The drawing the forefinger along the nose as a sign in repentance. To stop going to a person; to refrain from doing something. S Chastity. One of the party of the bride at a wedding. To spoil, become damaged or depraved. A small cuatery. To be disgraced, to have a blot on one’s character. To amuse a child or call or stop an animal by बु॒च्कार ٻچڪار. A kind of resinous gum, sarcocolla. A small insect with a back red and soft like velvet, the scarlet fly or lady bird. The sole of a shoe, one of the layers of leather in it. Lit: to hang hand (before a person). And five or with five prefixed to a hundred etc. A variety of type of cell that a have. An oar. The seed of the Abrus precatorius colored red or white with a black spot used for weighing the precious metals. An insect destructive to flour, rice etc. The cross sticks in the wheel of a waterwheel. To strip off, cause to descend, lower, pull off as clothes, take down or off, disembark. Pale, pallid, s. m. Name of a Rag or musical mode. To give forth fresh leaves or foliage a tree, to shoot up again after having been cut down. (هنباري a litter with a canopy for riding on an elephant). A merchant’s clerk. A pond, lake, tank. A piece of any thing put to support another. A pass between hills or through a mountain, waist, loins. for some days before making use of it. जं॒घूं हणणु ڄنگُهون هڻڻُ To take a tiresome journey, to work the legs about from pain. A hero, champion. Name of a Hindu month, part September and part October. A fixed sum given for Brahmins and fakirs at Hindu marriages. A scolding, threatening, reprimand. A dive, dip, plunge. the hopper of a mill. A small musk melon. carry water on a journey. adj. To do anything lazily, to dilly dally. a turner’s point. a gentleman. A share, portion. A kind of earth used for burning as a perfume brought from a temple in Cutch from which it takes its name. Notoriety, ill fame, dishonor, the ceremony of visiting and condoling with one who has heard of the death of a relation in another place. imper. A musket, a little ball of silk thread with a needle stuck in it blown by boys through a tube. The spot on which one sleeps, a bed. A raised platform, a mound, low terrace, a vender’s stall or raised platform used as a shop board. Sound generally used in speaking of singing, a sweet voice. A small kind of water-course. The interior, secret, (lit. A title for a father in law also for the relationship of two persons whose children have intermarried. A caste who are hunter and also perform the menial office of sweepers. A kind of high pointed cap or कुलह ڪُلهه The knob terminating on each side the cross below a sword handle. To touch (the throat, etc. A rupee of a certain coinage, valuede at more than company’s rupee. Green vegetables &c. the eating of a mixture of which is injurious. To be reduced to a miserable condition; to be wasted. A bubble, anything swelled out in the wind, a light kind of cowries shell. Name of a Hindu month, part February part March. A border of brocade, gold lace. Coir of fibers of coconut from which ropes are made. Of the east, eastern. The part of the spindle of a spinning wheel, on which the string worked by the wheel runs. Heart-attracting, attractive, pleasing, s. m. A friend, sweetheart. Easy. Extracting. To tie a cloth round the head at the time of prayer, to veil (as Mohammedan ladies do at the time of prayer). Name of a small bird. To feel a pulsation in the eye, considered as an omen of some desirable event, as the meeting of friends, etc. husk, scale, a moat or foreign body in eye, slice, section, segment. A cowry with a piece broken out of its centre. Dearth, famine. An additional cut in a water course to deepen it. s. f. Delay. घाटु गुसाइणु گھاٽُ گُسائڻُ To avoid the time of one’s anger &c. Formed by laying slips of painted sticks together in rows a ceiling. One who makes hanging shelves chhika. Mercy, favor. Name of a large bird. L A flat chisel-shaped instrument for scraping up grass with, a grass scraper. To have both ways; to play a double-game. A kind of Brahman. A kind of hawk used in hunting. Adj. The striking a spade or hoe into the ground to raise earth, the quantity of earth so raised in one stroke, a spadeful. adj. Quarrelsome, turbulent, a mischief maker. A separation of the hair on the head so as to have a distinct line on the top of the head. Well Sindhis were originally pagans, then the birth of Hinduism took place in the indus valley, and slowly the culture transformed and people started to practice Hinduism. A jewel, gem. Secretly, thievingly. An hour, a space of 24 minutes, a timepiece, watch. charm; a short story; a parable; joke; suggestion. To offer up, give as a sacrifice, devote, immolate. Having feet partly painted a bedstead. The black partridge. (7) Urdu meanings, Sindh covers an area of 58,000 square miles. A smooth but quick kind of ambling pace in a horse, camle etc. A thread, twine. Bedding, a bed. The preparing for applying an incantation by austerities &c. Alms, a fixed percentage of income given in alms. A bandit, one of a band of thieves or robbers. To engage on a business; interfere, meddle; to take liberties with. A blister, a pustule, from friction on the skin. Old tattered clothe. A tangled tuft of thread. A globulin chain found in embryonic haemoglobin. to be caught, noosed, ensnared, entangled, involved. One who indulges in carnal pleasures, luxurious, sensual, a voluptuary. A slip of wood. A standard measure or weight kept as a test for others. Effect left by a deceased person, a deceased estate. खुहाणो खेटो کُهاڻو کيٽو Idem. Well mannered, neat, trim, tidy, tidily a horse with all apparatus complete, furnished. To allow a loan to a person; to allow credit. The tongue of a bell. A ball made of flour or rice offered on account of a deceased relation by Hindus. Peasantry. A mole or freckle on the face. A kind of fakir or devotee who rubs ashes on his body. s. f. Side, party, what gives assistance, a defender, supporter. In some Sindhi words it has a peculiar sound only to be acquired by practice. जाम्कीदार बंदूक़ جامڪِيدار بندُوق A matchlock. Name of a plant with a prickly fruit Tribulus Lanuginosus. A padded quilt. Stout, lusty, in good condition. S A stranger. A piece in the game chaupar. A well. The tongue, a long depending hump on a bullock. (روه a mountain, hill). Sindhi definition is - a member of a mostly Muslim people of Sind. A little for the deity as being omnipotent. and the lines are marked by pressing the sheet on this before writing. Congratulation. A copy to write after as an exercise. A rope for tying a cow by the foot when milking it. Kindness, obligation. A little barely sown in a house on the 1st day of the festival of Nowrat, in honor of Bhawani, the plants of which are pulled upon the last day of the festival, and distributed. The first crop of a field of sugar cane, cotton etc. Ashes. Vegetables. A kind of spencer or bodice worn by women. The root of a kind of grass Cyperus Rotundus used as medicine. A tenure on which land is held, the government rent being excused in consideration of services to be performed in cultivation. Adj. The Ramayana; a long story, especially of love. To wield swords etc. Of or belonging to a body of subjects or husbandmen or any class in a community. Lying with hands and legs contracted all in a lump. The male hemp plant from which a kind of bhang is prepared. Anything put inside a hollow body to make a rattling noise. An epidemic, mortality, a pestilence, the cholera. Food, victuals. Name of a fruit tree. it is a female bird. An earthen saucer used for drinking from. A spoiled child. A leg of meat. चमी पनो چمِي پنو A name for English paper. Acquainted, having knowledge of. Chaste, pure. Everything name meaning, origin, pronunciation, numerology, popularity and more information about Sindhi at NAMEANING.NET ... Sindh covers an area of 58,000 square miles. رت اندر لعابي خلين جو گهٽجي وڃڻ A sever decrease in the total number of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. State, condition, case. The name of two sticks in a loom connected with the treadle or foot sticks underneath the web. Perverse, cross, cross tempered, forward, troublesome, in a perverse manner. Want of rain, dryness, gainlessness, a drought, want, indigence. The report of cannon, a peal of thunder, the gurgling of a water vessel. To confer a Lunge, as a reward for services rendered. A particle. A printing block for marking cloth for embroidering, dying &c., the pattern to delineated. The men’s apartments in a house or a separate habitation for men alone. Several things or persons collected together, a crowd. Poverty, the life of a beggar or religious mendicant. The soft hair on the limbs. A few days of sunshine passing through anything, the reflection of the sun’s rays off water, a glass etc. One who rears or sells flowers. A cover, lid. Yellow. Of kambar a town in Chandika used to distinguish a species of rice produced there. A whirlwind, a circular storm of wind carrying up dust. Shade, shadow, the shadow of a demon or evil spirit. A ramrod. Sagittarius means ‘archer’ in Latin. A savage, barbarian. in fight. To deduct, subtract in accounts, to cure a disease, to t. past part. The seed shoot in the head of a grain plant. To be crammed together or tossed on the top of one another as people in a crowd. Of the color of the seed jiro, a reddish brown. This library is developed for all platforms and systems for better access. A blackguard, rascal, scoundrel. A descendant of Nanakshah. Rate of prices. A type of crystal that can be seen in joint synovial fluid. Masking, mumming. The sea, ocean, the river Indus is also so called. A species of dog. To open or blow as a flower. The wrist, a part of a lock, a hardened lump in soft sugar. To become white or fair in complexion, to have a tendency to fairness. A sty or thick excrescence growing on the pupil of the eye. A sword knot, a bundle of papers tied up in a cloth, the place in a spear where it is held in the hand. A council, assembly, company. Single spoken of a water wheel, working singly. To blow with breath in performing incantations on any sore or spot bit by a venomous animal &c. To boast, brag, adj. An assistant or undermaster in a school, an assistant to a spiritual leader. To fry or cook in ghee. A wall or fence round a house, a protecting wall of screen round a roof outside, a screen. A kind of small metal vessel, a goblet, mug. Adj. to lengthen out the afternoon shadow. A circle. To let down, loosen, slacken. (Lit. A cake of anything, a water, a wad for a gun, the disk of the sun &c. The torus or receptacle of the nuts of the water lily Nelumbium Speciosum. Half ground grains left between the stones of a mill. A species of Jawari from which when green a white juice exudes. A kind of tambourine that gives a fine sound. The variegated show form a number of fine things or of persons finely dressed. Of a young man, after the manner of a youth. A Hindu who refrains from meat, fish or intoxicating liquors. Name of a play played by boys in the water. To tap a sore &c. in fomenting it with hot clothes. fixed in the axle. An exclamation expressing surprise. To lay extensive plans, to make large speculations, etc. Waste, desolate. fixed on swords, scabbards etc. S. m. a kind of covered metal dish. A strip or field of cultivated land. The noise of a child attempting to speak. A piece of wood by which the planks or seats of a boat are stayed. To vomit. A stump of a tree stuck in a river, or remaining sin a field so as to interfere with cultivation. past part. A kind of red earth or ochre. Name of a game, a kind of forfeits played with cowries. past part. A lump of any eatable, a large mouthful, a piece of bread. The wax of the ear. A kind of coarse woolen cloth, a blanket. A cut in a bank to let water through. The influence of Saturn continuing for seven and a half years; an evil star, ill-luck. To bribe. A woman’s female companion or friend, a handmaiden. He, this. Augury, omen. An idle talker, a false story teller. To act like a young man or marry in old age. To begin afresh, to start all over again, a ceremony performed at a wedding. To leak. A harrow or instrument for breaking clods, harrowing. The state of a crop of grain when about to shoot into ear. With intemperance or excess. A machine for raising water by means of a long pole traversing midway a post. P adj. رت جي ڳاڙھن جزن جي طبعي صورت بدلجڻ، رت جي ڳاڙھي جزي جي ٻاھرين بناوت ۾ ڦيرڦار ٿيڻ A morpholozial change in erythrocytes . Interesting, giving in a charge, recommendation to another’s care. A knot of thread left in cloth in weaving, a tangle. A share, portion, part allotted. Adj. To be a rolling stone; not to strick to one place. adj. The leaf of the sugar cane plant etc. plu. An intensive affix. To enwrap, wrap, lap over or double as the edge of cloth, surrounded. Shreds left of a bruised or chewed piece of stick as of sugar cane, a tooth cleaner &c. . A strap from saddle across a horse’s chest and attached to the martingale. A major from of leukemia ch, خاصمکيه قسم ڪينسر جو جنھن جي خاصيت ھيءِ آھي نا بالغ المفوسائيٽس رت جي اڇن جزن جو قسم ، تمام گھڻو وڌي ويندو آھي ۽ اھو وڌيل تعداد ، رت جي دوري، ھڏن جي مک ۽ لعابي غدود لمف ھر ھنڌ نظر اچڻ لڳندو آھي. A twist, twisting. The ball of the foot, or the part of a shoe that fits to it. That gives water, cool, cool tempered. A title for the elder brother of one’s husband. S s. f. Last year. Thoughtless, inconsiderate, in a thoughtless manner. Ignorant, inexperienced, unlearned, a stripling. A good word spoken in time to prevent a quarrel between two parties or for the advantage of any one. A side lock of hair, the hair on temples. A lunar fortnight from a new to full and full to new. P Medicine, a remedy, expedient. A kind of water-fowl, crane, heron. The day of the month in commemoration of a death, kept every month for the first year after which it is annual. The melt in a male fish. A bead, a kind of pebble worn as a charm. A noose, snare, spring, a loop for a button, a button-hole. Adj. To get ready, prepare, be accoutered, or equipped, v. a. A collection, subscription. خوردبين جيوڙن، توڙي طبعي يا ڪيميائي رد عمل طور اوڄ ۾ زخم پيدا ٿي پوڻ، جنھن جي نتيجي ۾ چمڙي مٿان ڳاڙھاڻ ۽ سور سان گڏ سوڄ پيدا ٿي پوي Tissue reaction to injury casued by a physical or chemical agents, inducing microorganisms symptoms inculde redness tendern, خون روڪ، خون پاشيدگي The tendency of a biological system to maintain equllibrium or balance, ذيابطيسي،ذيابطيسي مريض، ذيابطيس ورتل A person who suffers form diabetes. Half used in composition. To measure. An armed attendant on a journey, a safe convoy. A trough or reservoir of water at a well for giving cattle drink from. Closing, sealing, a seal or impression of a seal. to express 105 etc. اُهو مادو جيڪو خلئي جي ورهاست لاءِ محرڪ بڻجي A substance that stimulates cell division mitosis, اھڙا پلازما خليا جن جي جيو پاڻيٺ ۾ پاڻي رنگ جا نيرا قلم نظر اچن A plasma cell whose cytoplasm contains inclusions that are transparent blue sacs or crystal like in nature. Of making salam or submission. A skimmer, ladle, generally perforated like a colander. A gum of the mouth. The filling in earth over a body in the grave. s. m. Parentage. The eighth constant J. An ore, metal, mineral. To write acceptance on a bill. To be behind the scenes, remaining behind the curtain; a lady who does not appear in public. A kind of bracelet. s. f. A waste, desolation. A kind of plum. A drop, made of a flat piece of metal, suspended in an earring etc. Name of a game played with species on a marked board. A laborer on canals or dikes, a canal digger. A kind of walking stick. Yes, a particle intimating assent or answer to a call, an emphatic particle used with verbs, meaning certainly, quickly etc. A small earthen vessel for keeping flour etc in. To make a monetary contribution to the father at his daughter’s marriage. The brother of a son-in-law or daughter-in-law. The fore-stall of a bridle. A copy of a bill of exchange given with certain notices of advice on the original being lost. To strain, filter, sift, search, to investigate, search into, scan. A crucible. Low ground, ground in which water lies. More distant, farther off, adv. ton; weight of twenty-eight maunds; a unit of weight equal to 1016.05 kg. May a rock fall upon you; may you be ruined (used as a curse). A gold mohur the coin, value about 15 rupees. Idea, thought, imagination, intention, object, fancy, notion, illusion, delusion, a vision. It has black eyes and it is a female bird. The bottom of something, the seat of honor of a man. Recommend of a committee appointed by government. One who does not tell lying stories, a sensible and truthful person. A kind of ornament for neck or arm. A share of division among fakirs, a lump of any cake or dish. New, inexperienced, untrained, shy. To be under the control of a strict person. of a water wheel. Fancying, apprehension. Name of the seed of a plant used in medicine. A match, fit, fellow. To apply medicine, lay on a plaster. Expectation, looking for with anxiety, any solicitude or weight on the mind from something expected or important business to be performed at a particular time. One who sells food to travelers, a subtler. To talk of a public matter in private (مينڍ lightening the strings of a stringed instrument). Place, situation, abode, room, space, house, residence. غير رواجي حالتن دوران جسم اندر لوھ آئرن جو استعمال نه ٿيڻ، وافر مقدار ۾ ھجڻ باوجود، ھيموگلوبن سان نه ڳنڍ جي سگھڻ واري ڪيفيت . The name of a caste, who play, sing and dance. A trap for birds let off by pulling a cord. Name of a small bird. A buffalo. adj. A flint or piece of flint. To throw, cast. A maker or seller of paper. This is a Web-based training (WBT) program with extensive learning material for understanding and speaking Sindhi. Filled with rain. क़रारी s. f. قرارِي Ease, quietness. A kite. संभिर्यो سنڀِريو, संभूणो سنڀُوڻو or संभूड़ो سنڀُوڙو. adj. A kind of vetch, Dolichos Biflorus. The premature expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception-of the embryo, or of a non-viable fetus. Allotment. If you want to learn breedte in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Afrikaans to English. A beggar, religious mendicant, devotee, a pious person used as a title of respect to all Muslims. A maiden head. Befitting, suitable. Plants of tamarisk etc. A piece of cloth for wrapping round a child’s waist etc. Name of a medicinal seed Nerium Antidysentericum. Sunburnt, red from passion. a beast. a handsome person. tutenague mixed, to form a solder for brass and copper. To do absolutely nothing; to prove a complete failure (used ironically). with mother alive a child. The inferior members of a family as distinct from their chief followers. A youth, lad, stripling. third class; a thing of low quality; useless. A pool or tank of water. To pour into a mould. Chiefly referring to omens. A dike, mound, embankment. Making faces, contorting the countenance, a grimace. A kind of bag in which shopkeepers keep money, a till. a place of residence. slash. A small hole or window in a wall, a small hole through anything. Fie, tush, pooh, tut. A pattern, form, breadth, speaking of cloth. A bier or which a Hindu corpse is borne to the funeral pile. To make a united effort in lifting something heavy, to pull together. Name of a species of grass. A pile. The rope by which a boat is fastened to the bank. S The name of a flower tree Michelia Champaca. Name of a kind of ear ornament or earring. A pound for cattle. اردو رومن سے انگریزی S A sneeze. A boat’s rope for working the sail with. The blood spots of inflammation in a sore eye. Excellent, very good, beautiful, fine, elegant. A small kind of mat for sitting or lying on. A passage for water from one side of a water course. The seeds are red or white with a black spot and are used as jeweler’s weights. A sectary, or follower of Vishnu. s. m. The rope by which a cow is so tied. A short piece of rope connecting the noose round a horse’s neck with the halter by which he is tied up. The leaves of a plant used in making a cooling beverage Fumaria Parviflora. A kind of pleasure boat with a covered apartment, a barge. In small demand, dull. The end or extremity of anything. Sowing, agriculture, cultivation, farming, a field under cultivation, a crop. Verse 1: O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me. To close a letter with gum etc. Name of a capsule of the Coreya Arborea used in medicine. Of 800 threads, a kind of cloth with 800 threads in woof. With intemperance or excess. A leather water bag carried over the shoulder. Steam, vapor, miasma, a light flying cloud. of हार्जणु هارجڻُ Lost, abandoned a person. मणक مڻڪ of weight or bulk of a maund. رت جي بيماري، ٿيليسيميا جو ٻيو نالو آهي، هن بيماري ۾ هيموگلوبن جي مخصوص بناوت منجهه نقص هجڻ ڪري رت جي ڪمي پيدا ٿي پوندي آهي. To shave a disciple or pilgrim. Splendor, flash, glare, brightness, glitter. Idiotic. A kind of medicine, the bark of a tree Symplocos Racemosa used in dyeing. A guava Paidium Phyriferum. Of 400 threads, a species of cotton cloth with 400 threads in woof. Money generally. The hollow stripe in the blade of a sword. A thing done, a bad act. The inclining of a wall etc. The peg by which a humming top is spun. Foam, froth, lather, suds. The howl or cry of a jackal. To observe or celebrate a festival etc. A claim, suit. Paltry, contemptible, mean, despicable, base vile. Breadth Indicator: A mathematical formula that uses advancing and declining issues to calculate the amount of participation in the movement of the stock market . The waist string of a pair of drawers. To call to mind, bring back to memory, recollect, a thing long past. Place, station, the den or lay of a wild animal. A flower or sprig in embroidery. Family, pedigree, race, lineage, tribe. The leaves of a kind of palm tree Chamecerpos ritchinaa from which mats etc are made. A handsome beard (cclloq) a term of reproach, as to say, a fool. The bale or load of anything suspended on one side of a camel or other beast of burden. A supplement, a supplementary sheet, making up something wanting. A pad laid on the back of a beast of burden. Well, in good health. adj. This is done 3 days after the decease of the person whose body is burnt. A kind of sweetmeat, a lump of cow dung etc. हराम जो गा॒ड़ो حرام جو ڳاڙو A bastard. A wasps nest, a bees’ hive. (Lit. Nulla Culpa Palleseens A Unabashed, honorable. To hurt, injure by a blow, to dint, impress, stamp. Name of a caste of Vaisha Hindus. Sinking as one in drowning. When both the basic and acidic stains, stain the cytoplasmic structures, a pink or lilac color develops. A fragment of a hill or rock. A kind of cry or lamentation for the departed, a dirge. One who is married into one’s family, a son-in-law. A kind of warm waistcoat or Spencer with short sleeves. Burning, envy, spite, the burning or smarting of a sore. Fighting, quarrelling, thick, dense grove of trees. Father, a child. The 7th day after new moon in the month of Budha kept as a festival. To pass through a critical period (of sickness, etc. A piece of cloth with certain ingredients tied up in it forming a medicine for sore eyes, it is wetted and the juice squeezed into the eye. 3. Crimson. To spring up, rise as a plant, building &c. to grow. The foot board by which a loom is worked. चपि पवणु چپِ پوڻُ To raise a quarrel causelessly. A homicide, fatal, murderous. A stone or gravel disease. adv. To have an eye on; to keep watch (upon a person); to have in view. A handsome person, a lover, friend, sweetheart. A knife, a kind of knife with a hooked blade. ठांठारिकी बि॒ली ٺانٺارِڪِي ٻِلِي A copper-smith’s cat One who will not listen to reason, a shameless person. a lump of bhang. Pickled carrots. sing. The wood of a plant used in medicine Plumbago Rosea. An exclamation of surprise. in plu. A little, a particle, a few, some. One of a gang of thieves, a bandit, a knave cheat. Dividing, apportioning, division, distribution, partition, a share. To be calmed, quieted, pleased as a child after crossness. The Cordia Latifola or sepistana. An inflection from जो جو of, used when the noun which its qualified is in the nom. Small grains amongst wheat &c. taken out in cleaning. Doubt, uncertainty. The spoke of a wheel. The roller of a pulley. For the Sindhi kids who are studying in primary schools, SLA has presented online academic songs extracted from their text books in musical structure. A female in the family of a Sikh. A green or bluish article of apparel. (1) To have an evil eye (on a person). The collection made by fakirs on a certain day in name of Mahadeo. A ball of ivory &c. two of which are hung together and rattled to amuse children. A kind of double sack for carrying grain &c. borne across a bullock’s back. Uncleanness produced by the birth of a child. A plough bullock. (سنڌ a hole broken through a house, wall, etc. The annoyance or injury from flies lighting on a sore, food etc. A An omen, presage. A shoot of a plant running up to bud, a sprout shooting out from a tree. A farm, generally of a free land term now nearly obsolete. stamped on embroidered after a certain pattern cloth. The palm of the hands contracted to hold anything. The piece of stick knocked in the play of itia dakara. A fakir who ges about begging with a dish of burning charcoal in his hand. One who lives by letting out women for prostitution, a pimp. A dry bit of a branch for lighting a fire with. Fascination, charm, a philter. A kind of Rice or Jawari of a white color. adj. Cord made of मुञ مڃ, the cords connecting the two sides of the wheel of a spinning wheel. Of heaven, heavenly, s. m. A water carrier. Not to stay long, to return quickly; to go to condole with a person. Name of a ragini or musical mode. A redundant particle. A stick forming part of the wheels of a water wheel. An incision of the skin, scarification. One full of tricks and wiggeries, a deceiver, trickish. The juice of the sugar-cane. A disorder seen in unborn and newborn infants if maternal antibodies that correspond to fetal erythrocytes pass through the placental. The seed of a kind of parsley used in medicine. A weight for weighing with. A board, plank, a flag stone. A verse in poetry. A shameless worthless fellow, a vagabond, profligate, rascal. To gallop, generally round in a circle. To knock out money from a miser; to squeeze blood out of stone. State, condition. A spot cultivated or inhabited a village. Insects formed in foul, water. You can find roman words like Vusaat meaning Area from our Roman to Enlgish dictionary in multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. A kind of थूहरु ٿُوهرُ, the prickly Pear. The people, who have spread their wings through the length and breadth of the globe, have shown a remarkable resillience and have adapted to the culture of all lands. To collect, gather, together, accumulate, cause to meet. A small bell for hanging round the necks of cattle. A young camel for the first year or so. A snap of the fingers. Name of a water bird. Transplanting, planting. A pause, stop, rest, drawing breath for a moment in any work. Stubble, a stubble field. Abundant, plentiful, much, having a short a अ ا inherent in it a consonant. Jokes, wiles, knavery, cheating. The pit over which a water wheel is fixed. Name of a Hindu holiday, the 5th day of Sawanu, in which females keep the fires in their houses extinguished and eat cold food. خالي خليا، لمفو سائيٽس ، بنا ڪنھن نشانيءَ جي مثال طور ٽي يا بي سيل . رنگين جسم، نسلي منتقلي جِيو، ورثاتي جيوڙو، تندڙو، ننڍڙو ڌاڳو Structures consisting of DNA wrapped around a protein core that are visible in the nucleus of a cell during cell division, رنگين لحميات، رنگدار لحميات، رنگين لحميات پروٽين جيڪي ساهه کڻڻ واري سرشتي ۾ اهم ڪردار ادا ڪنديون هجن مثال طور هيموگلوبن A conjugated protein having respiratory functions e.g heamoglobin, روشني جو ذرو، روشني، روشني تِرورو A basic unit of radiation, زندگي جي آثارن جي غيرموجودگي، يا گهٽتائي ڪمي، غيرحياتي سازي، معطلي Absence or deficiency of life, a biotropy. The buds of the flower of the किरिड़ु ڪِرِڙُ. A men of wealth, a rich merchant. A stamp for stamping on cloth patterns for embroidery, dyeing etc. A sail. Rustic, rural. Oil, A Hindu festival in which oil is used, kept in the ninth month of a woman’s pregnancy. A reed hut. To fall, subside a flood of water. Even, level, plain, abreast, in a row, equal, alike, right, correct, complete, entire, straight, direct, entirely, continually, unintermitting. Name of a medicine in which are 32 ingredients given to a woman in parturition. Thunder, a loud pealing noise, a rumbling noise. one of the divisions of a root of garlic. A tuft of grass for setting anything on fire. खतो or खप्यो کتو يا کپيو To be expended, to consume away, have a ready sale, to be wearied with labor. (هُج The influence of friendship). Sweetmeats. Jingling bangles worn on ankles of dancers, the necks of camels &c. A rope by which the helm or guiding oar of a boat is fastened. Name of a musical instrument with four strings. To make a mistake. s. m. Muddiness, a fog, mist. Of rain, rainy. The dress, or appearance of a fakir. The hood of a hawk. To be rich. Not in demand, in small demand. 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2020 breadth meaning in sindhi