become more self sufficient, and protect your health. Another very common spruce is the Norway spruce, or Picea abies. I have a still and would like to make some Gin main engreadient is juniper berries can they be Pine (Pinus species) needles grow in bundles (fascicles) of 1 to 5 needles, while spruces and firs are attached singly. The cones are small, soft, and round, approx. Some other common juniper species in the United States and Canada include: Aborvitae (Thuja spp.) If you want a more traditional spruce tree shape, consider a cultivar like Picea pungens 'Fat Albert', which has the cone-shape that most people associate with conifers, albeit in a much smaller size than the native behemoths. Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) has scaly bark that resembles puzzle pieces. It originated as a witch's broom (bud mutation) on Picea abies 'Acrocona', another lovely spruce. These are typically slower growing than the species trees. Photographs by Janice M LeCocq Photograpy. Some spruce top guitars have a very warm, mellow sound, while many cedar top guitars are characterized by brilliance and clarity. Some have needles when young that turn to scales as they mature. I share information on foraging and wildcrafting, fermenting and preserving, cooking whole foods from scratch, permaculture gardening, and making herbal products. This tree is classified as Cedrus deodara and is one of the real cedars. Although Abies grandis (giant fir) is native from Vancouver to California it is described as the most vigorous silver fir in the UK, particularly in the damper, wetter North and West. The Red Cedar is a recommended windbreak tree but consider all the conditions above when selecting this tree. I am trying to identify a large (50′ x 20″diameter) mature evergreen tree located in Wayne County, Indiana, probably not native. For some musicians, the sound it produces is a clearer, balanced, and more sustained. I would like to send you a picture of a "flowering" conifer for identification. Traditionally, Nordic white spruce is used to build saunas in Finland. The average homeowner should focus on the dwarf and miniature selections that fit better into the home landscape. Wildcrafting Weeds: 20 Easy to Forage Edible and Medicinal Plants (that might be growing in your backyard), gather + root online foraging course here. 'Skylands' should be protected from hot afternoon sun on summer's longest days or it will burn. Pine leaves are acicular (long, needle-like) and spruce and fir leaves are linear. These trees attain a height of 60 meters and its wood has a spicy scent. Take pictures and a few samples of the tree (a bit of bark, and or some small branches with leaves, and or leaves. Pine trees (Pinus spp.) I also have a post on foraging for conifer needles for further reading. Model #NURSERY. Compare; Find My Store. But cultivars for the garden abound; this may be the most prolific spruce there is! These are all conifers which are usually referred as “Christmas trees”. Its Latin name means “false hemlock,” so it’s not a hemlock tree either, but its own genus all together. For those who want the best possible projection, tone, and balance should consider owning a spruce guitar. Weeping specimens add a different dimension to the landscape. I made your dandelion salve this week, and it turned out beautifully. Thank you for watching! The additional midrange with cedar really makes the guitar's voice more "present." The cones are small and sometimes resemble the berry like cones of junipers. The berries are astringent, antiseptic, antiviral, and diuretic, making them beneficial for the kidneys and urinary tract. Those springtime seed cones are as decorative as flowers. To Sara Malone, author of the very well written article on Spruce trees. There are other Colorado spruces that grow in quirky fashion, which pruning can enhance, such as Picea pungens 'Pendula'. Douglas-fir trees are popular as Christmas trees, and are also a popular tree for foraging. Your suggestions are awesome. How to Identify Conifer Trees: Pine, Fir, Spruce, Juniper & More, May contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Spruce trees (Picea spp.) www.ratchetrogers.com have short and flat needles of varying length on the same branch. The branches of a pine tree don’t grow in as thickly as on spruce or fir trees; they can be rather sparse across the trunk of the tree. Like redwoods, true cedars naturally produce compounds that … Size: Up to 60 feet tall. As a botanical, not a medical, society, we don't comment on medical, health or edibility aspects of conifers. Old trees are very recognizable by the long, weeping branches hanging from the main horizontal limbs. Some other common pine species in the United States and Canada are: Those are just a select few, as this is a huge genus! As with any tree, planting and caring for evergreens is an investment of both money and time, so it’s important to make the right decisions when selecting the right varietal for your home. If 'Skylands' gets too big for your garden, there is a select "Skylands seedling" called 'Firefly' that displays the same golden foliage, but grows more slowly and stays smaller. The needles and branches grow in a spiral pattern. Kelly Tree Farm, 191 Quincy Ave. Clarence IA 52216 - PH: 563-452-4300 - ktf@netins.net The Most Common Types of Spruce Trees Norway Spruce (Picea abies) This tree, as the name tells us, comes from northern Europe, and it is a fast-growing tree, with green needles. have four sided needles that attach to a small peg on the branch. And what are 10 of the most interesting types of spruce trees for the home garden and landscape? Please see my Privacy Policy. Water: Plant in well-drained soil. Pine trees have leaves that come in bundles called fascicles; ponderosa pine have two and bristlecone pine have 5! Domestic spruce and pine often have large, loose knots that fall out of the wood as it dries. My online foraging course is a great way to learn about wild edible and medicinal plants! Are spruces all trees? are common throughout the northern hemisphere. I have started to see a lot of cedar topped guitars lately from the mainstream acoustic manufacturers. I think (maybe) the picture on the right is a white pine? Pines tend to grow as trees, with species like the eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) exceeding heights of 250 feet if allowed to reach full maturity. That means no matter the season you can always use the needles to help you identify the tree. '' cedars in northern California and Oregon, with another species that are sharp the!, while many cedar top lattice bracing classical guitar comparison ACS to our!, Blue, purple, or Black in color, year-round interest, texture and structure your! Usually have two and bristlecone pine have two and bristlecone pine have!. The branch can always use the needles are soft and flattened, and the Himalayan Mountains are home for cedar! How many other lovelies are lurking in this genus all the conditions above when selecting this together... The picture on the Brinell hardness test is thin and flaky ton of fun and trees! These trees are very common spruce is a clearer, balanced, and your. 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2020 spruce vs cedar tree