But since we aren’t spraying it on ourselves and since we’re dealing with something as terrifying as snakes, I recommend using about a 4-5% dilution rate. This could be due to the bitter taste of both the foliage and the roots. Otherwise known as wormwood or chrysanthemum weed, the mugwort plant has long been used as traditional medicine in China, Korea, and Japan. Several plants possess snake repellent properties. Mar 24, 2015 - Explore Rannde Frederick's board "plants that repel snakes", followed by 254 people on Pinterest. Keep them out of your yard by growing Natural Snake Repellent Plants which will make your home safe from venomous reptiles! Safely removes underground rodents such as moles, gophers, and voles by emitting every 180 seconds a Vibratory impulse as a vibration transmitted through the ground without risk of contamination for men and the environment. Onions and garlic are very useful garden plants for repelling snakes. Citronella is also a by-product of lemongrass, which mosquitoes detest. The snake repellent we use is an approved, tested and patented snake repellent, successful against all snakes whether they are venomous or non-venomous. The plant gives off an oily residue when a snake slithers over a clove. Coriander. And now we are down to what we are here for. Sighting a snake in your garden is often a terrifying experience, and to make sure you don’t encounter these venomous reptiles, you’ll grow some Natural Snake Repellent Plants to urge […] Therefore, if you live in a snake prone area, try using certain plants that repel both venomous and non-venomous snakes around your garden, activity areas, and household entryways. These includes:  Andrographis paniculata (King of bitters); neem; Datura stramonium (Thornapple); Vitex negundo; tobacco plant; Ocimum gratissimum (Scent leaf); Sabadilla officinale; Quassia spp; Datura stromonium; Turnera ulmifolia (Yellow alder); and Vetiveria zizanioides  (Poaceae Vetiver). Snake repellent granules should be applied in bands, and the width of the bands will vary based upon the species of the snakes you want to repel. As for its physical features, the mugwort has stems that could easily reach a height of three feet or more. You can always make DIY natural snake repellent with essential oils to avoid chemicals, but plants are a win-win situation. Instead they are motivated to stay away from it's sharp edges. It is used as a snake repellent for warm outdoor climates and indoors in cool climates. 2. Some of these include Onion & Garlic, Marigolds, West Indian Lemongrass, Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, and Snakeroot. The plant gives off an oily residue when a snake slithers over a clove. Plants that drives snakes away. Any lemongrass will do but the most effective ones would be the West Indian lemongrass. Furthermore, they are not only keeping snakes away but also embellishing your nursery. Marigold. Your email address will not be published. This stops snakes in their tracks from gaining access to your surroundings. Sambiloto. Doctor collapses & dies in FMC Yenogoa due to lack of defibrillator (photo), 20 proven ways to cut an onion without crying, Hospitals in Abuja that offers epidural injection for pregnancy & childbirth, How much is epidural in Nigerian hospital? The viper’s bowstring hemp can … Predator Urine - Such as coyote urine, bobcat urine. Buy weed and pest control online at Jumia Kenya. The Snake Defense repellent, unlike another snake best snake repellent, is safe to spray in all areas of your lawn, including around patios, driveways, basement doors, porch area, and other doorways. 10 plants that repel snakes and other crawling reptiles. This oil acts very much like an onion does when we slice it: the aroma is disorienting like a pepper spray. Usually I recommend a 1-2% dilution rate for blends made for people. People could also rub the Andrographis paniculata on the scales of a snake. Chilli pepper is also collected and spread or placed in a different corner of a building, a house or homestead to repel snake. The reason is in the roots of the plant. While the reason isn’t exactly known, snakes tend to veer away from mugworts. I live in the country, I need all the help and advice I can get. Snake problems do, however need to be dealt with using very specific skills. Some Snake Repellent Plants. Although there are many species of snakes found in Kenya, only a few are venomous. My first solar powered snake repellent had great results in keeping snakes away from my chooks and eggs. Show all. Required fields are marked *, For Regular Updates, Like Nigerian Medical Blog on Facebook, Natural snake repellents: 10 plants that repel snakes. Mother-in-laws tongue , yucca , and other such pointy plants could be effective in keeping snakes out of the garden. Apply around the perimeter of the area you want to protect, at the rate instructed in the directions. Choose from a large selection of weed and pest control online at the lowest price. Both the foliage and the roots are used to repel snakes. 1. The snake plant can be grown through cuttings placed in potting soil.. It has traditionally been implemented to deter gophers and moles. Your email address will not be published. Photographic images and information for a variety plants from the East Africa nation of Kenya Disclaimer: By no means am I an expert on the Natural History of Kenya. Snake repellent evaluation chamber The efficacy of snake repellents against venomous snakes of India was evaluated as per the method described by Clark (2007) with slight modification. See more ideas about snake repellant, snake, keep snakes away. Certain plants like marigold, wormwood, West Indian lemongrass, Sarpgandha and garlic are natural repellent against snakes. The plant needs water only three times per week and this perennial plant will last for many years. Also known as devil pepper or Rauvolfia serpentina, the Indian snakeroot is a plant used as a traditional medicine in India and other countries in East Asia. When using essential oils to repel snakes I recommend using a strong dilution. Choose from a large selection of weed and pest control online at the lowest price. Sep 12, 2020 - Explore Ken Baldowski's board "Snake Repellant" on Pinterest. The snake plant can be grown through cuttings placed in . Commonly known as the snake plant or the mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant is most distinguished by its sharp leaves. Discover what pests could be in your home. This sharp appearance of the foliage is enough to dissuade snakes from approaching. Thanks for the snake repellent plants. It is a great-looking plant to have around the garden as a barrier against snakes and it is very low maintenance. Snakes tend to avoid contact with people and will therefore steer clear of you and your pets. Snake Plant. The salt will help disperse the oils evenly throughout the water. This plant has a similar role as marigolds in repelling snakes. This plant is most distinguished by its sharp leaves. If you have concerns regarding a snake issue, be sure to ask us for advice before dealing with the problem. See more ideas about snake repellant, snake, keep snakes away. In this case, the winner was obvious to us after only testing a few products and none of the others we came across managed to surpass it in sheer quality. Best Ready-to-Use Snake Repellents 1. Common Attempted Repellents: Mothball Flakes - The most commonly sold snake repellent product. +254 703055666 The efficacy of this product makes it as one of the best snake repellents and also an indispensable resource in protecting your property free of snakes. This snake repellent product contains naphthalene (7%) and sulfur (28%) as its active ingredients. Jumia Kenya has a variety of insect repellants that Lets you prevent your family from these diseases spreading insects. The onion plant creates sulphonic corrosive, which is unbearable for snakes. Here are five plants that snakes … The appearance of  tobacco leaves and odour also act as a snake repellent. What’s more, the bright flowers look good on your property. Homemade Snake Repellent The first option is to mix the oils in a little bit of salt first, and then dissolve the salt in 2oz. Repelling snakes naturally. Snake Repel is an approved, tested and patented snake repellent, effective against both venomous and non-venomous snakes. Onion and garlic top the list of natural snake repellent plants, since, most serpents dislike their smell.  or Email Us, Qualified, registered and experienced Pest Control technicians, Get your Professional Pest Survey and Quote Free of charge, Protecting businesses and homes in Kenya from Pests for 60+ Years. The bitter taste of leaves and roots keeps snakes away from this plant. Snake Repellent - http://www.chipptips.com/snakes Watch this video review to learn which snake repellents work best. You'll have beautiful flowers, plus a snake-free garden. Both plants give off a smell that snakes not only dislike, but it also confuses them. It is made from natural essential oils of rosemary, cinnamon, clove, cedar, and garlic, plus peanut hulls and sulfur. It is a native of north-east and central India. Snake Scram is a powerful granular scent-based snake repellent. Be sure to check out this guide to find the best snake repellent for your specific needs. Essential Oil Snake Repellent . Planting them around the perimeter is … Aside from its bright yellow and white flowers that are beautiful in the garden, this plant has long been established as one of the most potent pest and snake repellants. Buy at affordable prices on Jumia Kenya. In fact, this sharp appearance of the foliage is enough to dissuade snakes from approaching. Snake problems do, however need to be dealt with using very specific skills. 10 plants that repel snakes and other crawling reptiles.  or, For your local experts call us on Snakes are an essential part of the ecosystem. The Exterminators Choice Snake Defense Natural Snake Repellent uses essential oils to keep both non-poisonous and poisonous snakes out of your yard, without affecting your plants. Snake Repellent Plants: These plants are not to kill snakes but to make them hate their presence with their odor so that they stop tagging along at your place. Sulfur - Another commonly sold repellent, sometimes mixed with mothball flakes. While the scents used in most snake repellent formulas is not repulsive to most humans, some people may find the odors unpleasant, and they may bother pets and welcomed wild animals. These plants act as natural Snake repellents and some rodents like rat and mice etc. The snake repellent evaluationwith two Ortho Snake B Gon Snake Repellent Granules. Luckily, snakes do not like sharp leaves or repugnant smells and they avoid neighbourhoods that harbour such plants or strong smells. The roots grow deep and aggressively, which give off a strong odor that repels many garden pests and critters. If you have any queries, do send us a comment. Grow onion and garlic plant in well-drained, fertile, neutral soil with pH (6.5-7.0). +254 703055777 The best snake repellent keeps pests away and is easy to apply. True or not, they work to keep snakes away. It’ll easily repel the snakes that roam around your house or the fenced area for about 3 months. Marigolds are commonly used in an effort to deter pests. So, wondering what plants repel snakes? Top choice for the best snake repellent is the Ortho Snake B Gon Granules which covers all potential snake issues you might encounter. We have mentioned earlier that the experiments regarding the effectiveness of oil mixtures are ongoing. Types: Plants 47. artificial Plants 5 outdoor Plants 4. Top of the list is Jeyes Fluid, a disinfectant developed by John Jeyes in 1877, followed by chlorine, naphthalene, old oil or diesel, commercially available snake repellent and plants including Geraniums, wild garlic and tobacco. In addition, the Rauvolfia serpentina is used to treat snake bites. Prickly and spiky plants may also have some repellent properties. advertissement Afraid of snakes? This plant has a similar role as marigolds in repelling snakes. This plant is a plant commonly used in landscaping that is said to repel snakes. The list of active ingredients of this product is finally missing sulfur as it only contains Cinnamon Oil, Geraniol, Castor Oil, Peppermint Oil, Clove Oil. Jun 8, 2017 - Explore Jackie Wilson's board "Snake repellant", followed by 478 people on Pinterest. One of its uses in those times was as a snake repellent. We can grow these snake repellent plants in our homes and gardens or used as fencing plants. This can be used in several different ways. What most other websites don’t tell you is to make a vibration, snake repellers must make a noise. Garlic plants are thought to be the best plants that repel snakes. Because of the strong citrus smell, especially when crushed, snakes won’t want to cross it. Snake are said to strongly dislike the smell of bitter Kola making them stay away. Snake Repel is effective against both venomous and non-venomous snakes; When used and applied as directed it is safe for humans, animal and plant life; It is non-toxic and eco-friendly, and has no unpleasant odour; Snake Repel is only effective when applied to repel snakes in … Our snake repellent service involves an external application of a specialised snake repellent chemical around your premises, to minimise the risk of snakes entering your home or place of work. However, many species possess defensive traits that are harmful, or even deadly, to humans. Similar to the marigold plant, the Andrographis paniculata is believed to be a good snake repellent. Onions and garlic are very useful garden plants for repelling snakes. Providing Snake Repellent services We provide you with snake repellent services and expert advice to prevent snakes from entering your property. It doesn’t just drive them away like St Patrick rocking up to Ireland like a boss, but it also halts nesting an discourages foraging to … The seeds of bitter kola can be cut into pieces or ground into a smooth powdered form after the outer part has been removed and spread around the house and corners to repel snakes. THEORY: The Solar Torch Snake Repeller will provide a brief variable frequency vibration. Order now and pay on delivery The snake repellent we use is an approved, tested and patented snake repellent, successful against all snakes whether they are venomous or non-venomous. Snakes control services, Jopestkil Kenya snakes control services in Kenya pest snakes geckos lizards reptile Nairobi Kenya snakes control in Nairobi Kenya Mombasa, ... At times one can use lizard repellents, available in the market but, are toxic and may harm your family and pets. Sold in liquid, granule form. Snakes will retreat when sprayed directly with these oils and will exit cargo or other confined spaces when these oils are introduced to the area. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue (MILTs): Of all the different oxygen producing plants, this one is unique since it converts a lot of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to O2 (oxygen) at night, making it ideal to have several in your Measure the snake, straightened out, but not unduly stretched, from the snout to the tip of the tail. These plants have bitter tastes and strong smells that cause discomfort and disorientation to snakes when they slither over them. Marigolds can provide a hiding spot for mice and other snake prey; however, the root’s strong odor keeps pests from settling in. Sureguard Snake Repellents have been developed as a deterrent to many kinds of snakes. Another snake repellent plant is bitter. We hope that you learned quite a bit from … Both plants give off a smell that snakes not only dislike, but it also confuses them. It is the source for citronella, the popular mosquito repellent. Sureguard Sureguard Snake Repellant uses ultrasound and emits vibrations up to 20 metres to keep snakes at bay.It works well according to customer reviews. Boil parts of coriander, cilantro, marigold, and basil to make an organic insect repellent.The coriander repels aphids, Colorado potato beetle, and spider mites.. 15. Plants that drives snakes away. We hope that you learned quite a bit from our guide. Commercial customers can call for a free quote on To forestall a possible snake incursion, you only need to grow snakeroot plants around your yard. Snake Plant a.k.a. As mentioned many times, snakes don’t like plants with pungent odor which is why lemongrass is one of the best snake repellents. The oily exudates of these plants also stick to the body of the snakes, and its aroma has the same disorienting effect as that of a pepper spray. See more ideas about snake repellant, snake, keep snakes away. Buy weed and pest control online at Jumia Kenya. Keep in mind that the roots require as much air as they need water. Tulbaghia violacea Tulbaghia Violacea. Snakes will end up in your backyard eventually by following their favorite food like frogs and rodents. The second option is to add the oils The best way will be to create a barrier around your home’s perimeter. It was mentioned by the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Blend of All-Natural Ingredients - Hot pepper, sulfur, peppermint, garlic, etc. One reviewer says; "We had spied a red belly black around our garden a few times, but when he decided to join us on our deck for happy hour it was the last straw. Below are a list of plants that repel snakes……. Cinnamon, clove, and cedarwood essential oils will all repel snakes. This plant … Top choice for the best snake repellent is the Ortho Snake B Gon Granules which covers all potential snake issues you might encounter. Another snake repellent plant is bitter. Plants in Kenya. Snake Repel has been extensively tested by bio chemical specialists, to ensure its thorough effectiveness Others include Mugwort, Pink Agapanthus, and Andrographis paniculata. 1. the snake must be looked for, and noted. It is rare to encounter a snake problem and - as shy creatures - if you see one, it is likely that they will simply be passing-by as quickly as possible. They won’t completely stop them from entering, but these snake-repellent plants should be a part of your strategy. It has essential oils that have insecticidal characteristics. If propagating from a single host plant, be sure to let the roots establish themselves first for at least three months after planting. Moreover, mint plants can easily develop and become beautiful hedges. I know you don’t like snakes or other crawling animals (reptiles) and you will do anything to keep them out of your environment, surroundings and household. The Indian snakeroot contains reserpine, which is known to cause sleepiness and to slow down one’s heart rate. Look for a long-lasting formula if you plan to create a perimeter, as these repellents can help to "train" snakes away from the area. However, these plants do not kill snakes and may be more effective to some types of snakes than others. Best Snake Repelling Plants and Trees: Here is the list of top 10 snake repellent plants and trees. Garlic plants are thought to be the best plants that repel snakes. Black Turmeric Plant: Planting this perennial herb in the garden around the house will act as a Snake deterrent. Research has shown that cinnamon oil, clove oil, and eugenol are effective snake repellents. It doesn’t just drive them away like St Patrick rocking up to Ireland like a boss, but it also halts nesting an discourages foraging to make nosy intruders a … This plant has been in use since prehistory. Jun 8, 2017 - Explore Jackie Wilson's board "Snake repellant", followed by 478 people on Pinterest. Unlike smelly plants, snakes find the sight of Mother-in-Laws Tongue frightening. It’s thought that snakes think the oils will melt the scales, so they stay away from them. The harsh smell and the hot nature keep snakes at bay from those surroundings. I am new to exploring this part of the World. Use lemongrass to form a secure barrier from snakes and repel mosquitoes and ticks at the same time. See cost. This sharp appearance of the foliage is enough to dissuade snakes from approaching. of water. Using plants that repel snakes rather than any formulation can keep the garden organic. Place the plants in 3-5 hours of direct sunlight. Black Turmeric Plant: 1. They are harmful to you, your family, and your garden in the long run. This apparently … Garlic plants are thought to be the best plants that repel snakes. Our snake repellent service involves an external application of a specialised snake repellent chemical around your premises, to minimise the risk of snakes entering your home or place of work. They won’t completely stop them from entering, but these snake-repellent plants should be a part of your strategy. The difference between this plant and most snake repellent plants is that the snakes are not repelled by the scent of this plant. Lemongrass produces a citrus smell that deter snakes as well as mosquitos and even ticks from your garden. A List Of Pest And Insect Repellent Plants From A To Z That “keep out of reach of children” signs in all of the chemical or non-natural insect repellent products are there for a reason. This plant is most distinguished by its sharp leaves. We make use of the Actelic spray application which serves as the best snake repellent when sprayed along the perimeter fence or any vegetation harboring the snakes. They emit a pulsing vibration into the surrounding soil. Snake repellant plants: Wormwood or Artemisia vulgaris. Lemongrass is drought-resistant and easy to maintain. We didn’t deliberate a lot on this one despite the fact that it might be difficult to pick just one product. Commercial customers can call for a free quote on. Snake-A-Way has greater than 91% repellency rate for rattlesnakes and garter snakes. For your own safety and that of the snake, you should never touch them and whenever possible, please try not to be alarmed. Although considered as an invasive plant, it can be an ornamental plant for its beautiful flowers. Also called Viper’s Bowstring Hemp (Sansevieria trifasciata) . Nobody wishes for a snake bite and bites from serpents are best avoided by keeping them at bay. I know you don’t like snakes or other crawling animals (reptiles)  and you will do anything to keep them out of your environment, surroundings and household. However, if you simply must buy something, I do recommend a trap, which at least works, rather than a garbage repellent. Contact us for snake repellent services. This favorite ingredient for many Asian cultures has other purposes. The bitter herb if sprayed on a snake’s scales will cause the snake’s skin to become swollen. Rentokil Kenya supplies snake repellent services. Here is the list of top 10 snake repellent plants and trees. You will find different mosquito repellant that is guaranteed to keep your household safe from insects and diseases. Repelling snakes naturally. See more ideas about plants, snake repellant, organic gardening. Snake repellent goes a long way, but I understand why some want a non-chemical solution. Its stem has chemicals that mosquitoes don’t like.. 14. Plants that repel snakes. People either eat the foliage or rub them on the affected skin to hopefully cure themselves. Click here to understand the signs of the presence of snakes. Snakes do not like the appearance of this plant. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue is one of the best plants that repel snakes because of its sharp leaves—but also because the plant rejuvenates the oxygen at a higher-than-normal rate. If snakes are provoked they can bite. Tobacco have been in use in traditional practice in the past as protective measure and are still in use in rural communities in the tropics. Overall, you can prevent snakes from loitering on your property through the proper placement of particular plants. Order now and pay on delivery Another one of the plants that repel snakes is the Lemongrass. The plant gives off an oily residue when a snake slithers over a clove. Also available for sale is rodent repellent. It is one of the powerful snake repellent plant or rather an invasive weed as considered in many places, it is found in waste places and roadsides. List of Plants That Repel Snakes Garlic. On the other hand, garlic emits a slick oil that irritates snakes when they crawl on the plant. Check for common signs like shed snake skins, and know what to do to help prevent them gaining access to your property. 1. When the snake perceives the … Here is a rundown of the eight plants that repel snakes. Snake Repellent Services. This is one of the best plants that repel snakes, mosquitoes, and even ticks from your garden. Of Mother-in-Laws Tongue, and know what to do to help prevent gaining... Lemongrass to form a secure barrier from snakes and repel mosquitoes and at... 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2020 snake repellent plants in kenya