Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). You now have an active installation of two themes – Minimalist Portfolio and Hamilton theme. Free Help Greetings 🙂, You will have to go to the support forum for that –, The problem is solved by a recent update of the minimalist portfolio 🙂. As you can see in the demo, the theme doesn’t have a social icon area. If yes, then go to Portfolio > Portfolio Settings and set “Show Archive Titles & Descriptions” to Disable. Domains and Web Hosting Build a Portfolio App. A favicon is a little icon associated with your website and displayed in the browser tab. I’m going to delete this one and start fresh by going to Portfolio > New Portfolio Entry. You get more than 500 website designs to choose from, plus there’s the Wix App Market offering you access to add-ons. Your email address will not be published. You might also like: 12 Beautiful Portfolio Websites to Inspire Your Own Design. Thank you for your great free theme at first. Always aim to have at least one current project displayed in the portfolio. I had two blogs on WordPress and one on Wix, so I’m familiar with both…now will be deciding on which to use here. If you choose the hamburger menu (hidden behind a button), you can go to Appearance > Menu, create a new Menu and assign it to “Secondary Menu”. Wondering if there is a way to get rid of both of these gaps on all my pages? Portfolio Website Examples Deploy your portfolio website using ‘Github pages’ Some concepts you need to know before we start .. I have never heard of Pixpa but glad to hear you found something that works for your needs. Keep in mind – this is not only about a simple, “hire me” headline. Another common mistake with online portfolios is focusing only on the headlines or the visual aspects of your work. I selected the categories in main menu, etc. Is it possible to display the portfolio categories in the home page instead? I was wondering how do I align the photos? Your logo file size should be 100 px high. Add it and make use of Hamilton theme’s beautiful styling options. Check out this support topic on – I go to Pages > Add New, and create a page called Portfolio. It’s all being taken care of for you in the background. Create a new page and call it Blog. If you’re wondering how to make an awesome online portfolio and connect with others through your website, you’ve come to the right place! If you need specific how-tos on using each platform from top to bottom, feel free to check out our guides on WordPress, as well as our in-depth review of Wix. Click the “Save” button. Even if you were to include just one, massive, awesome example of your work, you would still be better off than when including 20 small, sub-par little projects. Thank you so much for your tutorial it was really helpful! When everything and everyone is online,  a personal website is a necessity for every creative. A good photo of yourself (can be in the background of the page) + your name + a one-liner of what you do. I have the same issue as Tiffany and Manon. My portfolio website cover images. Hi Matt, Then click the “Save Menu” button. The first time I see a waouwww how-to explanation on a wp theme installation… Many thanks for that. And I think its because of this problem also that in the “Appearance” – “Menus” I’m not able to see any items under pages. At this point, you can also link to your CV if those matter in your industry. I’ve shifted to Pixpa instead, and with a decent portfolio builder they offer much more flexibility than other platforms. Whatever I do, I am not able to get a text based menu on top of my page…I only get a dropdown (three vertical lines)menu where they turn up as a list, WHat am I doing wrong? please go to the official support forum and create a new support topic there. I suggest that you look into hiring a developer who can help you customize the existing theme and its design to better suit your needs 🙂. Site color – will your site background be light or dark? Themes and plugins are easy to install and configure – no programming required. Is your portfolio your homepage? The Ultimate Guide To Building A Personal Website. Learn how to create a beautiful, portfolio website, in just one hour. Click on the “Create a new gallery” button and now, on the right side of the panel, select 2 columns and size “large”. This really is everything that people need to know about you at this point. Thank you for the great tutorial. We will start with the most important and fun part which is our portfolio page! I did all steps to show different categories in my portfolio but in all of them we have a error 404 message. Assign all your galleries (except the Journal gallery) to “work”. Tools and Comparisons I do have question about the blog post featured image size in the post itself. e.g. I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of the site title as a header on the page. What is my mistake ? I do have a couple questions I hope you can help me with. Tools like WordPress and Wix offer you a lot of designs to choose from, which makes it kind of easy to lose yourself in all that and ultimately end up with something that albeit looks good, might not be the most optimized. Hi, It's great we can leave a message on the front page, but there is currently no way to use HTML, or put any links in there. Thank you so much for this post 🙂 The page you’re looking for could not be found. Is there a good way to create a link to a page from within image viewing? Glad you like the tutorial! Create 2 portfolio categories for your galleries – 1 would be “journal” and the other would be “work”. I wanted to add a way for people to follow my blog. 🙂. I changed Portfolio>Portfolio settings ‘Show active titles and descriptions’ to Disable, but this does not do the trick. Go to Settings > Reading and in the Posts page area select your Blog page. (this site), is a free online resource for helping people create websites, learn web development and design. In other words, don’t just showcase the images, or the names of what you did, or the companies you worked for. Before we do any post writing, we need to create a blog page first. Create your personal portfolio at just $199. This provides a lot of context and tells the person reading why the project was a success. Go to Settings > Reading. I would love to just see the images when viewing the portfolio. How can we remove the section for “Leave a Reply”? But I really like the minimal look of your theme and I want to use it, can you help me with that issues, please. It just shows me an empty box, no button to get to the upload screen. Hi Dion, An About page is an important part of any personal website because even though your pictures might be great, people visiting your site will want to know who’s behind all that work. About your contact form issue – not sure why it didn’t work for you. How to make the URL go directly to the Home page. Sorry to say that Lightbox galley can’t have links there. It is just great. My personal favorite is “Post Types Order” plugin. Thanks in advance. Right now my website home page displays my blog post sample, but in the planning phase, I decided that my website front page should be my portfolio, so I need to make that happen now. Extensible via themes and plugins. Please go to our theme support forum and create a new support topic there. Lastly, thanks to modern website technology, you have complete control of your portfolio, meaning that it’s entirely up to you how you choose to showcase your skills, experience, or whatever else you want to feature in the portfolio (more on that later). I think you could try and “hack it” by being clever though. Click here to see the final result of this guide, How to set up your Web Hosting & Domain name, 100 free photography logo templates section. I was just wondering is there a way to add social icons to the header? A child theme is a WordPress theme that inherits its look and functionality from another theme – the parent theme. A child theme is used when you want to add custom tweaks to your website without losing the ability to upgrade the theme in the future. I strongly believe that every good personal website should have a blog that’s frequently updated for a number of reasons: I understand that you won’t go and create a bunch of posts here and now but consider creating at least a “Welcome to my new website” or “My most recent photo shoot” post to get you going. These are the kind of perks that tools like WordPress and Wix give you. Hello, First off, let’s emphasize once again that the main requirement here is to be able to do everything yourself, even if you don’t have any prior portfolio-building (or website building) experience. After you subscribe to an account (both free and premium memberships available), you can start working on your portfolio right away. The UI is great, themes are clean and proofing feature is top notch. Jena. Then you would go to Portfolio > Portfolio Settings and assign your new portfolio page to “Portfolio Home Page” because you will want all your portfolio entries to show up on this page. It’s not only about customers – but a portfolio can also help you reach other like-minded people – your peers in the same niche – who you might enter a partnership with, thus help each other grow by referring work. I first installed Hamilton as my theme, and now I use Minimalist as my childtheme. These categories will be placed in the navigation area and will serve as filters for my portfolio so that if someone wants to see only my People galleries, instead of browsing the whole portfolio page, they can go to“People” and only those galleries will be shown on that page. Hi John, You could leave your contact page as it is now, but it’s a good idea to create a contact form that people can fill out without leaving your website. In the “Menu Name” area type MENU and click on the “Create Menu” button. The plugins I have tried show buttons on regular pages, but not on portfolio homepage or other category pages added to my main menu. Thank you, Nick! These days, adults in the US spend more time-consuming content on mobile than on the desktop. For that reason, you absolutely have to make sure that your portfolio looks just as good on iPhones, Android devices, tablets, as it does on a standard desktop computer. Second question: is it possible to embed a gallery into a page / post? Have a favorite quote? Read our full advertiser disclosure here. If you followed this guide and if it helped you in any way, please share your website in the comments, we would love to visit! Go to Appearance > Menus, make sure you have a couple of pages in your menu and check the “Primary Menu” checkbox. I have trashed most of my original content to start afresh but I just can’t get this to work? Logo Makers, Website Building Tutorials In the Appearance > Menus area you would use the “categories” tab to find all your blog categories. I have the same issue as Tiffany explained. Thank you, Go to Pages > All pages and see if you have a page called Portfolio. In order to get organized, we need to write down our website structure before we start to build it. Finally go back to the menu and see if the portfolio page shows up now. Great article. Hi, great tutorial. Thank you for your answer 😉. I truly hope that this guide helped you with designing a nice, cozy corner of the internet for yourself. This is, I want my wedding album to show first, and so on. Thank you for the great theme. I guess I need a bit more context here. Right now our WordPress theme has only blog posts and pages, we will have to install a plugin that will give us the ability to create a portfolio. Wordpress is the most prominent of these, but if you do not have programming skills or would rather not invest your time / money in creating a custom-built website, it make a lot more sense to choose one of the hosted website builders. And my website isn’t live yet? Contact, © 2014 – 2020 – How to Make a Website. I don’t see anything that says the template is compatible with that functionality. In this one, I publish my daily work. It seems as simple to set-up and LinkedIn and blogs are on the appropriate spaces. What I would try is create a new page and place a couple of images in it. I suggest you try out WooCommerce. Wix is indeed a great website builder, but not specifically for photographers. Or you can open this one and replace the existing content with your own. Thank you! If you’re specializing in wedding and couple photography, instead of “People” and “Objects” you could do “Weddings” and “Couples”. Your email address will not be published. Each image would represent 1 category (maybe photoshop the category name on top of the image.) If you can also get some pictures of your clients, that gives you bonus points. WordPress Mobile App? When uploading is done, click on “Activate”. There’s quality customer support available 24/7. Required fields are marked *. You write posts by going to Posts > Add New. For more examples, you can check out this link. For example, if you’ve selected WordPress as your platform of choice, you can use a free theme like Shapely to get a nice minimalistic look: That sums up our guide on how to make an online portfolio. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Sorry for my english, I’m french ! 07. Thanks a lot, If you’re a freelancer ready to take on new clients, list the specific services that you offer plus everything that a client should know – prices, scope, etc. Thank you for the post. I love the style of this site but I’m having real trouble as I was trying to switch from a previous theme. Now that all the preparation work is finally done, we can start uploading our images. Could you help me please ? The important thing here is to be creative, experiment and create. If you haven’t already, click here to download Minimalist theme. Thank you! It should be simple enough to work in very small sizes. Then I will group all my galleries in two categories called “People” and “Objects”. You can change fonts by installing a plugin called “Easy Google Fonts” or any similar plugin! A general rule of thumb with these things is that you shouldn’t depend on people being able to read between the lines. The sole fact of having a mention of your business/services online gives you access to millions of people who do their research via Google and other search engines before even deciding to work with a company or hire a new person. Is there a way to edit the ‘View Gallery’ text in each of the item of portfolio? In This Video First, I Show The Design Which I Create In This Tutorial. I’d like to change the order of the albums in the portfolio main page. Hi Radko, you create a sub-menu just like in any WordPress theme. There are 6 things you should do when you create each new gallery: When uploading your images, make sure you always prepare your them for web before uploading. You can see examples and instructions in the Hamilton theme demo here. Is The Minimalist site a responsive one? I love this layout, I’m having some issues with spacing though. For example in that post I have 1 gallery with 2 column, under it I have 1 gallery with 1 column and then 1 gallery with 2 columns again. Hope you understood what I’m saying here!,,,, Portfolio (which will serve as my homepage), People (separate portfolio category with people galleries), Objects (separate portfolio category with objects galleries), Navigation – should your menu items be hidden under a button or visible at all times?Si. Write in your own voice. Since this article deals with free things, I assume that you already have the following not so free things set up: If you have these already, you’re all set to go. Click on the “Install Now” button and wait for it to install. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! When you’re done reading, you’ll know exactly: The main benefit of having a portfolio page is that it establishes your brand on the web. As I mentioned before, I chose to set my menu to be visible in the header area. I love the way I can create portfolio now, as I’m a photographer. A new tab will show up on the left side of the screen called “Portfolio Categories”. Though, you can skip everything from high school and earlier. You can even rename the “Work” category and call it Portfolio but this time only galleries with Work category will show up on this page. You’ll see how everything is done, step by step, from start to finish. I only have the option “NONE” on the list. I tried the CSS changes, but it did not seem to work What could be the problem? Be short and concise. It was designed to keep you viewing the galley. Thank you, I like your theme, I jsut have one problem. In the pages section, you will see a page called “Portfolio”. At this point, your prospective client – who’s reading the portfolio – is already interested in what you do (they’ve just gotten through your list of projects) so now is the time to give them that final nudge to reach out to you. You don’t want the most recent entry in the portfolio to be two years old already. There is only one problem. You will have to go to the support forum for this one – Create a new support topic there! WordPress Tutorials It was created automatically when you installed the Easy Photography Portfolio Plugin. Portfolio: Then go to Portfolio Settings and I can´t assign my new PORTFOLIO PAGE to “Portfolio Home Page” because it doesn´t exist. Since your questions are on the technical side and most of them will need some code editing, I’ll ask you to go to the Minimalist theme support forum – where you’ll be able to get in touch with Norris (the developer). Mine is all in a row rather side to side? Beginners Easy Learn How To Make a Personal Website. I have a little problem. 12. Subscription-based tool. We will do that by going to Plugins > Add New. To start with, you can do it in a simple list form. Click on it and now select 2 images (they should be the same height). Then I would link each image to the corresponding category page. We only recommend services (or products) that we’ve found great for our visitors. Since websites are available round the clock, people can navigate to yours whenever it best suits them. No need to overdo it – around 300 words are plenty enough. Go ahead and create a couple of galleries for your portfolio now. I double checked and Portfolio Page was not automatically added to my Pages when I installed the Easy Photography Portfolio plug in.. As you already figured out – the plugin didn’t create a portfolio page for you (will look into this). In your blog post, click on the “Add Media” button to add images. Due to these differences, in this guide, we’re going to focus on “what to do” rather than “which buttons to press and in which order.” That way the advice will be universal no matter which platform you decide to go with. Create a page called “Portfolio”, don’t write anything in the content area, just leave it as is. Hi! thanks. The reason that we love it is that this single-page personal portfolio website is an ideal aggregator, and it bloops! This only makes the experience worse for the person reading. I was just wondering how you’re able to put the pictures side by side in the blog post?? Please report it to the support forum here. Website Platforms (CMS) Install and activate this plugin and then go to Settings > Post Types Order and simply click on the “Save Changes” button to make it work. There are basically four main elements to it: The important thing is that we’re getting into showcasing your work basically immediately (block no.2), right after getting the introduction part out of the way. Before we start creating our portfolio entries, we need to add our portfolio to our menu, so that we can access it from our website. The portfolio page is a different matter, it has a 2 column layout, exactly like in the demo, so you can’t create a single column with wide images in your portfolio page. I changed Portfolio>Portfolio settings ‘Show active titles and descriptions’ to Disable, but this does not do the trick. Have you chosen the tool you’re going to build your portfolio with? Now, these 2 images will appear side by side. It’s meant to showcase your work. For you, that means you won’t need to spend weeks how to make a portfolio or website from scratch. Marine. Since Minimalist is a free theme, we won’t be able to help you with custom code, but like all themes from, the code is Open Source, so anyone can create changes to it. If it is, do you have one you recommend? I’m going to use your tips to build my profile…hope you are staying safe and well during the pandemic! I can only see About and Contact pages I just made. © 2014 – 2020 – How to Make a Website, By using our content, products & services you agree to our, How to build Your own online portfolio (step-by-step). 5. Then go to Portfolio > Portfolio Settings and assign your new portfolio page to “Portfolio Home Page” because you will want all your portfolio entries to show up on this page. Make a Free Portfolio Website with WordPress: Step-by-Step Guide. Now simply drag-and-drop your portfolio entries around to create a new order! In order to do that, you will have to modify the parent theme – go to Hamilton support forum and create a new support topic there. Choose projects with best results and put them on display, preferably divide … I installed everything correctly (yay! Creative mindset — people click through tons of generic websites all the time, make them pause. Is there a way to update (adding photos) to Portfolio Entry using a mobile device? You will be able to come back to them later on as well, but I would like you to get familiar with your theme and consider them now because they might affect your choices later on. Or you could skip the whole category part and just have one portfolio page. If you have any questions about the theme or are having trouble making something work properly, please go to THE OFFICIAL MINIMALIST THEME FORUM. If you plan to add any images inside your posts, make use of Hamilton’s beautiful gallery styles. Paste that shortcode in any page or post and in that place your widget will appear. I’d suggest that you go to Minimalist support forum and create a new support topic there. How do I do that? I´ve tried to find out what the problem is, but nothing works, any idea of what might be the problem? It’s amazing that you have taken the time to make this incredible tutorial and answer all these comments to. There is no need to list every single detail and ever insignificant project from your past. If that’s true then you have come to the right spot, because this is a complete setup guide for beginners that will help you create a personal online portfolio website without spending a dime! I found you if we don’t have any content in it yet any! Doesn’T matter what you want to keep the introduction brief could skip the whole category part just. M confident building my website with WordPress, all you need is a huge gap between lines. Gallery take up more width on the “Site Identity” tab hey Anneliek, if you don ’ t have couple! The lines after my friends canceled our weekend plans, I want to add some interest. 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2020 how to make a portfolio website