Cold weather does not affect too much the activity of german shepherds. But try to keep him occupied with fun distractions. You’d be shocked to see how far a male dog would go to get to a female in heat. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thegermanshepherder_com-netboard-1','ezslot_25',124,'0','0'])); If your male dog is showing signs of sniffing out a female in heat, keep him locked up inside, on a leash when outside, and under your careful supervision at all times. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Let’s be real though. The King Shepherd has both the qualities of the German Shepherd and the Shiloh Shepherd so you will get a dog that is beautiful to look at, easy to train, loyal, friendly, and strong. We’ve used Cliganic USDA Organic Peppermint Essential Oil in a diffuser with some level of success. She’ll leave a bit of a mess that you’ll want to clean frequently, but at least you won’t have to change diapers for three weeks. It is important, however, in any climate, to provide a German Shepherd with the appropriate amount of Just like we layer up in the winter to keep warm, a German Shepherd’s coat will grow in longer and thicker as winter approaches. Watch carefully as it falls back into place. But don’t get your calendar out yet. If you’re new to canine reproduction, all of what you just read might seem like a foreign language. So in addition to keeping your dog on a leash during walks, make sure that it has a snug-fitting collar with the proper identification tags in case your dog does become separated from you. What kind of dog does a mix between these two amazing breeds... Why Do German Shepherds Bite or Chew Their Nails? eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'thegermanshepherder_com-box-3','ezslot_2',108,'0','0'])); Below, we’ll cover everything you need to know about German Shepherds in heat, so let’s get started. Why?eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thegermanshepherder_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_24',125,'0','0'])); As mentioned earlier, every male dog in the neighborhood (and even from outside the neighborhood) will be chewing through your fence, digging under it, or hopping over it to get to your GSD. Usually, by age four or five your dog’s body will have adjusted to the hormone fluctuations. Likely, the female’s owner is just as vexed as you, though you may not be thinking about that right now. Originally from Germany, this large-sized and medium-energy breed can grow to between 75-95 pounds and lives an average of 10-12 years. She may be confused about what’s happening during her first heat cycle, which can increase nervousness. People speculate that a little activity under the sun may actually benefit your German Shepherd. What Is a Heat Cycle in German Shepherds? You can find another German Shepherd mix: Top 21 Most Adorable German Shepherd Mix Breeds That You Will Love History and Original Purposes Although the exact history of this designer dog is unknown, we can get a better idea of the Great Shepherd’s capabilities and uses by looking at the history and original purposes of its parent breeds: The German Shepherd Dog and the Great Dane Some vets may have suggestions before trying medications for calming your dog, too. The places change, my dogs don't. Removing him from the source of his frustration (the smell of the female in heat) will quickly return him to his normal behaviors. If you thought estrus blood on your tile smelled bad, just wait until you get a whiff of it after three days on her dog bed. I love every aspect of training them and simply just having them around. Heat cycles can be messy. More likely, he’s tracked her from farther away. In these cases, you still need to keep your male dog locked up. Between the excessive urination, the bloody discharge, and the antsy chewing, your house could end up a huge mess. Some wait up to two years. Not for her body at least. And at the very least, they can prescribe a medication to help keep your buddy calm and serene until the storm of estrus passes. washable fabric diapers or period garments. She honestly can’t help herself.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'thegermanshepherder_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',112,'0','0'])); It’s impossible to know for sure, but there are some averages here at least. What Does It Mean When a German Shepherd Is in Heat? Female German Shepherd dogs generally have their first heat cycle at around 6 to 12 months of age. Before we get started, please stick around until the end of the article. Every dog is different, so try a few things to try to hide that smell. Cliganic USDA Organic Peppermint Essential Oil. Afford your puppy the same considerations that you would to a child in these circumstances. The German Shepherd is an adaptable breed. A German Shepherd in his prime can handle temperatures 20 degrees Fahrenheit fairly easily. This is especially true of those in heat. link to Why Do German Shepherds Bite or Chew Their Nails? He's an intelligent and capable working dog. You may need to increase how much you feed your dog during the winter if it spends a fair amount of time outside. It may become a bit annoying if your dog is particularly insistent about it, but try not to punish her for this behavior. German Shepherd is a strong, athletic and well-balanced dog with a sturdy overall built. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge about German Shepherds with the world, and I encourage all future dog owners to consider one as a companion as well. The dog in heat may not be yours, but the male going nuts because he can’t get to her is yours. Heat Tolerance: Well Tolerated = 5 Poor Tolerance = 1 "Aussies" are overall very well-rounded, having a broad range of skills, talents, and personality quirks. Listen, it’s best to tuck that indignity aside. Chances are good that everything will be perfectly fine. While there, your veterinarian will examine your dog. However, it’s not that he’s smelling her over that long distance. If you have a German Shepherd, you might have noticed him gnawing or nibbling on his nails. Now is your chance to remind your dog how much you love her.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'thegermanshepherder_com-leader-2','ezslot_17',118,'0','0'])); Speak softly if she seems agitated. And if possible, make sure that your puppy lives indoors. You may have noticed a trend in this article so far—heat cycles can vary widely, and size plays a pretty big role. You now know that male dogs do not go into heat. So, I have a german shepherd. I know most dogs don't like extremes, but I don't know at what point my Beagle will get cold, or at what point she may need a jacket outdoors. If you are dealing with a puppy during hot and cold weather, keep in mind that they are not as developed as their full-grown counterparts. If you crate trained your dog when she was a puppy, her crate might be a good option. Some dogs, often the very tiny breeds, may be in heat for only a few days. These dogs are very lively, inquisitive and strong. It’s time to return inside of this is happening. He can tolerate temperature even as low as -10 to -15 degrees Fahrenheit for short periods and as long as he stays dry. Mother Nature isn’t done messing with you yet! If you must take her outside for any reason, even in your fenced yard, put the leash on. Even if it’s just starting out and making a few newbie mistakes, it’ll get the hang of things without your help. Increasing a German Shepherd’s activity in Water evaporates very quickly on hot days. When they sense a female in heat, they will begin to act strangely, becoming aggravated, agitated, and may even develop aggression. It never hurts to ask. Here’s a primer on canine estrus cycles. A dog kept in the hot sun without access to shade can quickly overheat and begin to dehydrate. The bottom line is that your pride and entitlement mean squat when it comes to keeping your male German Shepherd safe, happy, and healthy. You should walk away feeling much more capable of handling the next few weeks.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'thegermanshepherder_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_23',123,'0','0'])); As promised, we’ll talk a little about caring for a male German Shepherd during another dog’s heat cycle. By taking him away from the smell of the female in heat, you’ll be relieving him of the stress involved. But keep in mind that GSDs are very focused dogs, and they will not always come to you and let you whether they are too hot or too cold. So before I decided to buy a GSD in the Midwest, I spoke with a number of breeders and other GSD owners who I knew in the area.eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'thegermanshepherder_com-box-3','ezslot_6',108,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'thegermanshepherder_com-box-3','ezslot_7',108,'0','1'])); So, what temperatures can German Shepherds tolerate? While your dog is walking, especially if you live in a city, it can step on a number of things that are harmful to it. With great drive, high energy and dedication it is understandable why it is America's second most popular dog. Dog diapers come in a variety of sizes, styles, and prices. There are disposables available, but if you care about the environment, look into washable fabric diapers or period garments. Because of this they will be much less tolerant of heat or cold. Here’s why. She's 7 years old. Not only does that lessen the smell of a wet dog, it also protects your dog from a few potential hazards which you may not have occurred to you. She needs to know that there is nothing wrong with her, and she’ll know this by how you treat her. It also means she’ll have longer pauses between heat cycles. Cold weather dog breeds are made to withstand the harshest winter temperatures with ease. It’s best not to disturb her – she won’t hurt herself, and the swelling is not from irritation. The places change, my dogs don't. How can you help your male dog survive a heat cycle? Some Shepherds should not be exposed to extremely cold temperatures because of their decreased ability to cope. Dogs - Beat the Heat Pictures 1 While generally harmless, some dogs even flag their owners. How to Care for a German Shepherd in Heat. However, the best way to keep your dog from being dehydrated is simply to avoid dehydration in the first place. link to Czech Wolfdog German Shepherd Mix: Fearsome and Loyal. This behavior is simply your male dog’s way of responding to a female in heat. Pregnancy can disrupt this cycle, too, so don’t set your watch by it. Basically, without boring you with super technical science jargon, the older a dog is, the fewer viable eggs she will have, and the fewer hormones she’ll produce. Just don’t write it in stone. Always make sure that your dog has a clean supply of fresh water at all times. Even worse is letting an in-heat female into a room with an intact male if you’re not planning on breeding. How Often Will My German Shepherd Go Into Heat? Heat Stroke in dogs is common especially in the summer and knowing how to deal with it may just help you save a life. They are also hardworking and smart, which makes them capable of performing many tasks. If you’re concerned, ask your vet. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge about German Shepherds with the world, and I encourage all future dog owners to consider one as a companion as well. The goal is to make the house heat-proof, not your dog. Sometimes, there is no other option but asking your vet for help. Photo Credit: Jordan Colley Visuals What you can do however is make sure that the dog will reach its full potential. Most German Shepherds are comfortable spending time outside at temperatures as low as 24.8°F or -4°C thanks to their thick, two-layer fur coat. Dogs at high risk of developing intolerance to heat are the very young or very old, those who are overweight, those with history of heart or respiratory disease and those who lack exercise. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'thegermanshepherder_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',113,'0','0'])); Sometimes, it can take a year or more for your dog to get into a relatively predictable cycle. Many simply take it in stride. They’ll leave the floor, bedding, toys, and furniture to you. Spend extra time with her and you will both benefit from the attention. But don’t overdo it, you do not want your dog to begin gaining weight. German Shepherd Exercise The German Shepherd is an active breed that requires a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. What does all of this actually mean? It’s about you, too. Most likely, however, it’s just normal aging stuff. And since dogs have a tendency to lick their paws, they can ingest these things. So are breeds with short noses, like Bulldogs or Pugs, since they can't pant as well to cool themselves off. She's medium to long hair. Yikes! Don’t use it as punishment; just use the crate as a safe, secure, and comfortable place for your dog to wait out the heat cycle. Even though Mother Nature did a pretty good job creating the systems that keep our dogs running, there will always be room for errors and hiccups. We know that you've heard of a German Shepherd, but what about a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (also known as a Czechoslovakian Vlcak)? Buck the German Shepherd mix shaking off after a dip in the pool Shanieka, a German Shepherd/Siberian Husky mix, keeping cool in her very own splash pool! The German shepherd dog is a dog that possesses a lot of beauty, together with the fact that they are very bright and clever. In this case, your male GSD is suffering, frustrated, and may even become aggressive if you choose to do nothing. Notice we said “relatively predictable”; more on that in a moment. I love every aspect of training them and simply just having them around. To the untrained eye—or a misinformed owner—this seems an awful lot like a heat cycle in a male dog. What About Male German Shepherds During Heat? It is important, however, in any climate, to provide a German Shepherd with the appropriate amount of shade, shelter, and water. Be vigilant, be kind, be aware of your dog’s needs. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'thegermanshepherder_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_16',116,'0','0'])); Since he can’t get to her, he may become frustrated and start to develop a behavioral issue or two. If you prepare yourself and your household right now, you can handle the weeks ahead without a hitch. Just like you seek out shade on a hot day, so does your dog. I have a twenty month old long haired German Shepherd bitch who has slept outside since when I got her at four months old . I'm originally from Indiana, though I've lived in many different states and traveled extensively. This will, of course, be dependent on your dog’s activity level and how hot the weather is outside. It may seem cruel to keep your GSD in heat indoors and isolated from other dogs, but it’s not. That’s true for how long each heat cycle lasts, too. This isn’t about fairness to you or your right to live however you like, as much as you may hate to read that. If you have a German Shepherd, you might have noticed him gnawing or nibbling on his nails. Relax. I love every aspect of training them and simply just having them around. When you own a German Shepherd, their needs should always come before your own. Other people have tried strong-smelling, natural products such as mint or sour apple. They’re trying to get to the female to fulfill their natural-born duty—to impregnate the female. Since her reproductive organs have been removed, she no longer goes through the cycle.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thegermanshepherder_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',109,'0','0'])); German Shepherds are large dogs. Get some “period panties” for your GSD in heat. This is due to the surge in hormones. Since German Shepherds are large dogs, you may only see one heat cycle a year. These dogs can adapt to a wide variety of circumstances. Now that you know what a heat cycle is (and isn’t), it’s time to learn how to care for your German Shepherd during her heat cycle. Intervention at this stage is critical to avoid a potentially life-threatening issue. You may have just gotten used to her heat cycle by four, five, or six years of age, then suddenly things go haywire again. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thegermanshepherder_com-leader-4','ezslot_20',119,'0','0'])); A word of warning: Do not use dog diapers as a birth control method. She will not be thinking or acting like herself for much of the cycle, so it’s best to keep her isolated indoors and away from other intact dogs. There are many physiological changes taking place inside her, so her systems may seem out of whack. Breeds with very short coats and little or no undercoat or body fat, such as Greyhounds, are vulnerable to the cold. Male or female, your GSD will make it through this heat cycle—and any in the future—happy and healthy because of the steps you took today to prepare. The places change, my dogs don't. While we don’t generally turn to medical intervention for things like dealing with estrus, it may be necessary in some cases. So use your common sense, consider how much time your dog does spend outside, keep an eye on your dog and adjust accordingly.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thegermanshepherder_com-leader-1','ezslot_12',114,'0','0'])); After a walk in the snow, it is good practice to thoroughly dry off your dog when it returns inside. Flagging is the act of flipping her tail to one side and presenting her vulva to male dogs in the vicinity. More frequent urination often signals the start of the heat cycle in GSDs. Offer a new toy every few days to help distract her from nature’s call. are very lively, inquisitive and strong. Her body knows what it’s doing. If all else fails, you can enroll your male dog in a doggy daycare or boarding session. Typically, German Shepherds, once acclimated, can stay outside in very cold weather for long periods of time. Is Aromatherapy Bad for Dogs? It can also be upsetting and stressful to an older dog who has had a traumatic first or second heat cycle, too. The only exception to heat is any female that’s been spayed. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Once you understand what it means for a GSD to be in heat, you can take measures to keep your dog safe, comfortable, and appropriately cared for during this important and sometimes stressful time. Whether you plan to breed your German Shepherds or just want to keep them safe during their heat cycles, it’s imperative to know what’s happening and why. It is a common misconception that male dogs also go into heat. Intelligent and diligent, Aussies do well in agility and obedience events. However, not all dogs go through this phase. The skin of dehydrated dogs, on the other hand, will take longer to fall back into place.”. You can’t. Brachycephalic dogs such as Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pekingese, Shih Tzus, and more are more prone to suffering from Heat Stroke., and more are more prone to suffering from Heat Stroke. They may decide to check her hormone levels and do a physical to be sure nothing scary is happening. A German Shepherd can withstand cold temperatures above -4 . It doesn’t matter how well trained he is; he’s listening to his instincts now. “Dr. If doggie diapers aren’t your idea of fun, your house can still stay relatively clean. Regardless, if there is a female in heat somewhere within walking distance, your male dog is going to know it… and so will you. While a GSD can live outdoors, it is not recommended at a young age. What’s more, if you clip them, your dog will either crunch on them or eat the clippings. Leashing your dog during cold weather and identification tags, Pain to your dog when you touch the affected body part, The affected area will be cold to the touch, A gray or bluish discoloration in the affected area, Blackening or dead skin in the affected area. How Long Do Heat Cycles Last for German Shepherds? I've owned and trained German Shepherds for over 18 years now. There are differences, of course—such as canine eggs being far more immature than human eggs upon release—but the basic mechanics are the same. In other words give your dog the correct raw diet it … If you’re lucky, you may be able to hide the smell of the dog in heat from your male GSD. I'm originally from Indiana, though I've lived in many different states and traveled extensively. German Shepherd Dogs are also a favorite choice for vision, military, service, and police work. This is different for dogs that are acclimated to the cold weather. It's around 35 degrees, which is 95 farenheight. Many dogs clean themselves very well during this time so there is nothing to worry about, but not all are able to keep up with this. Removing more hair than that will disrupt its natural layering and may cause your GSD to become too hot. The key being to not overdo it in any one area with your puppy – spend less time in the heat, spend less time in the cold, be extra attentive to any signs of distress. German Shepherd’s come in several coat types — namely, standard, plush, and long-coat varieties. If you’ve tried to keep him locked in the house and tempted him with tons of toys to no avail, it might be time for the crate. If they did not shed all this extra fur when it got hot, they would become too hot and be at risk for Staying warm burns calories. One of my German Shepherds grew up primarily in the Midwest. If you take your dog inside and these symptoms or behaviors do not improve quickly, then you need to take your dog to the veterinarian immediately. Games, toys, treats, and lots of time with you should help some. So, my question is simple....I live in a cold place (Northern NH), and am the owner of several Alaskan Malamutes. Most dogs will go into heat approximately once every six months. Without the leash, you’d be hard-pressed to stop the two from getting together and making a bunch of unexpected puppies. If she makes a mess, don’t scold her—just clean it up and move on. I love every aspect of training them and simply just having them around. Be aware if your dog is experiencing frostbite. And for an hour. If you are walking your dog in the cold and it begins to limp, it could be that it’s stepped on something, but this is also often a sign that it is just getting too cold. With all things in nature, however, there is a wide variation that is perfectly normal, too. Treat your GSD with the same consideration that you would a person whom you deeply care about – because your dog most certainly cares about you, and it deserves as much love back from you as it gives to you. A blood-tinged discharge may be present during estrus, and it happens to be the sign that most people notice first. Male dogs can become incredibly aggressive when a female is in heat. Though as a general rule, dogs should drink about an ounce of water per pound of their body weight per day. I've owned and trained German Shepherds for over 18 years now. Thanks all for replying in advance. However, not all dogs go through this phase. Her smell may have clung to her owner out for a walk alone, for example. What you can do, however, is be an emotional support human for your dog. Keep your male German Shepherd indoors if you know there is a dog in heat nearby. The Australian Shepherd is all about working hard. They may have suggestions for herbal tinctures or sprays to use around the house, wipes to use on your dog’s fur, or something brand-new and space age. Others can be in heat for weeks on end. Some people have luck with menthol products dabbed on windowsills or door frames. It’s true that having a dog in heat is not unnatural, it doesn’t mean it isn’t scary. There’s likely nothing wrong with your dog; this is just nature’s way of ensuring strong, healthy puppies. At heart, this breed is a working dog that is both durable and sturdy. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Especially if you live in an area that experiences extremes in weather. I'm originally from Indiana, though I've lived in many different states and traveled extensively. A few months ago my family and I adopted a pure-bred GSD, and this is my first winter with the breed.... My Mals do spend the nights, all winter, outdoors. You could end up with unwanted puppies at your door in a few months, a big vet bill for a c-section, or even worse, a hospital bill when your dog bites someone in his frenzy to get to the female in heat. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge about German Shepherds with the world, and I encourage all future dog owners to consider one as a companion as well. Once acclimated, they can tolerate and do well in both hot and cold climates. Recommended preventative measures for hot There are some male dogs that become completely loony when they sense a female in heat. The German Shepherd Dog The German Shepherd Dog is one of America's most popular dog breeds — for good reason. Cold weather can also begin to crack your dog’s paws if exposed for long periods of time. Knowing your German Shepherd’s cold tolerance, and preparing when the temperature gets too low, can help you take care of your dog. 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