Sie sind auf der linken Seite unten aufgeführt. State of World Population 2020. However, the study also found that countries with a higher CPR had less disparity than those in which a smaller percentage used contraceptives, indicating that increasing the CPR could contribute to reducing inequity (Karim, et al., 2004).The existing literature on the subject makes it clear that contraceptive prevalence is the single most important proximate determinant of total fertility, a fact that can be demonstrated using empirical evidence (Shah, 2006). The MDG database includes regional and global estimates as well as information about data sources, methods of computation, data availability and other details. Beschreibung in Englisch: Contraceptive Prevalence Rate. The percent of women of reproductive age who are using (or whose partner is using) a contraceptive method at a particular point in time, almost always reported for women married or in sexual union. Contraceptive prevalence rate Women aged 15-49, any method, per cent, 2016. any method Women aged 15-49, any method, per cent, 2016. modern method Women aged 15-49, modern method, per cent, 2016. OSLO, MAY 2001 The Institute of General Practice and Community Medicine, … Access to safe, voluntary family planning is a human right. We examined the gap between the method‐specific contraceptive prevalence rate measured from retrospective calendar data and a previous current‐status estimate. Looking for the abbreviation of contraceptive prevalence rate? Most surveys that have asked about the current use of a method of contraception have asked about use "now" or "within the last month"; sometimes other reference periods are specified. family planning services. Contraceptive prevalence, any methods (% of women ages 15-49) from The World Bank: Data Contraceptive prevalence rate, modern method: Percentage of women aged 15 to 49 who are currently using any modern method of contraception. DEFINITION: This field gives the percent of women of reproductive age (15-49) who are married or in union and are using, or whose sexual partner is using, a method of contraception according to the date of the most recent available data. Contraceptive prevalence rate This field gives the percent of women of reproductive age (15-49) who are married or in union and are using, or whose sexual partner is using, a method of contraception according to the date of the most recent available data. 2004. site is not official U.S. government information and does not necessarily represent the views of USAID, PEPFAR or the U.S. government. See also cervical cap , condom , diaphragm , intrauterine device , natural family planning method , oral contraceptive , spermatocide , sterilization. Measuring commitment to health. contraceptive method: any act, device, or medication for avoiding conception or a viable pregnancy. overall contraception prevalence rate among women of childbearing age (15 to 49 years) is 15% and modern contraceptive methods was totally dominated by the use of shorter-term methods such as pills and injectables. contraceptive prevalence rate of 72%, which is the rate necessary to achieve the total fertility rate (TFR) of 2.1 children per woman by 2015 (UNDP and the Ministry of National Planning 2015).” Accordingly, the Strategic National Population Plan 2015-2030 in Egypt has called for accelerated efforts to reduce the TFR to 2.4 births per woman by the year 2030. Chief, Fertility and Family Planning Section, Population Division, DESA. Higher Lower. Top synonyms for contraceptive prevalence (other words for contraceptive prevalence) are level of utilization, prevalence of contraception and use of contraception. U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Correlates of contraceptive use among Ghanaian women of reproductive age (15-49 years) Measuring commitment to health. Ann Biddlecom . Contraceptive prevalence rate (modern contraception) 4., Health Information Systems Strengthening Resource Center, Family Planning and Reproductive Health Indicators Database, Results-based Financing Indicator Compendium, Community-Based Indicators for HIV Programs. Arlington, VA, 2004. Proportion of women attended at least once during pregnancy for reasons related to pregnancy 6. Collapse. (Note: We include this point for informational purposes only.) MALE CONTRACEPTIVE PREVALENCE AND FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH CONTRACEPTIVE USE AMONG MEN IN NGARA, TANZANIA. “Impact of Changes in Human Fertility on Poverty". Hormonal contraception refers to birth control methods that act on the endocrine system.Almost all methods are composed of steroid hormones, although in India one selective estrogen receptor modulator is marketed as a contraceptive. Definition of Indicator Contraceptive prevalence rate is the proportion of women of reproductive age 15-49 who are using (o r whose partner is using) a contraceptive method at a given point in time. Fertility rate of women 15-19 years old 3. E-mail: Andere Bedeutungen von CPR Neben Empfängnisverhütende PrΣvalenzrate hat CPR andere Bedeutungen. The contraceptive prevalence rate is an indicator of health services, development, and women’s empowerment. Contraceptive prevalence, any methods (% of women ages 15-49) in Nigeria was 27.59 as of 2018. Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) A large proportion of this reduction in TFR can be attributed to the growing availability and use of contraceptives by Bangladeshi couples. Concepts & Definitions _____ 20 Method Mix _____ 22 Family Planning Service Vendors _____ 23 ... Further, Contraceptive Prevalence Rate, on the basis of modern methods (mCPR), has also been computed by estimating users for each method. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Contraceptive prevalence rate (%) information contained here. It is reported for women aged 15 to 49 who are married or in a union. MEASURE Evaluation is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) Definition: The percent of women of reproductive age who are using (or whose partner is using) a contraceptive method at a particular point in time, almost always reported for women married or in sexual union. Definition The contraceptive prevalence rate is the percentage of women of reproductive age who are currently using, or whose sexual partner is currently using, at least one contraceptive method, regardless of the method used. For a given year, contraceptive prevalence measures the percentage of women of childbearing age in union who use a form of contraception. Evaluators may also obtain CPR by adding relevant questions to surveys on other topics (e.g., health program prevalence or coverage surveys), assuming appropriate sampling methods and sample sizes. Eastwood R & Lipton M. 1998. Women ‘of reproductive age’ is usually defined as women aged 15 to 49, but sexually active adolescents under 15 should be included. Generally, the measure includes all contraceptive methods (modern and traditional), but it may include modern methods only. The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. An updated version of the Family Planning Estimation Tool (FPET) was used to construct estimates and projections of the modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR), unmet need for, and demand satisfied with modern methods of contraception among women of reproductive age who are married or in a union in the focus countries of the FP2020 initiative. Proportion of births attended by trained health personnel (excluding trained and planning indicators: the modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR); the number of additional women married or in a union of reproductive age who are users of modern methods of contraception; the percentage of women with an unmet need for modern methods of contraception; and the percentage of women with their demand for contraception satisfied with a modern method. Maternal Mortality Ratio 5. 2 Method-specific contraceptive prevalence varies widely across the world. The numerator should reflect the number of contraceptive users from that population. Contraceptive Prevalence synonyms. Total fertility rate 2. modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mcpr) Definition : The percentage of women of reproductive age who are using (or whose partner is using) a modern contraceptive method at a particular point in time. High percentage of contraceptive … What does CPR stand for? To obtain a true contraceptive use rate, the denominator should reflect the population at risk (of pregnancy), i.e., sexually active women who are not infecund, pregnant, or amenhorreic. Contraceptive prevalence is the percentage of women who are currently using, or whose sexual partner is currently using, at least one method of contraception, regardless of the method used. In the same survey, contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) was reported to be 51.8%, which combined the prevalence of both modern and traditional contraceptive practices. : Such improvements have been uneven, however, with many developing countries still reporting very low contraceptive prevalence rates. Other poverty-reduction effects may occur because some forms of contraception also prevent HIV/AIDS and other sexually-transmitted disease that help contribute to poverty incidence in developing countries. Es kann mehr als eine Definition von CPR geben, also schauen Sie es sich in unserem Wörterbuch für alle Bedeutungen von CPR eins nach dem anderen an. These are aimed at increasing contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR), reduction in both total fertility rate (TFR) and unmet need for family planning services. CPR abbreviation stands for Contraceptive Prevalence Rate. 75 Contraceptive prevalence rate Abbreviated name Contraceptive prevalence rate Indicator name Contraceptive prevalence rate Domain Service coverage Subdomain Reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health Associated terms Reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent Definition Percentage of women aged 15−49 years, married or in union, who are currently using, or … Unmet need for family planning: Percentage of women aged 15 to 49 who want to stop or delay childbearing but are not using a method of contraception. The DHS and RHS are currently the main sources for obtaining national level estimates of prevalence. modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mcpr) Definition : The percentage of women of reproductive age who are using (or whose partner is using) a modern contraceptive method at a particular point in time. A couple receiving counselling on safe sex and family planning, Turkey. Medical » Healthcare. Contraceptive Prevalence Rates - world statistics and charts as map, diagram and table. What is the abbreviation for Contraceptive Prevalence Rate? An updated version of the Family Planning Estimation Tool (FPET) was used to construct estimates and projections of the modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR), unmet need for, and demand satisfied with modern methods of contraception among women of reproductive age who are married or in a union in the focus countries of the FP2020 initiative. Contraceptive prevalence rate (modern contraception) 4. However, in countries with the widespread practice of sexual activity outside of marriage or stable sexual unions, a prevalence estimate based on women in union only would ignore a considerable percentage of current users. The information provided on this web Find out what is the most common shorthand of contraceptive prevalence rate on! University of Sussex Department of Economics. The international population community uses the term "contraceptive prevalence rate" as defined above; thus, this database endorses this practice to assure consistency. The contraceptive prevalence rate itself is a bit of a misnomer since it is not an actual rate with events measured over a time interval among a population at risk, but is instead a point prevalence with events measured at a specific time among all persons in the population at that time (Gordis, This provided an opportunity to assess changes over time in the use of modern contraceptive methods. Contraceptive use and unmet need for family planning are key to understanding profound changes in fertility and to improving reproductive health worldwide. Results-Based Financing Indicator Compendium, Overview of the Family Planning and Reproductive Health Indicators Database, Number of first-time users of modern contraception, Percent of births that are reported as unintended, Percent of women of reproductive age who have heard about at least three methods of family planning, Percent of the population who know of at least one source of modern contraceptive services and/or supplies, Family Planning and Maternal and Child Health,,, (The problems include incomplete data, double-counting of users who enter the service delivery system at more than one point, purposeful inflation of service statistics, and poor quality of data due to other activities competing for the attention of those recording the information, to name the primary ones.). Center for Global Development.). Telephone: +1 212-963-3921. Two UN Plaza, Room DC2-1988, New York, NY 10017. The convention in reporting contraceptive prevalence is to base this calculation on women married or in sexual union (even though most DHS-type surveys ask questions of contraceptive use to women of reproductive age, regardless of their marital status). Family planning is central to gender equality and women’s empowerment, and it is a key factor in reducing poverty. ("DHS" is used in this database to mean "DHS-type surveys:" the actual DHS, the RHS surveys conducted with technical support from CDC, and other large-scale national surveys conducted by the countries themselves under other auspices). Unmet need for family planning: Percentage of women aged 15 to 49 who want to stop or delay childbearing but are not using a method of contraception. Center for Global Development. Definition of CPR in the acronyms and abbreviations directory. 1.2 Trends in Total Fertility Rate and Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (Excerpted from: Becker L, Wolf J, Levine R (2006) According to the Bangladesh Demographic & Health Survey 2011, contraceptive use among currently married women has been increasing steadily from The DHS for Peru (2000) yielded the following data on CPR, among women 15-45 years of age: The total number of women of reproductive age, by marital status; and of these, the number that are currently using a contraceptive method. However, due to extreme poverty, lack of access to birth control, and restrictive abortion laws, many women still resort to clandestine abortion providers for unintended pregnancy, resulting in about 3% obtaining unsafe abortions each year. Those estimates come from analyses described in Bradley, Winfrey, and Croft 2015. Cookies help us deliver our services. Technically speaking, CPR is a ratio, not a rate. The definition of contraceptive prevalence centers on current use, and the distinction between past and current contraceptive use can be problematic. Definition: The cumulative probability that acceptors of a contraceptive method will still be using any contraceptive method offered by the program after a specified period of time (e.g., one year) This is also known as the "all-method" continuation rate. Contraceptive prevalence rate (%) Rationale for use Contraceptive prevalence rate is an indicator of health, population, development and women's empowerment. The contraceptive prevalence rate is an indicator of health services, development, and … This report of the United Nations Population Division presents a concise, descriptive analysis of levels and trends in key family planning indicators from. Rationale Contraceptive prevalence rate is an indicator of health, population, development and women's empowerment. Eight countries now have contraceptive prevalence rates of 32 per cent or higher. Eastwood and Lipton have demonstrated a causal link between lower fertility rates and overall poverty rates at the macro-level and it is not unreasonable to hypothesize that increases in contraceptive prevalence will contribute to poverty reduction in the long term (Eastwood & Lipton, 1998). (Prevalence is measured by a ratio and incidence by a rate.) contraceptive prevalence rates of 27%, 8.5% and 27.9% respectively.12,16,17 The positive aspect is that the presently reported contraceptive prevalence rate is high with regard to knowledge, as opposed to Jordan and Nigeria where it was 31.7% and 8.7% with awareness rate of 91% and 85% respectively.18,19Regarding the ceptive prevalence rate for that year is calculated to be 31 percent. Despite the various strategies and policies, total fertility rate still remains high at 4.6 percent, while CPR Thus, researchers and program evaluators generally report percentage of sexually active unmarried women using contraception, if appropriate, in addition to contraceptive prevalence, because method mix is very different for those married versus unmarried (in/not in a stable union). John Snow Inc., Shah I. It is usually reported for married or in-union women aged 15 to 49. The contraceptive prevalence rate is an indicator of health services, development, and women’s empowerment. World Health Organization. This video provides an explanation of contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) including definition, important things to know, why CPR matters, calculation, where to find it … The percentage of currently married women who currently use any method of contraception is called the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR). The contraceptive prevalence rate is an indicator of health services, development, and women’s empowerment Relationship between Contraceptive Prevalence Rate and Total Fertility Rate: Revisiting the Empirical Model Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi1 M Kabir, PhD2 Abstract Studies repeatedly showed a strong negative relationship between the proportion of women who are using contraceptives and their total fertility rates (TFR). Fabian Nicholaus Ndenzako A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo as partial fulfilment for the degree Master of Philosophy in International Community Health. The main contraceptive methods available include the pill, injectables, Intra-uterine device (IUD), hormonal implants, barrier methods (condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, spermicides and sponge), sterilization, and natural family planning. Prevalence Rate (mCPR), developed by using an approximation of Estimated Method User (EMU) rates through Service Statistics have also been included in this … Rationale and definition: The contraceptive prevalence rate is defined as the percentage of women of reproductive age who use (or whose partners use) a contraceptive method at a given point in time. 1. "Equity of Family Planning in Developing Countries". Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) A large proportion of this reduction in TFR can be attributed to the growing availability and use of contraceptives by Bangladeshi couples. "Levels and Trends in Contraceptive Use". The contraceptive prevalence rate is an indicator of health services, development, and women's empowerment. At the global level, contraceptive prevalence among those women increased from # per cent in # to an estimated # per cent in UN-2 High levels of fertility are associated with low levels of contraceptive prevalence and marriage at younger ages. 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2020 contraceptive prevalence rate definition